Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife Chapter 921: Crazy one

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The person Li Guiren cares about most in her life is not Emperor Tianwu, but her son, the sixth prince Xuan Tianfeng. When he was young, he used some means to win favor, but it was not just to gain Emperor Tianwu’s favor, but to protect himself from being bullied in the palace by having the emperor’s blessing. Later, after she had a son, all her attention was transferred to this son. In addition, after Concubine Yun entered the palace, Emperor Tianwu stopped entering the harem, and her thoughts became even lighter.

But the sixth prince was her treasure, and he was a filial child, well-read in poetry and books, and well-educated. She had placed great hopes on that child, and she even relied on Emperor Tianwu’s favor to do so. The feeling of not being oppressed anymore in the harem was transferred to the sixth prince. It’s a pity that the sixth prince was filial to his biological mother, but the child was so focused on reading poems and books that he had no other thoughts at all. Later, they were forced to go outside to guard the border, which made Li Guiren feel very uncomfortable.

When Feng Fendai suddenly mentioned her son, she couldn’t help but be startled! After being locked up in the Jingsi Palace for a long time, it was rare to see outsiders once. The Sixth Prince was allowed to come in to visit, but he couldn’t come often. She was silent for a while and then asked the maid next to her: “How long has it been since His Highness Sixth Prince came?”

The palace maid obviously knew something. She glared at Feng Fendai, her eyes full of complaints, and then helplessly replied to Li Guiren: “It’s been a few months.”

“It’s been a few months…” Li Guiren’s eyebrows furrowed tightly, and a bad premonition arose.

The little maid quickly advised: “Don’t take it too seriously, noble man. Even His Highness the Sixth Highness cannot come to this Jingsi Palace often, not to mention that His Highness still has military power in his hands and is busy with affairs. From what I see… he should be returning to the Northeast. Daying went to handle matters.”

But Li Guiren didn’t believe it. If she just went back to her camp, it would be impossible for Feng Fendai to come all the way to say those strange words just now. She looked at Feng Fendai and asked bluntly: “What do you want to say?”

Fendai raised the corners of her lips and smiled dissatisfiedly at Lady Li, “My lord, why don’t you even know what your son is doing?” She glared at the palace maid again, very rudely. Said: “Master should speak frankly when asked. You, a slave, not only concealed it but also deceived it. What crime should you do?”

The palace maid was so angry with Feng Fendai, but she couldn’t let it out. The Feng family is in ruins, but Feng Fendai is the future concubine who is engaged to the fifth prince. If she is not careful, it can easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings between the fifth prince and the sixth prince. She I didn’t want that to happen, so I had no choice but to kneel down, bow my head and confess: “This slave deserves to die, please punish me.”

Li Guiren also had some anger in her heart. She couldn’t let it go with Fengfendai, so she just vented it on her servants. Seeing the palace maid kneeling down to admit her mistake, she slapped her away – “Tell me! What’s going on!”

The palace maid gritted her teeth, knowing that she couldn’t hide the matter, so she simply told the truth: “It’s all because of my fault. I was afraid that my master would worry about it, so I hid it. In fact… In fact, the sixth prince is not in the capital. Although I also went to the Northeast Camp, but instead of leading the troops back to Beijing, I went to Yuntian Mansion and stayed in Ji’an County.”

“Ji’an County?” Li Gui rarely asked about court affairs, so when he heard this Ji’an County was so abrupt, he really didn’t know where it was. However, the word Ji’an is too familiar. The Feng family has a Princess Ji’an. Could it be that Princess Ji’an is…

Feng Fendai sneered: “Your Majesty, you really forget things. Isn’t Ji’an County the fiefdom held by my second sister, the so-called Princess Ji’an! Your Highness, the Sixth Highness, is really promising. , I have already asked people about it, he went to Ji’an County, not only led troops to explain Feng Yuheng’s crisis, but even stayed there, noble sir, what do you think His Highness the Sixth Prince is doing in Ji’an County?” When she said this, she chuckled. If the Feng family were here, they would definitely be able to tell that the laughter was exactly the same as the Han family in the past. “His Highness Six stayed in Ji’an County and became a teacher.”

Everyone Li Gui was dumbfounded. Her son went to Feng Yuheng’s territory? Become a teacher? Although she knew in her heart that her son had always only liked poetry and books, and she had mentioned more than once that if he were not a descendant of the royal family, he would definitely become a teacher, but where could he go but to Ji’an County? She felt a little panicked. Her son was involved with Princess Jian. What was the reason for this?

Feng Fendai seemed to understand what she was thinking, and snorted coldly: “Your Majesty, don’t you understand why? Then I’ll tell you, for the sake of love! The Sixth Prince likes Feng Yuheng from the bottom of his heart, so he might as well even marry you. The biological mother gave up and went straight to Feng Yuheng to live in Ji’an County. I heard that she still lived in Feng Yuheng’s mansion in the county. The two were very close! Fendai knew better, so she might as well go with her again The noble man said that the Sixth Prince first went to the Northeast Camp and brought back tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. However, he did not return directly to the capital. Instead, he took a detour to Ji’an County to relieve Feng Yuheng from the siege. After that, there was no one else. When he came back, he simply gave all the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to the Seventh Prince. Now His Highness the Sixth Prince is not only an ordinary teacher in Jian County, he even has no soldiers and horses in his hands. Tell me, such a powerful person Should I be punished for forgetting my mother’s son after he fell in love with my sweetheart?”

Li Guiren was so angry that she almost vomited blood, but Feng Fendai was not merciful at all. She continued to talk, each word was heart-breaking: “This is not even counting, noble man, think about it, now Feng Yuheng and the Ninth Prince But they are already married. If the Ninth Prince knows His Highness the Sixth Prince’s thoughts and knows that His Highness is thinking about his wife, what will happen? If you continue to ignore me, Your Highness will die at the hands of the Ninth Prince sooner or later. Ah! Fendai is by no means an alarmist. His Highness gave the soldiers and horses to the Seventh Prince. The Seventh Prince and the Ninth Prince are in the same group. Now he is equivalent to the Sixth Highness being alone. Isn’t he at the mercy of others?”

Of course Li Guiren understands what Feng Fendai said. No man can allow anyone else to care about his wife, let alone the Ninth Prince who has been the only one since he was a child. But since her son had nothing in his hands, why did Feng Fendai come to Jingsi Palace? Of course she remembered that when Feng Fendai asked her to persuade the sixth prince to join forces with the fifth prince, she was interested in the powerful soldiers in her son’s hands. Now that the military power has been given away, what value does she have here?

Li Guiren looked at Feng Fendai in confusion and asked her: “What else do you want to do?”

Feng Fendai no longer beat around the bush and simply said: “We want military power! Although His Highness the Sixth Prince has handed over his troops, the military symbols are still in his own hands. In other words, the command power of the tens of thousands of troops is still in his hands. His. He lives in Ji’an County now. With the Ninth Prince’s thoughts, how could he not know what is going on? The confrontation has already been formed. If the noble man does not persuade the Sixth Prince to make a decision, I am afraid that one day the Ninth Prince will suddenly I’ve turned against you, but I’m going to eat you until there’s no bones left.”

Li Guiren trembled, and she instantly thought of the evil face of the Ninth Prince Xuan Tianming, and the fierceness of Princess Ji’an Feng Yuheng, and she couldn’t help but become afraid. But it was nothing to be afraid of. When she heard that her son had fallen in love with Princess Ji’an, she quietly had another thought in her heart. The idea was on the verge of happening, almost impatient.

Feng Fendai seemed to notice some changes in Li Guiren’s mood, but she only thought it was stimulated by her words. She also knew that His Highness the Sixth Prince was not in the capital now, and Li Guiren would have to go through a lot of trouble if he wanted to contact him. . So I didn’t rush for a while, and just reminded me again, “My lord, it’s better to make plans early.” Then he stood up, dusted off the non-existent dust on his clothes, looked at the side hall of Jingsi Palace with disgust again, and said Sentence: “The sooner you make a decision, the noble man will be able to get out of this hellish place sooner. Even though the Eighth Prince and the Ninth Prince are fierce now, if two tigers fight against each other, both sides will lose!” After saying that, he chuckled again, Left without thinking.

The palace maid stood up from the ground, took out the tea bowl that Fendai had used and threw it away. When she came back, she quickly persuaded Li Gui: “Your Majesty, you must not listen to the words of the Fourth Miss of the Feng Family. Your Highness, the Sixth Highness, Why do you have to help His Highness the Fifth?”

“Then who should we help?” Li Guiren suddenly asked: “Like now, the soldiers and horses are handed over to the seventh prince to help the seventh and ninth princes?”

“This…” The little palace maid was a little confused. After thinking about it again, she added: “Can’t you help no one? Live your own life? Our Highness is not that kind of person. His Highness also told the Empress in the past. I have done this many times, but please don’t force Your Highness to go down that road.”

“I am his mother, and I will not harm him.” A trace of determination suddenly flashed in Li Guiren’s eyes, “But you are right in saying that no one can help… Go and look for our jewelry box. , I remember that there should be a pair of jade bracelets left over from the previous dynasty, which were given to me by His Highness the Sixth Prince when he returned to Beijing the year before last year. Go find it, find a way to deliver it to Feng Yuheng, and say it was from me. Her wedding gift to His Highness Ninth Prince.”

The little palace maid was puzzled for a moment. Her master had never been very friendly with Princess Jian. Something like that happened again during the winter hunting. Although Princess Ji’an begged for mercy and saved her life, she did not see her master. Have you ever been grateful? Why do you suddenly need to give a gift? The pair of jade bracelets from the previous dynasty are the most precious things in the hands of Lady Li. She has always treasured them very dearly, so she has to give them away as a gift. Is it possible…

The little palace maid was frightened and said quickly: “My lord, please don’t take Miss Feng Si’s words seriously! Your Highness the Sixth Prince is not a stupid person, how could he fall in love with his younger brother and sister? Besides, even if it’s true, If there is such a thing, your Majesty should stop it in time, but you cannot help His Highness in this kind of matter.”

“Why not? I have long heard that the Feng family has a daughter named Feng Ming. They used to say that she was the beautiful Feng Chenyu, but Feng Chenyu has died long ago. Now the remaining three are all the same no matter how you look at it. Feng Yuheng should be destined to be a phoenix. If Feng’er really falls in love with her, then I have to find a way to help her. So what if I’m married? As long as Feng’er likes her!”

The little palace maid was so frightened that she didn’t even dare to breathe. Her intuition told her that her master… was crazy!

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