Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife Chapter 960: Hello, Xiaobao

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Feng Yuheng’s voice unexpectedly extinguished Fendai’s arrogance quickly. After hearing her second sister’s voice, the originally arrogant girl was startled, and her hands on her waist dropped. , the shouts of theory stopped, and he just stood there blankly with his back to Feng Yuheng for a long time.

Just when Huang Quan couldn’t help but want to ask her what she was going to do, Feng Fendai turned back and faced Feng Yuheng. Feng Yuheng saw that she didn’t look very good, and she wasn’t sick. She looked like she hadn’t slept well for several days, and her eyes were all dark.

“What are you making a fuss about again?” Her tone also softened, and her two-life observation of faces allowed her to see that Feng Fendai’s mood had reversed in the other direction after she arrived. That kind of reversal is not fear, but a bit of emotion and the sadness of the changes in the world.

Feng Fendai has not seen her second sister for a long time. Even if Feng Yuheng returned to the capital, the two have never met each other. When Feng Yuheng spoke just now, she felt that her second sister was still the second sister before, still so domineering and unyielding. Even after they got married, they still maintained the fierceness they had when they were in Feng Mansion. But what about herself?

Why does it feel like she is old in just a few years? This has changed in the past, when Feng Yuheng spoke like this, she would definitely try to use all kinds of rude words to talk back. Even if she knew that she would not get any benefit from this second sister, she would still use her words quickly. She used to do things just to have fun, regardless of the consequences. No matter what the other person’s identity was, she would dare to provoke him as long as his temper got angry. But now, she knows how to be afraid, how to weigh the pros and cons, and what kind of people she can afford to offend and what kind of people she can’t afford to offend.

Looking at Feng Yuheng again, the turbulent years of Feng Mansion flashed before her eyes one by one. She couldn’t help but smile bitterly and murmured softly: “How confident was I in the past that I actually thought that I was really real?” Can you beat her?” After she finished speaking, she glanced at Yao An again, and finally said unwillingly: “Shopkeeper Yao couldn’t make the decision himself, so he went to move reinforcements.” She was Feng Fendai, how could she do it all at once? Did you lose like this without saying a word? He straightened up again and said to Feng Yuheng: “Second sister, I am not sincerely making trouble today. I just want to take my brother back, and I hope that second sister can do it.” After saying that, his eyes lowered silently. , his voice became much softer, “As you know, there are not many people in the Feng family. I just want to add a child to liven things up, that’s all. My father is gone, and now the house is in his name, and I don’t want to Live again. His Highness the Fifth has arranged another house for me, and I will move there tomorrow. I also found the land deed to the Feng Mansion in my father’s study.” As she spoke, she took out a book from her sleeve pocket. He came with a piece of paper and handed it to Feng Yuheng, “Now that you are the eldest sister, you can do whatever you want to do with it! I don’t have any objections whether you sell it or keep it. But you have to let me take that child away. You Just take pity on me, I don’t want to be alone.”

Her words were desolate, and although her face was very light, there was no trace of family affection at all. But saying such words made Feng Yuheng sigh with emotion. This child has refused to admit defeat since she was a child and has never reconciled herself to her status as a concubine. However, she never knew how to change the current situation in the right way. Even if she got the fifth prince’s engagement, her vanity was not fully satisfied. , On the contrary, the anger is getting higher and higher. She didn’t know how to persuade her. Maybe this was the root of the Feng family. Fendai’s temperament was more like that of the Feng family, but Xiangrong was more like the An family. Therefore, she could win over Xiangrong, but she was not interested in Fendai. Nothing can be done.

Looking at the sister with the same indifference, Feng Yuheng said: “If you talk like this, I can agree to it, but the child is more than two years old. Whether he leaves or stays, and who he lives with, he always has to decide. Ask him for his opinion.” After she finished speaking, she said to the waiter in Baicaotang: “Go and ask the mother-in-law to take the child out.” After that, she looked at Feng Fendai again, and after thinking about it, she finally said: “I have some words. I know you won’t listen, so I usually have no intention of talking to you about it, but since I caught up with you today, I will say a few more words. Who knows that I am your second sister after all. Fendai, you are already quite old. You have to know what to say and what not to say, and you also have to know what kind of image is needed for any occasion to be more appropriate. It is up to you to decide what you want to be. I don’t think Mrs. Shen had the final say at the time. Duo Rongguang, I don’t think Mrs. Shen’s character is worthy of praise. If you have the intention and treat His Highness the Fifth Prince well, that will be your support in this life. Even if you can imitate your own mother and win over a man’s heart, it will be worse than imitating Mr. Shen. OK.”

“Second sister is teaching me a lesson.” Fendai shrugged and smiled, “Do you think what I said was ugly when you first came in? But that’s me, a concubine who can’t stand up to the stage, so how can I compare? How can I afford such a noble daughter-in-law like you? If not, why would I stand here today and beg you in a low voice?”

While talking, the mother-in-law in the backyard led the two-year-old boy in. The little boy still had dark skin, but was much stronger than before. The mother-in-law had to trot behind him to catch up. .

Feng Fendai tried to find something like Feng Jinyuan from the child’s facial features, but she had to give up after trying many times. It’s really not that different!

I don’t know if it is related to blood. As soon as the child entered the front hall, he looked around. Finally, his eyes fell on Feng Fendai. Finally, he let go of the mother-in-law’s hand and looked at Fendai with a smile. Pounced. Without saying anything, he just rubbed her leg with his chubby little face.

Fendai’s heart suddenly melted. She knelt down and held the child in her arms, asking over and over again: “Is it okay to go home with my sister? Is it okay to live with my sister in the future?”

The child smiled and nodded. After thinking for a while, he said one word in a sweet voice: “Okay.”

As soon as he said “Okay”, even Feng Yuheng had to be convinced. After all, they are connected by blood, that kind of flesh and blood relationship, which cannot be separated at such a young age no matter what. Looking at Fendai again, she is also sincere. She stopped trying to persuade her and just said to Fendai, “He’s your biological brother. You can take him away if you want!”

Fendai nodded, took out a banknote from her sleeve pocket and handed it to Feng Yuheng: “You have raised him for so long, I should make some compensation. I don’t know if this is enough. If If it’s not enough, second sister, just take care of it and don’t argue with me.”

Feng Yuheng shook her head and did not answer. Fendai waited persistently for a long time. Seeing that she really didn’t want it, she took it back, but said mockingly: “Yeah, it’s just a five hundred tael of silver notes. Of course you don’t like it.” She squeezed the child’s little head. Face, and asked: “Have you named this child?”

“I haven’t gotten up.” Feng Yuheng said: “People in Baicaotang are used to calling her Xiaobao. If you are interested, give her a serious name and register her as a household register! Since you want to raise her, then take care of her To support yourself, as you said, you should be a companion for yourself.”

Fendai nodded, said nothing, stood up and led the child out. When passing by Feng Yuheng, she said very softly: “Thank you.” Then she got on the carriage parked outside without looking back.

At this time, the people watching also heard the secret, and some people thought: “Isn’t that child the **** that the concubine of the Feng family gave birth to?”

“That’s right! I went there when they held a full-moon banquet at their house. The child was born to the concubine and an actor, not to Prime Minister Feng.”

Speaking of the scandals in Feng Mansion, people can really think of a lot at once. Feng Yuheng stood in the Baicao Hall and listened. It was not harsh, but just a little sad.

Finally, someone realized that it was not good to say this in front of Feng Yuheng, so they quickly brought it back: “I didn’t expect that the child was actually being raised by Princess Yu. Princess is really a kind person. People.”

She didn’t know whether it was a good thing or not, but she just felt that it was a life after all. Now that she had seen it, she couldn’t just watch that life fall.

The Feng Mansion is in chaos today. All the servants are busy packing. The fifth prince has arranged a separate courtyard for Feng Fendai, named “Crystal”. It has been packed up and is waiting for Fendai to bring people tomorrow. Move over.

Many servants were going to be dismissed today. Fendai returned their bonds of betrayal and gave them money for dismissal, leaving only ten of them to move with her.

When she led Xiaobao back home, the servants who had been dismissed had just left, so the housekeeper He Zhong was naturally able to stay. He looked at the child and recognized it at a glance, so he stepped forward and said to Fendai: ” Do you want to invite two more mothers-in-law? The young master has returned home, and he cannot be without his mother-in-law to take care of him.”

Fendai nodded, and specifically asked: “Invite the best two, it doesn’t matter if you give more money, they must be good, kind-hearted, and honest, and they must not be the kind of frivolous ones, you know ?”

He Zhong only heard these few words and knew that Feng Fendai was interested in the child, so he quickly agreed, but also said: “I bought this slave for being quick at work and having good eyesight. As for being a person, Then I still have to ask the lady to observe and ponder more in the future.”

Fendai didn’t say anything else, and sent He Zhong away to buy the mother-in-law immediately. She squatted down again, and was about to play with the child for a while, but the child suddenly started crying.

She was a little flustered and didn’t know how to coax her. She just kept trying to persuade her: “Don’t cry, little baby. Sister, let’s play with baby. Don’t cry anymore, baby!” She has patience, but she lacks experience.

The maid Dongying also coaxed her, but no matter how she coaxed her, the child kept crying, and you could vaguely see a kind of fear in the child’s eyes. Dongying reacted immediately and asked tentatively: “Xiaobao, do you not like this place?”

The child actually nodded and said in a crying voice: “Xiaobao is scared, so scared.”

Fendai was puzzled, “What are you afraid of?”

Xiaobao was too young to explain the truth, but Dongying guessed a bit, so she told Fendai: “The young master once lived in the mansion when he was young. Maybe he was frightened at that time, and there was a shadow that always stayed there. The child’s heart is blocked!”

“How long ago did this happen?” Fendai was startled and said hesitantly: “Besides, how young was he then? Can he remember things?”

Dongying said: “I will certainly not be able to remember things, but some impressions will remain more or less, right?”

Fendai waved her hand, “That’s all, we have to move too. If this is the case, we will be fine when we get to the new house.” After that, she went to coax the child again, “Don’t cry, little treasure, we will move tomorrow. , sister will take you to live in a better courtyard, which is ten times a hundred times better than here.”

As if he understood, the child nodded vigorously and threw himself into Fendai’s arms, still muttering: “Afraid, afraid.”

Fundai’s heart suddenly warmed up, and she felt that although her brother was scared, he still knew how to throw himself into her arms. She was the child’s only support. This feeling had never happened before. She felt that this was a bit like Feng Yuheng and Feng Zirui. She had always envied the relationship between the two siblings, but now, she finally had her own brother! Just…

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