Doom Lord Chapter 566: Siege

In fact, even if the medicine can be supplied, the role played in this case is very limited.

Know that the effect of this corpse poison will last for half a minute, and the blood-enhancing ability of the special life potion plus the effect of your own Innate Medicine Body is simply not enough to reduce the health value of Neutralize, and even half cannot be achieved.

Half a minute, enough to turn yourself into an corpse(s).

Cheng Yang couldn’t help but feel a sense of luck. A few days ago, he purchased some blood-enriching dan when he passed the cyan tower floor. The effect of Buxue Dan is comparable to the life medicine much stronger.

At that time, I did not need these Pill when I cleared the cyan tower floor. I later regretted it slightly and felt that I did not need to buy this thing.

Unexpectedly, this Pill has now become his life-saving medicine.

Medicine supply cannot be used in the ablation state, but it does not limit Pill. Otherwise, I only turn around and save myself. I am away from Zombie group and leave the ablation state capability to add blood. In this case, it is hard to say whether time is available.

If one Pill is served, the rate of decrease in Cheng Yang health is finally stabilized, almost only a few tens of points per second, even for half a minute, but 1,000~2,000 points of health. In terms of Cheng Yang’s blood volume, this is nothing.

Without life threatening, Cheng Yang’s once again focused on the ground. He wanted to see how this Zombie group would change after losing the zombie leader.

Zombie group does not have a leader, and there is no chaotic scene like appear like Cheng Yang, but in corpse crowd, it constantly emits dull roars and hits the soul directly.

The roaring roars upset Cheng Yang, and he was about to leave from here, waiting until tomorrow to dissolve Skill Cooldown, and then fight against the remaining zombies. But at this time his eyes were unconsciously fixed on the Stranded Dragon order.

“Can the Stranded Dragon order be taken down now?” Cheng Yang figured it out, “Try it. There will be no loss anyway.”

With this state of mind, Cheng Yang controls the liquefied body and stretches out the ground, quietly wrapping the Stranded Dragon order.

“Oh…” There was a surging roar. Then I saw a black claw of immense shoot towards Cheng Yang phantom water.

Although Cheng Yang knew that opposite side could not cause any harm to himself, the power of powerful still shocked him. It seems that opposite side must be the wonder of discovered water, and it is connected with itself. Otherwise, opposite side will not be so angry.

“Shut up!” Cheng Yang thought, and then felt that the tentacle-like water was light, and the Stranded Dragon that was originally wrapped in the water made it disappear directly.

“Successful?” Cheng Yang is unbelievable. He had just tried his luck, but received an unexpected effect. This feeling of surprise made him feel unreal.

Since thing is already available, will Cheng Yang continue to stay here.

The zombie Head fist has hit the liquid. But apart from breaking up part of the water, it did not cause any substantial harm to itself. And when the water invaded the ground, it quickly merged with its own body.

Cheng Yang walked under the ground, and he left Zombie group before blinking.

At the moment Zombie group has undergone a immense change. With the disappearance of the Stranded Dragon order, these zombies seem to have lost their backbone, and began to wander away, seemingly looking for something, and seemingly moving forward without any goals. .

After Cheng Yang has gone for a while. Turning back to see the situation, he stopped immediately.

“This is an opportunity.” Cheng Yang keenly felt that the situation was beneficial to him, the zombies that had gathered together. Even if the zombie leader is gone, he still has a certain threat to himself. But now that these zombies are suddenly spreading out, isn’t that just allowing them to slaughter themselves?

sole‘s more troublesome thing is that his ablation Skill has not yet been Cooldown. In case of accidental/surprised, I am afraid that there is no life-saving ability.

But if you don’t do it at this time, the ghost knows where these zombies will wander? If the remaining zombies of this space are really only enough to complete the task by themselves, then some of them can find it by themselves.

Cheng Yangthought until here, and immediately made a decision: “Can’t let these guys run away.”

However, he did not immediately come out from the ground, but first took out the Pill supplementing Mana. Quickly fill up your Mana.

Taking advantage of this time, Cheng Yang checked his cultivation progress. He discovery. The zombie leader of killing just improved his cultivation progress by 0.1%. Although before this he had killing a few zombies. But it also shows that the training progress brought by this zombie leader is much higher than that of Ordinary zombie powerful.

In this way, the improvement of cultivation progress of the undead creatures here is not divided by type, but by Strength rank.

To understand this, Cheng Yang suddenly regretted it. At first, you should find the zombies of Strength powerful or Skeleton Soldier killing. When you kill 10,000, the progress of your cultivation will definitely be much faster.

However, Cheng Yang just thought about that’s all, and even if he started again, he couldn’t just pick Strength powerful’s zombie killing, which would waste him too much time.

After the Mana supplement is completed, Cheng Yang cancels the ablation state.

“Kill!” As soon as Cheng Yang showed a human form, he immediately lifted Devil Moon Magic Sword and rushed towards the group of zombies that were falling apart.

At the moment, the zombies are no longer crowded together, and they are separated by one or two hundred meters. Such a distance is not enough to form an enclosure with Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang hands up and down, constantly zombies around killing.

He will not be stupid enough to rush into Zombie group, but has been walking around surroundings, constantly killing zombies.

At the moment, the zombies are no longer wandering around, all turning around and pointing to Cheng Yang.

With Cheng Yang’s Strength, these zombies can’t hit Insta-kill, but zombies are still decreasing. Moreover, the Movement Speed of the zombie is very slow, only the if it were not for Cheng Yang child is dead, and it is difficult to be surrounded by opposite side.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang was shocked. He saw five extremely fast figures rushing towards him, and his movements were not too slow.

This is the zombie Head of the five Green Stratum Strength.

Cheng Yang did not dare to take it lightly. Cheng Yang was very cautious about these five green-level zombies. He did not dare to underestimate the combat power of these five big guys coming together.

If Cheng Yang’s Magic Phantom is still around at this time, he can quickly kill these zombies Head. Or maybe he can use Magic Attack, and he can kill these guys who can only close combat and are extremely slow.

But these are just hypotheses, Cheng Yang now has to face these ugly zombies Head.

Cheng Yang holds Devil Moon Magic Sword in his hand and stares closely at the five-headed zombie. At this time, the rest of the zombies had disappeared from his sight, and only the five zombies Head could be called enemies.

With the size of the zombie Head immense, it can hold up to five heads at the same time to siege Cheng Yang, if more, it will hurt yourself.

The zombies seem to know the truth too. Although they are constantly coming around, they have not entered the inner circle.

“Áo!” a zombie Head howled, and the two pairs of immense black fists thumped towards Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang is very clear in his mind. He saw his legs changing, and he happened to circumvent opposite side‘s double fists. Long Sword took the abdomen of opposite side straight.

No way, the size of the zombie Head is too high. Unless Cheng Yang jumps up, otherwise it can only attack the opposite side abdomen. In this situation, it is obviously not wise to put your body in the air.

The zombie’s awkward movements, even the strong Strength zombie Head, failed to avoid Cheng Yang’s frontal attack.

“Poof…” The sound of a sharp weapon, the zombie Head was immediately hit hard, and its blood was killed by more than one third.

At this moment, the zombie Head on the right side of Cheng Yang lifted his immense‘s foot and kicked directly at Cheng Yang. At this moment, Cheng Yang’s Long Sword penetrated into the body of the zombie and had not been pulled out.

“Can’t be hit!” There is only one thought in Cheng Yang‘s heart. In this case, if he is hit, the rhythm of combat will be disrupted immediately, and the situation is worrying later.

At the moment, I saw Cheng Yang screaming, and the right hand holding the sword suddenly exerted force. The whole body was directly traversed into the air with the hilt as the supporting point.

The Force of this all all passed through the blade to the stiff corpse(s) that was stabbed. The blade quickly fell and directly gave opposite side a hole.

But the abdomen is not the deadly position of the zombie, the sliding blade did not kill it.

However, the keen Sense of Cheng Yang has undergone some changes. At that moment, the blood volume of the zombie Head has once again decreased by nearly 20,000.

“This…” Cheng Yang is surprised~ Is this an attack? Otherwise, the blood volume of opposite side will never be lost.

Isn’t there a move for the one-attack attack? This sword of mine was inserted into the body of opposite side in the last attack, and it has not been pulled out.

However, it is clearly not the time to delve into this matter. He is prepared to explore the current combat regulation(s) after this incident is over. I was too seriously affected by my previous experience, so that many details of thing were ignored by myself.

With his own instinct, Cheng Yang didn’t pull out the Long Sword, but the zombie was not happy, especially after receiving two injuries. Now its health has reached a very dangerous moment, if it is attacked by opposite side again Once, I really became corpse(s).

At the moment, it can’t attack the Cheng Yang anymore, and it flew backwards directly, wanting to withdraw the Long Sword inserted into the body. At the same time, it clenched fists in both hands and hit the Cheng Yang face gate directly. This is not to attack Cheng Yang, but to prevent opposite side from catching up again.

However, at the same moment, a zombie in Cheng Yang rear slammed into Cheng Yang at the same time. Originally Cheng Yang also wanted to avoid the attack of opposite side. Now I heard roaring wind of rear. I moved my heart and let that punch hit my own reserves. The whole body rushed forward like a shell. (To be continued)

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