Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 134: Why cooperate

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Chen Xin’s explanation made Qin Lan’s eyes widen immediately. After she understood what Chen Xin said, she finally understood what Li Yulong was going to do, which also made her glared at Li Yulong and even wanted to take out the gun. Coming out directly collapsed him.

“Sister Qin, don’t look at me like that! Brother Chen is too exaggerated. It’s just a normal business activity.” He wrote: “And I can help more people live by doing this! Sister Qin, you can’t say that you kill businessmen because they make money, right?”

“Businessmen make money because they have to pay for labor. What are you paying for what you are doing now? You can just lie down and earn money!” Qin Lan was a little angry. After all, Yan Kingdom is not a Western-style capitalist country. I still feel instinctively disgusted with this kind of exploitation.

However, before Li Yulong explained, Chen Xin patted Qin Lan on the shoulder to signal her to calm down.

“It’s not that it’s not, Alan, you are too excited.” Chen Xin calmed Qin Lan’s emotions before continuing: “Although the essence of the matter is like this, as Xiaolong said, he did it. More people could be left alive, and it’s not really exploitative.”

“What do you say?” Qin Lan looked at Chen Xin, wondering why he still helped him to speak after seeing through the essence of what Li Yulong was going to do.

“Now is the end of the world. For those survivors, it is better than anything to have a job that can earn money and ensure that they have enough food to survive.” Chen Xin’s face was helpless. With an expression on his face, he tugged at the corner of his mouth and smiled before continuing to explain: “Although Xiaolong doesn’t seem to have paid anything, as long as the whole model works, he can continue to make profits from it, but you have to think so, Alan, if there is no Xiaolong With such a commercial circulation, how do you think other survivors should survive?

The food on their hands is limited. After the food is consumed, they may be able to ask the official shelter for help and go to the official shelter for a bite to eat, but the question is what if they can’t get into the official shelter?

After the food is eaten and there is no heating equipment, they can only freeze to death and starve to death.

Xiaolong’s plantation, although there is suspicion of exploitation, it has to be said that this can indeed allow more people to survive, and this is also a normal business activity.

After all, planting greenhouses is the input of Xiaolong’s production materials. You can’t say that entrepreneurs hire workers to produce products for themselves. In addition to paying wages, they must also distribute all the profits they earn to the workers, right? “

When Chen Xin said this, Qin Lan realized that she was misled by Chen Xin.

Although what he said is true and is indeed the essence of the matter, but from another point of view, Li Yulong did nothing wrong, but he made money by his own ability.

Although on the surface, Li Yulong is indeed exploiting other people, but without what he calls “exploitation”, this entire cycle of commercial circulation would not exist.

Without the output of the planting greenhouse, there would be no necessary food to maintain the survival of others; without the trading platform, the materials in the hands of everyone could not be exchanged, and everyone could only struggle to survive with limited materials.

Rather than being able to obtain the materials needed to maintain one’s own survival like this whole model is put into operation, so that one can survive better.

And just like no one would think that workers work for the company to produce products, and after receiving wages, they can also consider the profits from the company’s sales of products as their own, Li Yulong hired these workers to farm the land for himself. Greenhouses, crop seeds and other inputs belong to Li Yulong’s means of production, and the value generated by these means of production should naturally belong to him, not to the workers who just paid the labor.

Workers put in labor and got the rewards that they should get according to their work, and the remaining profits are the profits that Li Yulong should get.

This is the same even if Yan Country is not a capitalist country, otherwise there would be no two horses and one king.

“Sure enough, it’s Brother Chen, you can see the problem thoroughly!” Li Yulong hurriedly complimented Chen Xin, and a pleasing smile appeared on his face again: “So Brother Chen, look at this ground source heat pump, can you… “

Faced with Li Yulong’s pleasing appearance, Chen Xin asked back: “Since I understand all this, why do you think I should sell the ground source heat pump to you?”

“This…” Li Yulong got stuck, he didn’t expect Chen Xin to ask this question.

“The ground source heat pump is mine, I can also build a greenhouse, and I can also cooperate with the SWAT team through Alan, and hire people in the shelter to grow plants through official and official cooperation Establish a trading market.” Chen Xin looked at Li Yulong with a wicked smile on his face: “I have a ground source heat pump, but you don’t, and I also understand the principle and operation mode, so I can completely bypass you. To establish such a system, what reason do you think I have to cooperate with you?”

When Chen Xin asked Li Yulong this way, Qin Lan also looked at Li Yulong with great interest, wanting to see how he would answer.

“This…” Li Yulong really didn’t know what to say for a while, just like Chen Xin said, he can completely bypass Li Yulong to achieve everything Li Yulong envisioned, but Li Yulong has no way to do it. Get around Chen Xin.

However, since Li Yulong can come up with such an idea, he is still smart. After thinking for a while, he said to Chen Xin: “Brother Chen, you really know how to do it, and the ground source heat pump is also yours. You have the resources, but you only have one person. If you produce ground-source heat pumps and establish a trading market, you will not be too busy alone.

You always have to cooperate with people, don’t you? Instead of cooperating with others, why not work with me? I have the resources of my dad, and I think I am still very capable. With my cooperation with you, coupled with the resources of my dad, the efficiency of building the entire commercial circulation cycle is far more efficient than that of Brother Xiao Chen. It’s high to do it alone, isn’t it? “

While speaking, Li Yulong also clarified his own thinking, and at the same time clarified his own advantages, and persuaded Chen Xin to speak more and more smoothly: “This world has entered a new era, although this is a doomsday era. , But it also means that everything in the past has been destroyed, and new opportunities are everywhere. At this time, how can single-handedness compare to unity and cooperation? So Xiao Chen and I will cooperate!”

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