Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 116: First entry into a different world (Part 2)

Li Cang was shocked and looked up suddenly.

I saw a huge hole with a diameter of more than three thousand meters appearing in front.

The hole is like a gap in the white paper, very abrupt, more like a hole in the prairie.

Through the loophole, you can see that there is also a prairie on the opposite side, but at the end of the prairie, there are vast mountains and towering ancient trees.

The prairie at the feet of Li Cang and others is connected with the prairie opposite the space passage. The earth is actually connected.

It seems like two worlds are merging through this space channel.

“Here is the depth of the school, and this space passage is also a space passage that the school has complete control over. The other world opposite has been completely conquered, and our earth is devouring the world opposite.”

Vice Principal Lan said in a deep voice: “But even if the world opposite has been captured by us, only the existence of the **** level has been wiped out, and there are still countless other demons and monsters. In the next freshman competition, you will be in the opposite world. Another world.”

I saw Vice Principal Lan wave his hand, and a small disk flew out, rising in the wind, flying into the huge space passage, and disappeared into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

“That is the battle platform, which will fall on a mountain twenty kilometers away from the space channel.”

“On the way from the space passage to the battle platform, there are a lot of evil spirits blocking the way. The only thing you need to do is to hurry up, cross this distance, and enter the battle platform.”

“This is the first elimination phase. Those eliminated will not be expelled from school, but they will no longer be able to participate in subsequent competitions.”

“When encountering a certain death situation, teachers will take action. But once they are rescued, they will be eliminated.”

Vice Principal Lan said: “Within three hours, all those who have not entered the arena will be eliminated. Only those who have entered the arena can participate in the next stage of the competition. Remember, during the freshman competition, you are not allowed to use External forces, especially divine decrees! Now, the freshman competition officially begins!”

“Swish, swish…”

As soon as Vice-Principal Lan finished speaking, some self-sustaining and powerful divine beings rushed out and headed towards the space passage.

However, most people are still hesitant. After all, it is the first time to enter a different world, and Vice Principal Lan also said that there are many monsters and ghosts on the other side of the space passage.

Li Cang and others couldn’t leave because they were in the middle of the crowd.

Seeing this, Vice Principal Lan shouted coldly: “After one minute, everyone who is still there will be eliminated!”

Suddenly everyone started running.

“Let’s go too.”

Li Cang said: “However, Vice Principal Lan gave three hours, and he did not say whoever comes first will be ranked first, so this session should only be to eliminate the weak ones, not a ranking competition. There is no need to rush, this The real difficulties along the way should be those monsters.”

“I listen to the young master.” Fan Sisi said.

“I also listen to Master Li Cang.” Tian Yuwan also said hurriedly.

Li Cang ignored Tian Yuwan, but he didn’t drive her away, as long as he didn’t hold him back.

The space channel in front is too big, with a diameter of more than three thousand meters, like a semicircle, covering the prairie upside down.

This side of the space channel is a prairie, and that side is also a prairie, but the prairie here is very large, and the prairie over there is more than two thousand meters away with towering ancient trees and snow-capped mountains.

Around the space channel, space distortion is visible to the naked eye, but the distortion area is not large, as if a film has been burned through by fire.

Following the crowd, the three people moved forward quickly.

Five hundred meters forward, the three of them finally entered the space passage and truly stepped into a different world.

It doesn’t feel like anything at all. It’s like walking on flat ground, with the earth on both sides blending together.

Li Cang stopped and looked at it for a while, and found that except for the different positions of the sun, everything else about the world on both sides was the same.

Standing here, you can see two suns. The sun on the earth is still in the east, but the sun in the other world is about to set.

At this time, Qian Fengyumo came to Li Cang and said with a smile: “This kind of conquered alien world has been assimilated by the earth due to the rules of heaven and earth. It is not much different from the earth’s environment. Generally, there is no conquered alien world, our earth After people enter, they will be suppressed.”

“Suppression?” Li Cang was confused.

“Yes, ordinary people have almost no influence, but the more powerful they are, the greater the suppression they will receive. For example, where the Holy Realm is, it is difficult to communicate with the power of heaven and earth to manifest miracles, and all kinds of abilities are greatly reduced. ”

Qian Fengyumo said: “But the same applies to people from another world coming to our earth. They will be suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth. Only if we capture the opposite world, we will not be suppressed. In the same way, if a different world After conquering our world, people there will not be suppressed when they come to Earth.”

Li Cang was stunned, but thought in his heart, isn’t this kind of suppression the same as his own low-dimensional world?

You can suppress all the people who are trapped in the low-dimensional world by yourself, making them unable to communicate with heaven and earth, and unable to use the power of the low-dimensional world.

This kind of suppression is a kind of suppression of luck.

Of course, luck is viewed from the perspective of all living beings in the world.

For Li Cang, the master of the world, it is the power of the world.

“Does conquest mean to destroy the opponent’s gods? Or to destroy all intelligent creatures in another world?” Li Cang asked curiously.


Qian Fengyumo smiled and said: “It’s occupation. As long as we occupy the other world, declare that the other world belongs to us, and the creatures in the other world have no objections, we will count it as a capture. It can be regarded as a battle for luck. We Unless necessary here, we generally won’t kill them all, because we Earthlings need the faith of intelligent creatures from other worlds.”

Li Cang suddenly realized.

Qian Fengyumo continued: “The reason why we want to kill the gods of other worlds is because the gods of other worlds are so extreme that they do not allow others to become gods. They are also extremely harsh on believers and have strict hierarchies. There is a lot of slavery in other worlds. Many feudal systems.”

“And these cannot be brought back to the earth.”

“The gods of other worlds must be wiped out. The most important thing is that the gods of other worlds are mostly demons and ghosts who have become gods. They are very cruel. They are said to be gods, but in fact they are just mountain spirits and wild monsters who have gained faith and ascended the altar. The evil nature of existence cannot be eliminated and cannot coexist with us.”

Li Cang nodded, agreeing with this statement.

The customs of the two worlds are different. People on Earth will certainly not be able to tolerate the weird customs brought over by the gods from another world.

The four of them walked forward quickly, talking at the same time.

As a descendant of the gods, Qian Fengyumo is well-informed and almost always does the talking. And he seems to be interested in making friends with Li Cang, so he doesn’t mind talking more at all.

“In fact, even if the strong men on our side do not obliterate the gods of the other world, when the earth assimilates the rules of heaven and earth of the other world, the gods there will also fall. No matter how good the situation is, the godhood will drop and the level will be reduced. For demigods.”

Qian Fengyumo said: “Because the rules of heaven and earth are different, the conditions for becoming gods will also be different. Those gods from other worlds who have been reduced to demi-gods, if they want to return to the throne of gods, they must slowly adapt to the new world rules and obtain It takes enough power of faith. But we don’t have enough power of faith, so the gods of other worlds are almost wiped out.”

Li Cang nodded.

“Do you think it’s cruel?” Qian Fengyumo said with a smile.

Li Cang was silent.

Qian Fengyumo shook his head and smiled: “Don’t look at how prosperous our earth is now. It seems that we are victorious in every battle, but you may not know that our earth is actually the one being invaded, because the space channel is the **** of another world. Open, we are always in a passive state. In order to survive, we have to kill each other, fight back, and swallow each other’s world.”

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