Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife Chapter 913: Fu Ya, die!

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Feng Yuheng’s words caused Dashun’s officers to burst out laughing again, and even the deputy general beside Bi Xiu almost suffered from internal injuries. Isn’t it? He is tall and tall, but Bixiu is very short. It is not an exaggeration to say that he looks like his grandson. It’s a pity that he doesn’t even have a wife or a son. How can he have a grandson?

He wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to. It was so uncomfortable that he had to turn his head and cough, which made Bixiu scream again. He even turned around and kicked him, until he He was kicked so hard that he fell to the ground, and then he heard Bi Xiu say again: “Go and call my general’s concubine.” After saying that, he lowered his head and looked at his feet, “Go and move a few more bricks, my general. I want to put on a good show for those people below!”

The deputy general didn’t know what the show was, but when he talked about the concubine, his eyes lit up. He has also seen that concubine, and she really looks like Princess Jian of Dashun! It is not an exaggeration to say that they are exactly the same. The general wants to bring the concubine up now… Could it be that he wants to cause some trouble for the Dashun people? After all, even if it’s not a person, looking at a face like that, General Dashun wouldn’t feel good, right? The deputy general couldn’t help but smile as he thought about General Bixiu’s special hobbies in certain areas, and quickly got up to call for help.

But Bixiu turned around and laughed downwards: “Since Princess Ji’an refuses to consummate the marriage with your husband, then I, the general, will do this good thing for your husband soon.” !”

What he said made Dashun’s soldiers confused as well. What’s his replacement? Can he take his place? No one knew what Bi Xiu meant by these words, but Feng Yuheng had a guess. She frowned and whispered to Xuan Tianming, “But we want to trouble Fu Ya?”

Xuan Tianming snorted coldly: “That’s probably what I meant.”

“Is that general suffering from hallucinations?” Feng Yuheng found it funny, “Is there a bug in his mind? A manly man doesn’t think carefully about how to deal with the enemy, but he just thinks about crooked ideas all day long. Is that going to kill each of us, or will each of us lose a piece of flesh? It’s really childish.”

Xuan Tianming also felt that it was naive, but he had never heard of Bixiu’s character, not to mention that he was a dissolute and extravagant guy. If he deliberately wanted to humiliate him, it would be quite disgusting to bring someone who looks exactly like Feng Yuheng. He discussed with his wife: “How about we attack the city directly? Why do we watch him act in that drama?”

Feng Yuheng shook his head and refused: “No, no, we can’t keep blowing up the city. Although there is enough ammunition, the wall city has to be repaired after it is blown up. Pingcheng is so far away from Lanzhou this month, so we need to transport blue bricks here. But it’s a difficult task and not cost-effective.”

Xuan Tianming spread his hands: “You said you wouldn’t explode. The groundhog got in trouble for a while. Don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Feng Yuheng nodded, “Don’t worry, those who deserve to die should no longer be alive. Not only that prairie dog deserves to die, Fu Ya’s life should also come to an end. The two new graves next to the green state in the eastern suburbs of Shaping City are still alive. I’m waiting to use her blood to pay homage! Today is just the right day to deliver it to my door.” Her eyes became stern, Fu Ya, you have lived for so long, you should pay the price for what you have done.

Not long after, there was movement on the wall of Yueping City again. This time, some soldiers really put bricks under Bi Xiu’s feet. They were so heavy that Bi Xiu stood on the bricks and his body was already I can find half of it. But Bixiu no longer felt safe as before. Most of the reason why he dared to climb up the city wall was because he was short and could save his life by shrinking his neck. Now it suddenly became higher, which made his target bigger, and the general of the country was frightened.

However, when he thought about the good show that was about to be staged for a while, he felt happy again. Dashun has always been causing trouble for him, and today, he had to make some trouble for Dashun people. Isn’t Princess Jian getting married? Very good, let him complete the wedding ceremony for her in this way!

Not long after, Fu Ya was brought to the city wall. The woman got a red dress from nowhere. It matched Feng Yuheng’s outfit, and Bi Xiu was very satisfied.

But for Fu Ya, this was the second time she had gone up to the city wall. The first time was in the northern border. She was caught by Duanmu Anguo’s people and was also sent up the high city wall. With the shadow of that time still there, her legs were trembling when she stood at such a high place again. But Bixiu couldn’t care less whether she was trembling or not. When he saw the person arriving, he pulled her in front of her eyes. Before Fu Ya could ask what he wanted her to do, she was already pushed to the edge of the city wall, with half of her body covered with blood. Explored out.

As soon as Fu Ya closed her eyes in fear, she felt that if Bi Xiu used more strength, she would be pushed down. But she was unwilling to give in. She suppressed her fear and asked, “General, what do you want me to do?”

Bi Xiu laughed obscenely, “Don’t worry, little lady, you’ll know in a moment!” After saying that, he shouted to the Dashun Army opposite: “Open your eyes and take a look, your Ji’an Princess, the bride of your Ninth Prince is in the hands of this general now!” As he spoke, he touched Fu Ya’s face again, pinched it hard, and then said: “She is really watery. This face is so elastic, do you want to touch it with me, General?”

After he said this, Fu Ya immediately understood Bi Xiu’s intention. She felt a chill in her heart, and the shame of not seeing him for a long time suddenly came over her. After all, she was not a too dissolute person. After all, she was forced by the situation to follow Bi Xiu. However, she did not expect that the joke that asked him to imagine herself as Feng Yu Heng would now become Bi Xiu’s use to vent on herself. export. Fu Ya was unwilling to give in and twisted her body a few times in an attempt to struggle, but how could she outscrew Bi Xiu? The hands of the martial arts practitioner were like iron pliers, holding her tightly on the city wall. No matter how she begged, Bi Xiu showed no mercy.

This scene was also clearly seen by the Dashun soldiers, although everyone knew that she was not the real Princess Ji’an. Their princess was just in front of the army, riding on a camel alongside the Ninth Prince. Up! But the woman’s bright red clothes and her face, which looked exactly like the princess’s, still dazzled the soldiers. Even though I know it’s not the case, I still find it very annoying.

As if Bi Xiu could see what Dashun was thinking, he couldn’t help but let a lewd smile cover his face again, and heard him say loudly: “Princess Ji’an, this general is here tonight, right under the nose of the soldiers of the three armies. How about having **** with you in the bridal chamber?” After asking, without waiting for the other party to answer, he actually tore off Fu Ya’s clothes. The bright red skirt was torn into strips, no longer covering her body. Fu Ya closed her eyes in humiliation, tears falling down the city wall, but she couldn’t arouse any sympathy. She knew she deserved it.

Bi Xiu is just a beast. In full view of everyone, under this high city wall, he took off his shirt, pulled off her fur pants, grabbed her hair and pressed her against the city wall. On top of it, in an extremely humiliating posture, he and she began to have conjugal relations. Fu Ya cried silently, and a vague thought came to her mind. Was Ban Zou beside Feng Yuheng also looking at her? Would Ban Zou feel distressed seeing her being humiliated like this? That was her hero. How much she hoped that her hero could save her again. As long as he could save her from this city wall, from now on she would not fight for anything or rob anything!

Unfortunately, Ban Zou saw her but had no intention of saving her at all. That was Feng Yuheng’s secret guard. Every hair he pulled out was aimed at Feng Yuheng. How could he possibly save Fu Ya, who had brought it upon herself? Not only did she not know how to save her, but she felt that Fu Ya deserved her current fate. People who had no self-respect, no self-love, and no clear idea of ​​who they were were not worthy of living in this world anymore.

Bixiu’s beastly behavior attracted cheers from the ancient Shu army, but the Dashun army was all gnashing their teeth in hatred. He Gan went to Feng Yuheng’s side to discuss with her: “Master, my subordinate can kill the general with one shot. Do you want to do it?”

Feng Yuheng raised her lips and smiled softly, “Do it? Of course you have to do it, but it’s not you who do it, but my own hands.” As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her hand, holding the Desert Eagle Company in her hand. There was no aiming process, just shot out with one shot.

Na Bixiu was so excited that he was thinking about having a wedding ceremony with Princess Ji’an of Dashun. His fantasy went to his head and he didn’t even pay attention to the movements of the enemy on the opposite side. Of course, even if he noticed it, he didn’t. The speed of the bullet was not like that of a bow and arrow, which allowed him to hide. Even if he could see clearly when the shot was fired, there was nowhere to escape.

So, the Dashun soldiers watched their princess raise her head casually, but with a “bang”, a hole opened in the middle of Bixiu’s forehead.

The soldiers of the marksman team have also practiced their marksmanship very accurately for several months, but they are not as accurate as Feng Yuheng, who can do whatever he wants. A shot hit the center of the eyebrow, and even his own people took a breath of air. He Gan said in admiration: “Master, you have good marksmanship.”

Looking at Bixiu again, as a blood hole passed through his eyebrows, the whole person seemed to be frozen at first, then shook twice, and suddenly fell back. As for Fu Ya, at the moment Bi Xiu fell, he pushed down the city wall with his sudden force before Bi Xiu died.

Everyone witnessed the whole process of Fu Ya’s fall, but no one felt the slightest pity. Everyone in Lanzhou knew about the fake princess, and the people of Dashun didn’t even have time to hate her. Some people even clapped their hands and applauded her when she fell.

Fu Ya heard the cheers from Dashun’s end, but endless expectations arose in her heart. She still remembered being pushed under the city wall in the same way in the northern border, but the moment before she landed, someone was like a hero falling from the sky, holding her firmly in his arms. That person fell into her heart at a glance. Even though she is now in ruins, she still misses that embrace.

She kept thinking that Ban Zou would definitely appear. With such hope in her heart, the process of falling would not be so scary. She even hopes to finish it quickly, so that at the last moment, her hero will appear, save her from the fire and water, and lead her to rebirth.

Unknown to everyone, on the Dashun Army side, Xuan Tianming was pointing at her and saying to his wife beside him: “Do you think that woman is still thinking that someone can save her?”

Feng Yuheng looked at Ban Zou in a funny way and raised an eyebrow: “How about you go and save me?”

Ban Zao shook his head, “In this world, the only one who can be reborn from the ashes is the Phoenix. And the only one who can reborn as the Phoenix is ​​the Master.”

Yes, there is only one Phoenix Lord in the world, Fu Ya, and he is not worthy.

With a muffled sound, Fu Ya plunged headfirst into the sand outside Yueping City. After her body twitched several times, she became silent.

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