Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 194: Move room

, the fastest update I can upgrade to the latest chapter of the shelter!

Comprehensive restrictions on electricity consumption are undoubtedly a huge impact for the shelter.

Although the policy of phased water supply and power supply was adopted in the urban area before, which limited the power supply time, the electricity consumption was still unlimited during the power supply time period.

So many people will charge their electric storage devices during this period of time, so that they can use them after they stop power supply.

Such as the emergency lights for lighting that every household is equipped with, some electronic equipment saved before the disaster, and some small household appliances that can be charged… These are all things that survivors in the shelter need to charge every day s things.

Electronics preserved before the disaster provide some of the little entertainment in the shelter, and emergency lights are the only lighting that households have in the present situation if power goes out.

After all, it is forbidden to use candles and other open flames that may cause fires in shelters. Emergency lights, which can provide lighting for a long time, and can also be used as batteries, are very useful.

However, a comprehensive restriction on electricity consumption has now begun, and the use of various electrical equipment has been greatly restricted, which has also caused considerable panic.

“What the **** is going on here? Why is there no electricity all of a sudden? Is there no lighting for the power supply time?” A survivor, with obvious panic and worry on his face, asked for shelter. The manager of the institute asked what was going on.

“Yes, yes! What the **** is going on here? Doesn’t the city government have an explanation?” Another survivor’s attitude was obviously a lot more intense, but he still showed nervousness and worry. .

Of course, there are also people who have long been dissatisfied with the managers of the shelter, and take this opportunity to vent their emotions: “What are you doing? You don’t care about the lives of our people, right? ?”

Although it is the end of the world, books still need to be read and homework still needs to be written. Teaching points are set up in each shelter, and daily teaching activities are still going on.

But this also caused the parents to worry: “How can there be no electricity! Children still need to read their homework!”

Faced with these various problems, the managers of the various shelters can only try their best to persuade them with the help of the police, explaining the current situation and asking everyone to overcome the difficulties.

Although most people are very uneasy about this, since the explanation given by the city government is only temporary, they are still willing to choose to believe the city government’s explanation and overcome the difficulties temporarily.

Of course, there are people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble or those with ulterior motives, but these people are directly arrested by the police without exception.

What awaits them is not imprisonment and imprisonment, but rather hard labor.

This is also the main punishment for criminals after the disaster. After all, there are no prisons to detain prisoners. Instead of wasting food, it is better to send them to work.

Under such control, there was no trouble in the shelters, and the survivors silently accepted the status quo, believing that the crisis said by the city government was temporary.


For official sanctuaries this is a temporary crisis or difficulty, but for individual sanctuaries, the impact of this event varies.

The self-sufficient private shelters certainly have no sense of this crisis, nor do they rely on the city’s power supply and water supply.

Chen Xin’s Refuge is a typical example of this.

But for a shelter like Mo Qingyan, which relies on electricity and running water from the official shelter power supply line, the city limits the power supply, which can be fatal.

Mo Qingyan had a good life before, thanks to her being able to get electricity from the official shelter’s power line to keep her shelter running, but now that power is officially restricted, private shelters like hers are obviously became precarious.

There is not enough electricity to heat, light, maintain the greenhouse… Even for some people, even heating food has become difficult.

Obviously, Mo Qingyan was in crisis at this time.

Although the ground source heat pump unit installed for her by Chen Xin before ensures the electricity for heating and basic lighting in her home, the power of the ground source heat pump in her home is limited, and the electricity that can be generated is only for heating and maintaining the aquaponics system After that, the power is barely able to maintain the lighting, and it is unable to drive other electrical equipment.

“…So I can only live hard now. If it wasn’t for the ingredients, you installed a ground source heat pump for me, I would have frozen to death by now.” Mo Qingyan explained to Chen Xin through the radio. At the same time as his current situation, he is also complaining to him.

“Then what are you going to do now, Long Niang? Can your family survive?” Hearing Mo Qingyan talking about her family’s problems, Chen Xin was also quite concerned about her situation.

Faced with Chen Xin’s concern, Mo Qingyan’s tone was helpless: “It doesn’t mean that I can’t stand it. With the ground source heat pump you installed for me, heating is not a problem, and I also put that Aquaponics has been developed, and the ground source heat pump can keep them running, so you don’t have to worry about eating, even if there is no electricity, lighting and heating food are very problematic.”

If it was before the disaster, it would still be possible to use piped gas, but with the advent of the disaster, the piped gas that was used in every household is obviously no longer available.

The amount of self-heating food stored before the disaster was also limited. Now more than half a year has passed, and the self-heating food stored in Mo Qingyan’s hands is almost consumed. The rest are canned food that must be heated before eating. Food too.

Although the geothermal heat pump and aquaponics system that Chen Xin helped her can provide her and her sister with a steady stream of vegetables and fish as food, it is clear that these things cannot be eaten raw.

Maybe vegetables can be eaten just like salads, chopped and seasoned with a little seasoning, but there is no doubt that eating only vegetables will not fill the stomach.

After hearing Mo Qingyan’s remarks about her situation, Chen Xin hesitated for a while before opening her mouth and said: “How about Long Niang, how about you move to my place to live for a while? The problem from the city government should only be temporary. Yes, it will be fine after this time.”

“Moving to your place? Where can I live with Xiaoxin?” Mo Qingyan was obviously surprised by Chen Xin’s proposal. She has also been to Chen Xin’s house. All the conditions are complete, but obviously it does not look like it can live for two more people.

“About this, I have recently remodeled the room. It is separated by an extra bedroom so that a few more people can live. Moreover, Alan and Xiao Ding are also with me now.” Chen Xin explained to Mo Qingyan , and motioned Qin Lan to come over to help him persuade Mo Qingyan.

Qin Lan was a little surprised by Chen Xin’s move, but still helped him explain to Mo Qingyan: “Qingyan, Ah Xin can live here for two more people now, you can move here, it doesn’t matter.”

Just after saying this, Qin Lan gave Chen Xin an angry look.

“Then let me think about it.” Mo Qingyan didn’t make a decision right away. After replying, she disconnected the communication.

After Mo Qingyan disconnected the communication, Qin Lan pressed Chen Xin and asked: “A Xin, I can understand that you asked Qingyan and Qingxin to move in, but where do you let them live when they come?”

“Let them live in my house, I’ll sleep on the sofa, but it’s just for a while, no problem.” Chen Xinchong smiled at Qin Lan, apparently already making arrangements for this.

Let Mo Qingyan and Mo Qingxin come over to stay for a few days temporarily, sleeping on the two beds in his room, while he sleeps on the sofa in the living room. If it only takes a few days, there is nothing unacceptable about dealing with the past. .

However, when Qin Lan heard Chen Xin say this, he snorted angrily: “You know good people! You sleep on the sofa by yourself, and let Qingyan and Qingxin sleep on your bed? Do you think it’s appropriate?”

“Uh, this…” Chen Xin scratched his head a little when facing Qin Lan’s interrogation, wondering why this was inappropriate.

Seeing Chen Xin’s attitude, Qin Lan could only helplessly give him a blank look and said angrily: “I’ll move to your room to sleep, and the vacant bed will be squeezed by Qingyan and Qingxin, That’s fine.”

“Ah? Ah Lan, you moved to my room?” Chen Xin was amazed by what Qin Lan said. Although this arrangement was the best situation for him, he still didn’t understand why Qin Lan made such an arrangement. .

“Ah what! You and I are the only ones who can live in the same room?” Seeing that Chen Xin still didn’t understand, Qin Lan could only explain to him: “You asked Qingyan and Qingxin to move in here. Of course there is no problem, but you let the two of them live in your room and you sleep on the sofa by yourself, what do you ask Qingyan to think? She came to evacuate, but instead crowded you into nowhere to sleep?”

Hearing Qin Lan’s words, Chen Xin also reacted.

Although he and Mo Qingyan are good it doesn’t matter if they sleep in the same bed, but there is no reason to let the guests sleep on the bed and the master sleep on the sofa.

“That’s true, then follow what you said, Alan.” Chen Xin understood and agreed to Qin Lan’s arrangement.

Seeing Chen Xin’s agreement, Qin Lan nodded and let go of him and returned to the room, planning to move his luggage over.

However, seeing Qin Lan carrying luggage, Ding Ning, who was resting in the room, suddenly asked in surprise, “Sister Lan, what are you doing? Finally, I can’t help but get back with Ah Xin?”

Qin Lan heard Ding Ning say this, shook his head and said, “No, Ah Xin asked Qingyan and Qingxin to move in temporarily, something happened in the urban area. I moved to his room to sleep in the empty bed. , Here is vacant for Qingyan and Qingxin, their two sisters can sleep on the same bed.”

“Ah? I thought, Sister Lan, you finally figured it out, and you want to get back together with Ah Xin!” Ding Ning looked regretful and seemed to think that it would be a waste for Qin Lan and Chen Xin not to take this opportunity to get back together.

For Ding Ning’s regret, Qin Lan just sighed helplessly: “It is impossible for me and him to get back together.”

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