Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 910: Natural enemies

Giving Lotkar a withdrawing look, Yang Yu hugged Bai Jin and ran away.

“Want to escape? It’s useless if I tell you.”

The diligent Ling Shu figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of the dropped staff and picked up the staff.

Due to his own characteristics, it is difficult for him to carry physical objects and move at high speed.

But it doesn’t matter.

As long as he kills everyone present, he can take the staff that sealed the demon and go back to life.

As long as the Lord Demon can come again, this war doesn’t matter, and I don’t need to go to Baihuadu.

Unfortunately, there must be others who noticed the light that shot up into the sky.

Everything must be done before things get troublesome.

Yang Yu’s strength and zero skills are still unknown.

He didn’t know how long it would take to knock Yang Yu down, and he didn’t know if the staff would be taken away during the period.

Ling Shu decided to play it safe and took Bai Jin’s staff to pursue.

His figure became illusory again, turning into a small black shadow that wrapped around Bai Jin’s staff.

Bai Jin’s staff flew up out of thin air and headed straight for Yang Yu.

Relying on the staff, Yang Yu can easily determine the location of Zero Technique.

But it was only temporary. The next moment, Bai Jin’s staff fell to the ground.

The traces of Zero Technique disappeared quietly again.

The black pile of rocks seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​stones. The diligent Ling Shu was like a shark lurking under the sea. At any time, it might open its **** mouth from under the sea and swallow Yang Yu into it. .

The strategy adopted by Yang Yu was to repeatedly jump horizontally on the pile of rocks without any rhythm.

He didn’t know how the ghost judged a person’s position.

However, since the ghost can clearly pass through the object, it still seems to show its existence, leaving behind a group of black shadows. Yang Yu believes that after the ghost completely sneaks into the object, the perception will become weaker.

They must be partially exposed to accurately locate the target.

The diligent Zero Technique should also follow this rule in the volcanic rocks.

However, Yang Yu still underestimated the diligent zero skill.

There are already gaps in the volcanic rocks. In addition, in order to mine volcanic glass, the Blazing Fire Tribe bombarded a lot of volcanic rocks and opened cracks. Even if the diligent Zero Technique did not leak out, he could still detect Yang Yu and their movements.

The Zero Technique that turns into a spirit body can use all the magic power gathered around it to accelerate or attack.

In almost the blink of an eye, Ling Shu sprang out from the pile of rocks in front of Yang Yu. His bandaged hand simultaneously emitted a burst of silver light and tore towards Yang Yu’s abdomen.

Yang Yu jumped to the right, Ling Shu’s sharp hands grazed his thigh, and blood immediately spattered everywhere.

With Bai Jin and still stepping on the rocks, Yang Yu couldn’t completely avoid the sudden attack of Zero Technique.

Ignoring the severe pain coming from the root of his thigh, Yang Yu speeded up and crossed Ling Shu’s side.

Zero moves very fast in his spirit state, but when he condenses into a physical body, his speed is much slower.

In addition, it will take some time for Zero Technique to dematerialize and completely disappear.

This is the only breakthrough Yang Yu can find.

The scenery in front of him changed, and Yang Yu stepped onto the neatly stacked stones.

Unconsciously, they arrived at the entrance to Blazing City.

Yang Yu had greeted the Blazing Fire Tribe in advance and needed their help when encountering difficulties.

But the responsibility for contacting and asking for help was completely left to Bai Jin.

Now Bai Jin is unconscious in his arms and cannot contact the Blazing Fire Clan.

Yang Yu could only pray that the Blazing Fire Clan would notice his panic and do something for him.

However, no matter how many holes Yang Yu stepped on where the Blazing Clan had piled rocks, there was still no reaction.

The diligent Ling Shu once again brought Bai Jin’s staff and chased after him.

Seeing Bai Jin’s staff inserted into the pile of rocks again, the diligent Ling Shu launched the “prediction of attack.”

With a [Rescue Charge], Yang Yu came to Lotkar, who was not far away, and put the still unconscious Bai Jin on Lotkar’s back.

Then, Yang Yu pulled Lotkar’s hair and asked Lotkar to stop where he was.

Yang Yu took out [The Smile of the Goddess] in his left hand and the sword in his right hand.

A streak of blood spread from Yang Yu’s chest, covering him with a bright red coat.

I can only try it now. [Rage and Blood], which can cause real damage, does not work.

“Yang Yu, behind you!” Lotkar shouted.

While Yang Yu was preparing, at some point, Ling Shu, who turned into a black shadow, silently ran up Yang Yu’s back.

“I can see that you don’t know how to use magic at all, then I will be your natural enemy.

I said, no matter how you escape, it will be useless.

You are wrong because you are an enemy of our sect!

Farewell. ”

Ling Shu’s bandaged right hand strangled Yang Yu’s throat, and his left hand turned into a hand knife and slashed towards Yang Yu’s neck.

Yang Yu pressed [Goddess’s Smile] hard, and a holy light spurted out from the necklace, covering Yang Yu, Bai Jin and Lotkar at an extremely fast speed. Then, a light mask appeared with Yang Space-centered diffusion.

Ling Shu’s hand knife was like hitting a hot black iron plate, making his soul tremble and fall from Yang Yu’s body.

Yang Yu turned around and slashed, the sharp blade leaving a long and narrow path on Ling Shu’s body.

Unable to see Zero’s health bar, Yang Yu didn’t know the specific damage done. All he could do now was keep slashing.

Even if there is only a little damage, he will try his best to fight it out.

However, the little light Yang Yugang saw was covered by darkness again.

The scratches on Ling Shu’s body twisted strangely, condensed in an instant, and recovered as before.

“I told you, it’s useless! Give up the struggle and die, I have other work to do.”

Since [Rage and Blood] didn’t work, the sword in Yang Yu’s hand disappeared, and instead he held a luminous stone and smashed it into Ling Shu’s face.

Zero Technique has no intention of dodging.

Although Yang Yu’s attack just caused some damage to him, it was far from being able to penetrate his eyes.

In Ling Shu’s view, this mask is already Yang Yu’s last trump card.

With no other choice, Yang Yu chose to confront him head-on.

Yang Yu’s life has been like a candle in the wind.

As long as the light protecting Yang Yu disappears, Ling Shu can pierce Yang Yu’s heart like a white hibiscus.

No matter how many potions Yang Yu had, it was useless.

However, Yang Yu’s fist holding the Heavenly Stone hit Ling Shu firmly in the face and pushed him into a neat pile of rocks.

Yang Yu shouted towards the pile of rubble beneath him: “The Blazing Tribe! Detonate!”

Yang Yu’s words seemed to be heard by the Blazing Fire Clan guarding the entrance of the cave.

The rubble where Ling Shu was lying on quickly climbed up with red lines, and a large amount of blazing energy gathered.

“Lotkar changes back to human form and gets behind me!”

A few steps back, Yang Yu held up the huge Flame Dragon Shield. Lotkar did not hesitate, changed back to his human form, and lay down behind Yang Yu with Bai Hibiscus on his back.

In an instant, a red light suddenly appeared, red tongues of fire mixed with stones, accompanied by a huge roar, swallowing up Yang Yu and the others.

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