Doom Lord Chapter 716: Ice Race ?

After Cheng Yang returned to Lord’s Mansion, discovery’s own Return to Origin Method has been Cooldown again.

At this time, Cheng Yang had used Ice and Snow’s Love Ring summoned to have four Magic Phantoms, and one of the four Phantoms was sent to the West Road Army to fight together with Third and Fourth Main Force Army Corps, and another Phantom was sent to Xiang Yang Town to guard the Shipyard.

Although there is now a Arrow Tower next to Xiang Yang Town Shipyard, the offensive of the Hai tribe is fiercer than once. Cheng Yang does not know when this Arrow Tower can hold up. There is a Magic Phantom staying there, and Cheng Yang capability is completely assured.

As for the other two Magic Phantoms, they are left in the territory, one is to be able to clear the daily Instance Dungeon faster, and the on the other hand is also to prevent the accidental/surprised situation.

Cheng Yang will now use Return to Origin Method to reset a Magic Phantom‘s Skill Cooldown Period to zero. As a result, there is no movement in Skill, which makes Cheng Yang understand that the idea of ​​using Return to Origin Method large-scale summon Magic Phantom cannot be realized.

However, Cheng Yang is not too disappointed. He had guessed before that it is impossible for a **** to drill his own left behind one big holes. Now that Return to Origin Method no longer needs to go to Magic Phantom Skill, Cheng Yang only needs to consider the use of ablation Skill.

As for the use of Return to Origin Method on other Skill, Cheng Yang has never considered it. After all, the cost performance is too low.

Cheng Yang stayed leisurely in Fallen Phoenix City for five days. Fallen Phoenix City West Line Army finally won Yilanguo successfully, making the area of ​​Fallen Phoenix City territory once again a lot increase.

At this moment, Fallen Phoenix City’s First and Second Main Force Army Corps began to enter Country of Pakistan, preparing to start expanding northward.

This is a long-planned plan by Fallen Phoenix City executives, because in Country of Pakistan Northern, Kyrgyzstan has become a Beastfolk paradise. In order to avoid the helpless situation of appear Country of Brunei again, Fallen Phoenix City naturally needs to plan early.

However, the Cheng Yang’s plan has not yet been implemented. Another news that shocked the whole World came from Russia.

Since Doomsday, the temperature of the north and south poles of Earth has dropped sharply, only for the first two months. The global temperature has dropped by at least 20 degrees. if it were not for At that time, humans have basically transferred complete(ly), I am afraid that a large number of people will be frozen to death.

After more than half a year, although the temperature has further decreased, the Combatant Strength in this area is also stronger. The resistance to low temperatures has been further improved.

The number of Demonized Beast in this icy place of ice-cold is less than that of Region where the temperature is moderate, which even makes people here think it is a happy place on earth. Especially the Russian Far East Region, thanks to the scarcity of Demonized Beast in this area, although there are also few people here. But Combatant, who lived together, finally resisted the invasion of Demonized Beast and Beastfolk.

A few days ago, a mysterious fleet landed on the Northern coast of Region in the Russian Far East. A specific type is slightly higher than normal humans, and the whole body is sparkling and translucent. The guy like ice sculpture walked away from those ships. Down.

These guys are obviously intelligent creatures. Unlike the brutality and killing of Alien Race such as Beastfolk and Undead, these keloids came to a station, and they first showed their strong Martial Force, each of which is stronger than Third Step‘s Existence. Then they claimed that they came from the depths of the ocean to protect humans from Beastfolk poison.

Some humans have chosen resist/rebel. But it was relentlessly suppressed by this group of ice knots, and this station became the Influence range of this group of ice knots without suspense.

At this time, people discovery, it seems that it is not a bad thing to be these frosted hands. As long as you stay in the station, you don’t have to worry about being attacked by the super strong Demonized Beast, and the Tax Revenue they pay every day is not higher than before. .

An inexplicable sense of security arose in the hearts of those in the occupied area, and even some humans are grateful to these keloids.

After Cheng Yang learned the news, immediately reaction came over. These ice bumps may also be a type of Alien Race, and it is probably the Ice Race mentioned in the previous Beastfolk mouth.

Ice Race is a powerful Race, at least powerful than Beastfolk. But in this starry sky. There are not many regions that can live in Ice Race. They are used to living in the extremely cold ice and snow. Only in such places, their Strength capability has steadily improved.

Although Ice Race arrives in the hot land, it will not die or affect combat force. However, they will lose the foundation of ascension, and Strength will no longer be able to advance. Therefore, if not necessary, no Ice Race is willing to leave their place of survival.

Now the extreme north has become even colder, and Ice Race appear does not seem to feel so accidental/surprised in such a place.

But if you want to say that opposite side is so kind to help humans resist the attack of other Alien Race or Demonized Beast, Cheng Yang can’t believe it. As the saying goes, it is not my family. Its heart must be different, why should Ice Race help human beings?

With such thoughts, Cheng Yang did not want to rest in the territory. Immediately alone left Fallen Phoenix City, first sent to the vicinity of Heihe, and then began to cross Nation Border.

On the opposite side of this Nation Border is Russia.

Although Russia now also has a large Influence, which is famous for its World, Russia’s land area is indeed too large, so that opposite side is simply unable to extend the Influence antennae to the Region in the Far Yang first entered Russia, on the one hand It is to touch the bottom of these suspected Ice Race guys and see what the Strength of these guys is. on the other hand is also for future preparations. In case these Ice Races are the ambitions of the wolf, do you want to attack Country of China region after occupying the Russian Far East Region? At that time, Cheng Yang’s preparatory work will be effective.

The journey through Nation Border went very smoothly. Cheng Yang took only one day to enter Russia.

Since crossing the border Zone, Cheng Yang has felt extremely cold, but this cold Cooldown gives him a feeling of comfort.

Cheng Yang was a little surprised and came to reaction. This is probably related to his Saint Child of Ice career. How can someone who has been dealing with Ice and Snow fear the severe cold? Of course, the Frost river in the North Lake Province is not included. The boneless ice-cold is already unbearable for human beings. It is not only cold, but also frozen like a soul.

At this time, Cheng Yang couldn’t help but admire the Combatant who lives here. It is understandable that he can adapt to the temperature here because of the particularity of his career. How does Combatant adapt to the low temperature here? could it be that What special capabilities do they have? (To be continued.)

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