Dimensional Chat Room Chapter 633: I wish you all success in the exam

   Chapter 633 I wish you all a victory in the exam

   build a world of data and put the real body into it.

   Ye You has always had this idea since completing the SAO strategy.

   used to be able to explore slowly, but now there are ready-made ones to imitate.

  Go the way of others, leaving them nowhere to go.

  Reverse engineering or something, Ye You likes it the most.

  The combat simulator of St. Freya Academy perfectly fits Ye You’s vision.

   is just too small, probably less than the size of a football field.

  If the entire Aincrad can be mapped out…No, not only Aincrad, but you can also set the world according to your own preferences.

   Although the battle simulation room is data modeling, the most important thing is the equipment, and the data is only an aid.

  ”Find an opportunity to ask Walter. After all, he is the leader of the anti-entropy, so he should be able to get it.”

   did not stay much, Ye You walked out of the combat simulation and came to the office of the teaching building.

   It is spacious, bright and luxuriously decorated. There are six square tables in the center of the room, and there are several pots of cacti on the windowsill.

   Is this the place to work?

  The working environment at Saint Freya Academy is pretty good.

   Ye You sat in his place, and the teacher in the Mediterranean, who was immersed in the copywriting and scratching his cheeks next to him, did not notice Ye You’s arrival.

   “What are you doing?” Ye You asked.

   “Set questions on the final exam paper.” The Mediterranean teacher said with his head buried.

  ”Propose a question?”

   Ye You was surprised. He looked around, and now it’s the two of them in the office, “Do you have no proposition group? You alone?”

   “Proposition group?” The Mediterranean teacher raised his head in confusion, “What is that?”

   Then he found out that it was wrong, “Are you… the new teacher?”

   Teacher Mediterranean is worthy of being bald, and his head is still very bright.

   Ye You set his sights on the reference book he spread out,

   “It turned out to be physics, or electromagnetics. It happened that I did a little research in this area. If you don’t dislike it, we can communicate.”

   Two smiles appeared on the face of the teacher of the Mediterranean Sea, “I don’t hate it, I don’t hate it, how can I dislike it. I almost want to explode, it would be great if you were willing to help me.”

   Ye You also sat down, and he smiled at the teacher from the Mediterranean, showing a smile that only the proposition can understand.

   He used to only do test papers, but today I had the opportunity to give out test papers for others to do. It was surprisingly good.

   Ye You first flipped through basic physics roughly. The laws of physics here are not much different from those in other dimensions, except for collapse.

   Then, according to the syllabus of this examination, I started to set the questions.

   Ye You discovered that by asking someone a question, he not only reorganized the existing knowledge, but also can fight against invisible opponents.

   Yes, wit and courage.

   There is also a war without gunpowder between the proposition and the writer.

  The problem is not that the harder the better, but the feeling that “it seems difficult at first glance, I can’t find the clue, but as long as you grasp the key points, you can cut through smoothly” is the best.

   routine, anti routine, anti routine.

   This is the level of application of knowledge.

   The collision of thought sparks between the proposition and the proposition.

   “I don’t know if anyone will get full marks…”

   Ye You couldn’t help but look forward to it.

   is also taking this humble incident as a starting point, and the future cultural classes of Saint Freya Academy will usher in a nightmare.

  Time passed, and soon passed in the afternoon.

   The setting sun is sinking, floating light and glimpsing.

   Ye You finished writing with satisfaction. During the parting, the Mediterranean teacher looked at the question. He held Ye You’s hand excitedly, as if he had preserved his last dignity, “This time, the squad leader may not Full score again.”

   Ye You understands his psychology.

   I have racked my brain to come up with a problem, if it is easily solved by someone, I will feel some IQ being crushed.

  As long as you can be difficult to hold the other person, you will have an inexplicable sense of pride, even if you use human hands.

   So in other words, that monitor is very good?

   Ye You left the office, passing by the fountain in the garden, and saw Xi’er sitting on the bench, looking at the clouds in the distance.


   Hearing Ye You’s voice, Xi’er raised her head happily, “Brother Ye You, you are finished.”

   Ye You nodded, “Are you still used to here?”

   “Well, everyone is very enthusiastic, Xier is very happy.”

   “Xier, you are here.” Bronya floated in the distance.

   The silver-haired girl saw Ye You and noticed that this was the only way for the school building to return to the dormitory. She seemed to understand why Xier was sitting here and enjoying the sunset.

   “Sister Bronya.” Xier stood up a little shy.

   “Oh, it’s all here!” Ji Zi didn’t know when she appeared, shaking the bottle, “I just bought fresh ingredients today. Let’s eat hot pot together. It’s a welcome party.”

   “Teacher Jizi, this is the school, don’t you look like a teacher?” Bronya avoided the rose woman who smelled of wine.

  ”What does it matter, get out of class is over anyway.”

   Seeing this peaceful scene, Xier covered her mouth and laughed.

   She did not expect that she would have the opportunity to enjoy such an ordinary career.


   Bronya looked at Xier, she only felt that she was the most beautiful at the moment.

   Inverse entropy, destiny, collapse, or Ye You is not important at all. As long as she can keep Xier’s smile, Bronya feels satisfied.

   When a group of people came to the dormitory, Qiyana was slapped on the sofa like a salted fish one day, and Ji Zi treated her super double for today’s training.

   Yaxi wears an apron to prepare cooking skillfully in the open kitchen, and bubbles are gurgling in the high pot.

  ”Walter didn’t come?” Ye You asked.

  ”This is the welcome party in the dormitory of the Destiny Saint Freya Academy. How could he, an anti-entropy leader appear here.”

  ”You are here, wait a moment, you can eat soon.” Mei smiled gently with a spoon~IndoMTL.com~Qiana heard that she could eat, and her eyes immediately shined.

   “Ma Yi, I am hungry and flat.”

   “Well, it’s almost done. Wait a little longer, Qiyana.”


   She sank again.

   slammed, the door was roughly recommended, and a short leg in a nun uniform appeared at the door holding two large bottles of drinks.

  ”Hahaha, I grabbed the last two bottles of bitter gourd juice at the promotional price.”

   De Lisa laughed triumphantly. She put the drink in the refrigerator and it tasted better after refrigerating it.

   Then I heard a shout: “Kiana, did you steal my snacks again.”

   “It’s just that I didn’t steal it. I ate it honestly, and Mei stopped me.” Qiyana was confident.

   Finally, Ye You and the Valkyries sat in a circle around the hot pot and raised their cups at the same time.

  ”Welcome Xier to join Saint Freya Academy, oh, and Ye You.”


   “Ye You, what did you say too.”

   “I wish you all a victory in the exam tomorrow.”



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