Doom Lord Chapter 30: Arrangement

  The transfer of Main City is not much different from Outlying Encampment. For Initial Stage, Main City also has certain advantages. First of all, Main City does not have the restriction of transfer Quota, anyone can enter the transition as long as they enter the light curtain. Secondly, each Profession Sculpture in Main City has 1000 points of Spirit Energy Points pre-stored, which can supply one hundred Ordinary people to transfer to Combatant. However, the Spirit Energy Points obtained by the successful Combatant in the next combat needs to be used to repay the statue. When there is Spirit Energy Points in the statue again, this will allow another person to transfer.

  Yuan Jianze doesn’t know that there is Existence of Outlying Encampment now, he only thinks that this light curtain is a gift from heaven to Xiang Cheng City. Of course, he did not think that under the heavens only has such a light curtain in Xiang Cheng City. It is likely that many City have such thing Existence. After all, what the god-like voice said did not specifically refer to Xiang Cheng City, but to all human beings.

  As Army Soldier entered the light curtain, Yuan Jianze began arranging the transfer of these Soldiers who had just experienced the tragedy. When Soldier magically became Combatant, Xiang Cheng City began to usher in a new life.

   There are a total of 400 people in First who have been transferred, all of them are Soldier of Army.

  After the transfer was completed, the staff member named Xiao Chen said to Yuan Jianze suggests: “Commanding Officer, I don’t think we should transfer Ordinary people yet. We only have 10,000 people, and there are at least Xiang Cheng City people. 100,000. If they all change jobs, once there is a riot, we may be unable to control state of affairs of Xiang Cheng City.”

   “What do you mean?” Yuan Jianze frowned slightly and asked immediately.

  Xiaochen said: “I mean, we first hold these four statues in our hands. After all’s Soldier complete(ly) transfers, we slowly open the transfer to the people. And those who transfer must join To our Army, so, we capability successfully control Xiang Cheng City.”

   “Okay, it’s up to you.” Yuan Jianze immediately said, “But those people are still saved to the Main City defense light curtain. The Spirit Energy Points earned by Soldier must take out a part of foodstuffs purchased from the grocery store to ensure that The survival of the people.”

  Xiao Chen should be immediately. Subsequently, the transferred Warrior began to step out of the light curtain, and the remaining Soldier who had not yet transferred were left in the light curtain. They had a task to temporarily not let the Ordinary people touch the four statues. Once there were enough Spirit Energy Points in the statue, they immediately went to change jobs.


  After withdrawing from Instance Dungeon, Cheng Yang discovery Liu Hao and others just happened to come out of Instance Dungeon, and Li Wanshan’s team has not seen the trace yet, it is estimated that they will continue to struggle in Instance Dungeon.

   “Your gains are pretty good, you have got two or three pieces of Equipment.” Cheng Yang saw a team of three of Liu Hao, and discovery each of them had increase of two or three pieces of Equipment, and immediately laughed.

  Liu Hao Hehe smiled and said: “It’s not bad, you should have run into Instance Dungeon once, Yoko? The gain should not be less than ours.”

  Cheng Yang smiled and said: “I went in once and got one Black-Iron Rank Equipment and two pieces of bronze Equipment, which is not bad.”

   “Okay, there are three…” Liu Hao hadn’t come over from reaction at first, so he responded casually. But he hadn’t finished his words, and immediately the situation of discovery was wrong. He was surprised: “What do you say? Bronze Rank Equipment? How did you explode Bronze Rank Equipment?”

  Cheng Yang really enjoyed the surprise of Liu Hao, which is also a kind of adjustment in Doomsday, and said with a smile: “It’s very simple, I went to Instance Dungeon with Hard difficulty and got Hard Instance Dungeon In addition to these three pieces of Equipment, I also got one and thing.”

After finishing the talk, Cheng Yang handed the Skill inheritance beads to Liu Hao.

  Liu Hao took a look, his eyes suddenly glared out, staring at Cheng Yang for a long while, before saying: “Yoko, you are amazing! It is Boss of our group.”

  Yu Kai and Niu Bing looked aside curiously and quickly grabbed the inheritance bead from Liu Hao. Yu Kai took a quick step and immediately took the inheritance bead in his hand. After reading it, I handed it to Niu Bing, and then said: “Yoko, I discovery is really good to follow you.”

  Cheng Yang slapped and said, “Let me be sissy. Pastor must learn 200 Spirit Energy Points if he wants to learn Angel Boost Skill. If the pastor alone, it will take a long time to make up this amount. So, If you want to have a priest who has learned Angel Boost Skill in your team earlier, make a concerted effort and donate a little Spirit Energy Points to let the priest learn this Skill as soon as possible.”

   “This is good, I agree.” Niu Bing said with a smile on his face.

  The two of Yu Kai gave Niu Bing a white glance, and they naturally understood the guy’s dirty ideas. However, they did not reject the Cheng Yang’s proposal. They currently have 41 people in each team, and each person only needs to contribute five points Spirit Energy Points, which is enough for the pastor to learn Skill. This is not too much burden for them.

   “How much Spirit Energy Points can you earn every day now?” Cheng Yang suddenly asked.

  Yu Kai looked at each other, and finally Yu Kai said: “If you don’t harvest the calculation Instance Dungeon, you can earn about 60 points of Spirit Energy Points every day, and the average harvest in Instance Dungeon is about 50 points Spirit Energy Points. Of course, the reason for earning less Spirit Energy Points outside is that apart from the large group of Demonized Beast, the rest of the scattered Monster(s) is so small that most of them are walking. Now our Strength is enough to touch some bigger ones. The Demonized Beast community, the daily harvest should be higher.”

  Cheng Yang thought about it and said, “We are now occupying the station one step further. Compared to other people, we do have certain advantages. But compared with some Influences that control Main City, our number is still too small. If we don’t want to be wiped out by other Influence in the future, we must further improve our advantage by expand. I already have more than a thousand points of Spirit Energy Points, and as long as it exceeds 1000 points of Spirit Energy Points, we can open the Fourfold training For this reason, I plan to lend you Spirit Energy Points 1000 points every day after I practice, so that you can also use the Fourfold practice speed to practice. After the practice, I will lend it to the next a person/alone, and finally return it to me. With your current Strength, Under the Fourfold cultivation state, it only takes ten days to reach Apprentice Grade Mid Step. But then your daily consumption of Spirit Energy Points will reach 120 points, I am afraid there is no extra Spirit Energy Points to do other arrangements.”

  Yu Kai and others showed a happy face, which is a great thing. They have now tried the benefits of Twofold cultivation, and the speed of improvement in Fourfold cultivation is naturally conceivable.

   “Yoko, this idea is good. In fact, the biggest role of Spirit Energy Points is to practice. If you use it to buy Equipment, it will be a waste. After all, Initial Stage Strength is quickly improved, and the limited Spirit Energy Points is used to buy Equipment. Obviously Undesirable. It’s just… Does this have any effect on Yoko?” Liu Hao said.

  Cheng Yang smiled and said: “Nature has no effect. This transfer of Spirit Energy Points does not require taxes and fees. Anyway, I will eventually come back to me. I estimate that this method will be widely used in Influence in the future, but this kind of The transfer must be a person who has absolute trust. In Doomsday, Spirit Energy Points can be said to be all Base. If Spirit Energy Points is transferred out, if it is not returned, there is no mandatory way to collect come back. Even if opposite side is killed, Spirit Energy Points will only be converted Is nothingness.”

  Yu Kai and others did not say anything. The meaning in Cheng Yang‘s words is very clear. He absolutely trusts the three of them.

  PS: For recommendation and collection. I collected increase140 yesterday and continue to add more tonight. Brothers works hard! Can I continue the increase100 collection today?

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