Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 739: Great Victory

Picking up the warhammer and struggling to push away the slime that was entangled in him, Chang Yanagawa said nothing more, turned around and ran towards the Luo Ze soldiers blocking the stairs.

Facing the menacing orc troops, Helmet Yi’s instructions to the troops were simple.

——Cover Nagayanagiawa’s retreat at all costs.

No one is allowed to leave here unless Gui Yi personally orders it.

Many Luo Ze elites had objections to this decision, but no one really questioned it.

They only need to do their best to complete the orders of their superiors.

For this reason, they were trained.

Every one of Luo Ze’s elites used one to block a hundred, squeezing out everything they learned in the cruel training ground.

They actually managed to slightly resist the attack of the orcs in the narrow passage.

Kui Yi personally resisted Yang Yu.

Using his eyes to signal Bai Jin and the others not to interfere and to help other soldiers, Yang Yu deliberately slowed down the frequency of his attacks and matched his sword with Gui.

Compared with Chang Yanaguan, Yang Yu was more concerned about the abnormal condition on Gui Yi.

What is going on in this state? How can I get rid of this situation?

Yang Yu was full of questions, wishing he could lift the helmet in front of him and let him spit out everything he knew.

But the soldiers of the Luo Ze Empire have always been very tight-lipped.

Yang Yu can only proceed step by step to see if he can find any flaws.

“You are really willing to give up. With so many of you, is it worth exchanging one person’s life?”

Faced with Yang Yu’s doubts, Guiyi sneered while dancing his swords,

“You simply can’t understand why we do this.

You are just a bunch of savage orcs!

I don’t know what glory is! ”

“What glory, I can see that you are not doing it for that kind of boring thing…”

Speaking of this, Yang Yu’s tone became a little more serious,

“You are working so hard for someone, right?”

Kuiyi sneered expressionlessly:

“It is precisely because of this that I say that it is impossible for orcs to understand us humans.

To die for the empire and for a noble in a high position is a supreme honor for a soldier.

You have no idea of ​​the true identity of the chief, nor the meaning of his existence.

…I don’t even know what the glory I protect is. ”

In a few words, Yang Yu knew that it was impossible to get any information from Gui Yi’s mouth, even if he was hung up.

However, this semi-conscious state is exactly the same as the black workers controlled by the Yinlan Chamber of Commerce.

Kui Yi is most likely under the influence of invisible charm magic.

Since he couldn’t say anything, Yang Yu didn’t bother to talk nonsense and launched an even more violent attack.

Kui Yi used both blades to block and defend continuously.

Kamicho Yanagawa hurriedly climbed the stairs and disappeared to the upper level. Helmet ordered his troops to fight and retreat without any delay, and retreated to the stairs guarded by heavily armored knights, preparing to escape.

Inspired by Yang Yu, the orc troops were like a fierce tide, rushing through Blazing City until they submerged the entire city.

Along the way, Yang Yu saw many traps built in advance by Luo Ze soldiers.

Some of them he can use his speed to quickly release; while others can only be activated when he gets there.

These traps, which are unknown where they are hidden, greatly slow down the pace of the orcs’ attack.

Due to the limited number of soldiers who could be teleported away through the teleportation device, an unexpectedly large number of soldiers stayed in Blazing City to perform cover tasks.

They resisted heroically and surrendered to Wansheng Kingdom only after losing more than 30% of their troops or completing their cover mission.

Yang Yu led his troops to pursue and fight fiercely, but due to the structure of Blazing Fire City, the speed of movement was not as fast as expected.

When Yang Yu led his troops all the way to the teleportation device, the teleportation device installed by the Luo Ze Empire was activated again and again.

The four blue pillars on the fifth level emitted dazzling light. The soldiers on the disk were enveloped in white light, and disappeared without a trace with a “whoosh”.

There are still many soldiers waiting to be transported, but the arrival of Yang Yu and others broke their original plan.

The soldiers of the Luo Ze Empire organized and jointly fought against Yang Yu’s troops, but they still could not withstand the orcs’ attack

An officer was fiddling with the control panel of the teleportation device, not knowing what he entered. As a harsh sound sounded, the teleportation device emitted thick black smoke and stopped functioning completely.

The destruction of the transmission device also brought about a series of chain reactions.

After seeing the bravery of Yang Yu’s troops, the Luo Ze soldiers who stayed behind in Blazing City surrendered to the Wansheng National Army without much resistance.

At this point, congratulations on taking back all the volcanoes.

A few days later.

Celebrating the victory of the volcano, mixed with battle reports from multiple front lines, were transmitted to Baihuadu.

In less than two months, the entire area around Qinghe Volcano was recaptured.

Hearing this news, the citizens of Wansheng Kingdom were cheered up and organized a celebration spontaneously.

At night, the residents of Baihuadu decorated the streets with lanterns and colorful lights.

Everyone is immersed in this celebration of victory.


On a certain bell tower in Baihuadu, a black shadow stared at the cheerful atmosphere on the street, appearing to be incompatible with the festive atmosphere.

He was covered in white bandages, his eye sockets were sunken, and he had deep dark circles, as if he hadn’t slept in months.

Avoiding the dazzling light, he hid in the shadow of the attic and murmured:

“What a joy.

Just because they won a battle, they were so happy. They didn’t know what to do to achieve true happiness.

Only by working and working non-stop can you master true happiness.

Their smiling faces are so pathetic.

In this city, there are only a few people who can grasp true happiness.

If everyone could work as hard as I do, the world would be a better place. ”

Leaning against the wall, the diligent Ling Shu crossed his hands and kept tapping his elbows with his index finger, looking very irritated.

The person he is looking for is probably like him now. He is not immersed in this cheerful atmosphere, but is still working like him.

Be careful in order to meet the client so as not to violate the rules they have set with each other.

Only by meeting the client can we trace the whereabouts of the kind grandmother’s “son” and learn more details.

It would be okay if the “son” of the kind grandmother died directly, but this state of not being able to sense it, but still feeling that it is alive in the dark, is the most crazy…

Except for members of the sect, Lord Demon’s power must be killed without mercy.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard on the attic, and a young man with morning glory vines wrapped around his body stepped onto the attic, and Ling Shu quietly disappeared.

With a smile on his face, the young man grabbed the handrail and looked at Baihuadu from the attic.

“It’s been three months since I came out.

I really saw a lot of good things again, these are not comparable to those of the plant family.

The orcs who rule the country become more and more prosperous, while the plant tribe becomes more and more declining.

When can we become the same? ”

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