Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 114: Photos from old albums

   trembling fingers opened the album, which contained old and yellowed photos.

Most of these old photos are photos of Chen Xin’s parents when they were young, because later, when Chen Xin was in college, when digital cameras emerged, it was no longer popular to take photos.

Gently stroking these photos, looking at the high-spirited and flamboyant parents and himself who is just a little kid, the tears on Chen Xin’s face grew even more.

Everything in the photos has long since become memories, and even the place where these photos were taken no longer exists, it is difficult to find, I have grown to the age of my parents in the photos, and my parents are already gray-haired and old face.

     a child wants to raise up but does not wait for a kiss. There is no greater regret and sorrow in life than this.

   Fortunately, Chen Xin is not without the opportunity to see his parents again, as long as he can cross the thousands of miles blocking the road in front of him.

Wiping away the tears on his face, he flipped through the old photos and looked at the parents above. Chen Xin bit his lip and made up his mind that he wanted to go back to his hometown to find his parents.

After tearing off a piece of paper from the notebook, writing the words “I want to go home”, and pasting a family portrait of his family on the paper, Chen Xin pasted the piece of paper on the The most conspicuous position in the room.

   Chen Xin, who had determined his goal, looked at the parents in the photo, and there was no sadness in his eyes, and some only had determination.


   It is not an easy task to traverse a distance of 600 kilometers under the current environment and cross four provinces to return to the hometown to pick up one’s parents.

Of course, it’s not unthinkable. Although the round trip is 1,200 kilometers, which adds up to nearly 3,000 miles, even before the disaster, it would take a day and a night to drive, and even a train would take eight or nine hours. It doesn’t mean that traffic is completely cut off now.

According to what Chen Xin heard from Qin Lan, although the national railway network and expressway network have been greatly affected, the main railway lines connecting the provinces are still open.

As the northern gate of Hunan Province, this city is an important land and water transportation point connecting Hunan Province and Hubei Province. Even in this situation, there will be a train full of supplies every week from the direction of Hubei Province. Come over, provide supplies to this city, the capital of Hunan province adjacent to this city, and surrounding counties and cities.

Although I don’t know the traffic situation between Hubei Province and Anhui Province, since the railway between Hunan Province and Hubei Province is smooth, there should be a running railway line between Hubei Province and Anhui Province.

   If Chen Xin just went back to his hometown to pick up people, he would think of a way to get on the train to Hubei Province without considering the system. It would be his best and only choice.

As for taking a car to drive at a high speed… not to mention that the highway is still impassable, just driving more than 600 kilometers in this weather of minus tens of degrees and then driving back is a terrible thing.

  A little carelessness is a car crash and death.

   And it’s still unknown whether the car can get through on this road, not to mention the black out-of-sight visibility.

Even if Chen Xin wants to choose a road, he can only consider choosing a road by transforming his car into an all-terrain vehicle with the help of the system.

   Although the road is difficult, if Chen Xin wants to return to his hometown smoothly to pick up his parents, he really can only choose the road.

In the current situation and environment, it is obviously impossible for the railway to have passenger transport, and in the end, it is too late for ordinary people to hide in the shelter, who will take the train to travel far?

Therefore, even if Chen Xin might get a train ticket through Qin Lan or the SWAT team, he would most likely not choose to take the train, but to drive back to his hometown by road.

Of course, the SUV in his garage can’t be driven back. Even before the disaster, he set out from the city with a full tank of gas. If he wants to get to his hometown, he must refuel once, otherwise he will not be able to run. home.

   And in this situation, how can there be any gas stations on the highway that can operate? You can’t say that you put oil on the road in barrels, and pour it into the mailbox when there is no oil on the road?

In that case, in addition to filling up the car itself, Chen Xin must at least carry enough oil to fill two fuel tanks in the car to ensure that he can drive the car over and back.

   So to drive back, Chen Xin must upgrade his car, either by increasing the fuel tank or changing to a different type of power.

Enlarging the fuel tank is a solution. Although carrying more oil also means that the load of the car is higher, it is indeed a solution to the problem if there is more water and more water.

If you change to a power source, it is necessary to expect the system to be upgraded to an energy source that can be used for a long time, such as a power source such as a nuclear battery.

A nuclear battery is not something that only exists in science fiction. Its official name should be a radioisotope battery. As early as 2012, a nuclear battery that can be used for fourteen years was installed on the Curiosity rover launched by the Federation. And in the aerospace field, this technology is gradually being widely used.

   Chen Xin felt that if he could fit a nuclear battery like this in his car, it would be enough to go back to his hometown from the city and then run back.

The Curiosity Mars rover weighs 3893kg. Since the nuclear battery can drive it and has a service life of up to 14 years, it is not a problem to propel a car.

However, humans have not been able to actually apply this thing to cars. As for the reason… The total investment of the Curiosity Mars rover project is 2.6 billion US dollars.

   Of course, for Chen Xin who has a system, he only cares about how many survival points he needs to consume to upgrade his car to nuclear power.

   Although he missed his parents very strongly, Chen Xin did not intend to leave immediately.

Now his shelter conditions are not perfect. When he brought his parents back, he had no place to live, and the shelter was not enough for three people. He had to upgrade the shelter at least once so that the shelter could live in More people will be able to produce more food and then consider bringing the parents back.

Although I am now more than enough to manage my life by myself, after bringing my parents back, it will cost three people, three times more than Chen Xin alone.

If you are not prepared, bringing your parents back will only make your life worse and let your parents suffer with you.

   So despite his firm determination to bring back his parents, Chen Xin decided to make all the preparations first, and then plan to bring back his parents.

Writing these things on the paper with the family portrait posted, Chen Xin looked at the family portrait, reached out and touched it, and strengthened his determination to bring his parents back.

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