Doom Lord Chapter 91: Military Camp

Along the way, Cheng Yang‘s constant killing encountered Demonized Beast along the way, and Liu Xi? who was behind him was not idle, constantly using Saint’s Word to attack some missing net fish.

  I have to say that Liu Xi’s Saint’s Word technique is the only way to assassinate. When she attacks, she only moves her lips slightly, and she can’t see any signs at all, but the Demonized Beast she is targeting is no exception, all Killed.

  Although this is just the most Early Grade stage of Liu Xi’s growth, the Saint’s Word technique plus Luck That Goes Against Heaven’s Will’s powerful has already begun to appear. If other Ordinary Combatant, when just transferred, two or three individual teamed up with Demonized Beast of killing one First Step Early Stage would be good. Even so, the person responsible for fighting monsters will still lose some blood. But Liu Xi? is completely different. Her combat can only be described by the flowers in the thousands of flowers and leaves.

  Fortunately, this single target attack at the time of Skill, if it is a Crowd Attack Skill, it is simply a BUG-like Skill.

  Cheng Yang feels that if the growth coefficient of Magic Attack will not decrease in the future pastor growth system, then Liu Xi’s powerful will be unparalleled, but if its attack power Attribute(s) growth is restricted to a certain extent, this Skill will even be considered Don’t be too against the sky. After all, as long as the attack power can’t be compared to the opponent, this Skill does not have equivalent to.

  Since Liu Xi? has been following Cheng Yang, the two of them are farther away from the rear force, so no one noticed that a large part of the dead Demonized Beast was due to Liu Xi?.

   Liu Hao also followed the large army, walking side by side with Li Wanshan.

   “Captain Li, did you say that the lord is that Liu Xi? Any thoughts? I have never seen him so enthusiastic about any girl before.” Liu Hao looked at the two people who were constantly attacking in the distance. He couldn’t help asking Li Wanshan beside him.

  Li Wanshan smiled and said with a smile: “You think too much. Didn’t you suspect that the lord had any thoughts about Wang Lu before? The result? Don’t think about it so much, good killing monster(s).”

  Liu Hao whispered: “I wish Yoko could be with this School Beauty, Langcai looks like a woman!” But his voice was so low that Li Wanshan and others did not hear it.

   actually has the same idea as Liu Hao, one of them is not just, and a large part of the Company man followed is a lot of people think that Cheng Yang is to Liu Xi? Any special thoughts, who made this girl looks too It’s pretty.

  Cheng Yang naturally did not know that Liu Hao and others were talking about him behind his back. In fact, even if he knew, he would laugh at him. In this cruel Doomsday, survival is the most critical, so why care about what other people talk about?

   Since Cheng Yang had already swept through this section of road in the morning, there was no large-sized Demonized Beast group Existence, and it was very smooth along the way.

  if it were not for Cheng Yang and others need to take care of those who have not been transferred and Combatant who walks with wood, and their speed will be faster. But because of these people, it took them almost five hours to complete the thirty kilometers. if it were not for is in danger of life because of being left behind. I am afraid that some of the Ordinary people have left behind.

  When they came to Dongshan Village, Sun was about to fall. Cheng Yang immediately asked Yu Kai to build the Enclosure from the shipped wood, and then let the other people transfer.

   This time they also shipped about 400 units of wood. After building Enclosure, there were still many savings. Yu Kai used these Lumber complete(ly) for construct Level 1 residential houses.

  After arranging this place, Cheng Yang still let Liu Cheng stay with the newly transferred 80 Combatant, and then he took the rest of Combatant complete(ly) and left Dongshan Village.

  Dongshan Village is not better than Xiang River Village, Xiang River Village and Fallen Phoenix Village have convenient transportation. Even in case of danger, Dongshan Village can provide timely support. However, Dongshan Village has no such advantage. For a long time in the future, Dongshan Village will be in singles The state of being alone. Therefore, the necessary supplies are necessary. Cheng Yang intends to visit Dongshan Village again tomorrow, and strive to bring more people and materials here.

  After returning to Fallen Phoenix Village, Cheng Yang let everyone go to work on their own things first, but he himself began to count the gains of this day.

  Cheng Yang is undoubtedly the most concerned about Lumber and stone. As for Spirit Energy Points, now there are nearly seven thousand points of Spirit Energy Points provided by the Scarlet Altar Instance Dungeon every day, he does not need to worry about anything at all.

   In the past few days, Fallen Phoenix Village has more and more Combatant with logging and Quarry Worker(s) tools. In addition, Cheng Yang has increased the purchase price of material(s), which has greatly increased the enthusiasm of Mining.

   Yesterday’s Lumber felling volume has reached 700 units, but since 400 units have been shipped to Xiang River Village, the remaining Lumber is not enough to build Architecture. Today, Lumber fell again increase, and finally broke through to 900 units. Although 400 units were also transported to Dongshan Village, the remaining total was 800 units of Lumber, enough to build a practical Architecture.

The Mining of    Stone is not ideal these two days. Unlike Lumber felling, the stone must find a suitable Mining site capability. Around Fallen Phoenix Village, there are currently only two discovered stone Mining sites, and each site can only accommodate more than ten people. One day, there are only more than 200 square meters of Mining stone. Although these stones are enough to build Building(s). But be aware that the big real users of stone are not Architecture, but roads. This output is undoubtedly a stubborn salary for a road.

  Cheng Yang opened the territory’s Attribute(s) page. After some consideration, Cheng Yang first established Military Camp. In fact, in terms of practicality, the task Hall is undoubtedly the most practical, but without the official Military Position, it is impossible to accept the task in the task Hall. This is the regulation(s) of the gods, not the lord Cheng Yang can change, even if he himself, if you want to take the task in the task Hall, you must also follow this regulation(s).

  After the Cheng Yang chose to build Military Camp, a white light suddenly lit up on an empty area just south of the altar. After a while, the white light dispersed, and suddenly an extremely large Architecture had already stood there. Its style is like Military Camp of Antiquity.

  Military Camp belongs to the restricted zone Rank in a territory. other people are not allowed to enter except for Army members or officials of certain Rank territory. However, the Military Camp has not yet officially operated, but there are no restrictions.

  Cheng Yang stepped in and carefully examined the structure of Military Camp.

   This is still Cheng Yang first time stepping into Military Camp. In the last life, he was a Mercenary and did not enter Permission of Military Camp. As for the layout in Military Camp, he listened more to others.

   This Military Camp is only Level 1 Military Camp, and the area is not very large, almost 40,000 square meters. This sounds like a big number, but in fact it is just a few football pitches that’s all.

   Around Military Camp, there is a wooden fence around two meters high. On the left side of the fence, there are rows of barracks, and on the right side is the training ground.

The number of barracks is fifteen. Judging from the scale of the outside, the capacity of each barrack should be around 100 people.

   As for the training ground, it is completely different from the modern Military Camp training ground, but it is almost the same as the Antiquity training ground, but there are some differences.

   On the training ground, there are weapon racks, rings, and targets. These are all prepared for Combatant training.

   In the center of the whole Military Camp, there is a relatively grand Architecture, about three floors, which is also the central Institution of Military Camp, which belongs to military officer Management Military Camp, and also the place where they rest.

  Military Camp Manager can change Combatant recruit to Soldier here, and can also dismiss Soldier. The Soldier of the entire Military Camp can also be promoted here to their Military Title.

   As the lord of Fallen Phoenix Village, Cheng Yang is naturally impossible to get an Soldier identity in Military Camp. He is not a certain emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He is a Empire First. He wants to get himself a big General title. In the view of Cheng Yang, this is simply nonsense.

   For Military Camp‘s highest Commanding/Senior Officer, Cheng Yang has not been appointed because he is planning to appoint Niu Bing as Military Camp‘s Manager. His temperament is straightforward, which is more suitable for this position. But now Niu Bing takes his own team to sweep outside, and this matter can only be temporarily postponed.

  Cheng Yang opened the Attribute(s) panel of Military Camp in Architecture in the center of Military Camp.

  Military Camp (Level 1): Army residency and training place, which can accommodate 1,500 Soldier. The barracks increase the training speed by 10%, and use Skill in the training ground to obtain double Skill proficiency. Military Camp‘s various improvements to Soldier increase with the improvement of Military Camp Operation Rate, and the maximum can reach Base to increase proportion(s) twice. Current Military Camp Operation Rate: 0%.

   For Military Camp‘s Attribute(s), Cheng Yang had heard of it in the last life. For Cheng Yang, the most important thing now is to upgrade Military Camp Operation Rate.

   A Military Camp Operation Rate indicates the strength and activity of Strength of Military Camp, which is closely related to the number of Military Camp residents, Military Title Level stationed in Soldier, and the efficiency of the Military Camp training field.

   also because of the Military Camp Operation Rate data Existence, the role of Military Camp in Late Stage will become larger and larger. Taking the barracks as an example, Fallen Phoenix Village, which is a Level 3 Village, has been able to build a Level 3 residential house, which can increase the cultivation speed by 30%. But Military Camp is only Level 1 at the moment, and the barracks increase proportion(s) is only 10%. If you do not consider the number of people accommodated in Architecture and the cost, private houses are definitely better thing than Military Camp.

   Wait until Military Camp‘s Level rises higher in the future, and after proportion(s) gradually improves, with double the effect, this improvement of proportion(s) is very impressive, even if it is impossible to overtake the private house.

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