Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 666: You prove the proof

Opening the panel to check the attributes of the human male in front of him, Yang Yu learned that his name was Mengeloks Awad.

The personal attributes are not much better than those of ordinary soldiers. Except for speed, the average of all attributes does not exceed 150.

How much courage it takes for such a man to be alone and move in the vast snow.

In addition, he actually knows the location of the magic communication jamming device, so he needs to pay more attention to it.

If you take the initiative to expose your human identity, you might get more useful information.


Forget it, it’s better not to reveal your true identity too early. It’s best to continue to maintain this dubious state.

Judging from Wanluo’s treatment of Mengeloks, in order to fight, Wansheng Kingdom also vilified the human side to a certain extent, and it was faintly ingrained in the hearts of many soldiers.

After listening to Mengeloks’ words, Akiket thought for a while and then turned to Yang Yu.

“Potato Thorns, how credible do you think this old man’s words are?”

For a while, the officers present looked more or less towards Yang Yu.

Rather than saying that they wanted to see what this young and promising young man would do, they wanted to see what he would do when faced with this unexpected human being.

Even though Yang Yu had just expressed his attitude on the battlefield, he still looked over unconsciously.

“It is difficult to judge whether it is true or false. Based on what Mr. Wanluo saw and heard, it is inferred that the troops of the Luo Ze Empire are also looking for him. There is one thing that I am very concerned about. Mr. Wanluo, he has clearly surrendered. ”

Wan Luo shook his head, “He did not explicitly surrender. When he was surrounded by us, he raised his hands while hiding under the snow. We asked him many questions, but he chose to remain silent.”

“It wasn’t until he met General Ajiket that he chose to blurt out the matter, and he seemed to have expected that the troops of the Second Eastern Army would move here.

If you came here to disable the magic communication jamming device from the beginning, how would you know that the direction of the East Second Army’s assistance force was Akiket’s force.

Sir, where did you get this information from?

You knew most of the plans of the Luo Ze Empire troops from the beginning, right? ”

Hearing Yang Yu’s question, Mengeloks stretched out his hand to gently soothe his temples, and then gave an affirmative answer,

“Well, when I came to this plain, I also learned a lot of information from various troops.”

“How on earth do you know! How much do you know?”

Wan Luo wanted to step forward and pick up Mengelox’s collar and question him loudly, but Dong Mu stopped him, “Don’t be so impatient. You will scare people. Wait until Tudou has finished asking the questions.”

“Du Tong? Is he just a Du Tong?” Wan Luo’s eyes widened, a little surprised that Yang Yu was just a Du Tong and appeared here.

“Everyone must know the reason why I am here, but now is not the time to discuss this.” Yang Yu took a few steps closer to Mengeloks, “You know this information so easily, you should have someone who can eavesdrop. Those human conversations, methods or devices to determine the general movements of each unit?”

As soon as these words came out, the spirits of everyone in the audience were lifted up. If we could eavesdrop on human conversations and grasp human movements, we would be able to prevent them from searching for lost troops or launching attacks against humans. .

Mengelox’s expression suddenly changed when he heard what Yang Yu said. His clumsy lies would be easily seen through by the people in front of him.

“I really didn’t expect to realize this. Yes, I do have a device in my hand that can monitor human conversations, as long as they still use that kind of communication device on this plain.”

The eyes of many orcs present lit up, but the next sound from Mengeloks ruthlessly shattered the illusions of everyone present.

“But I will never give that thing to you. That thing will implicate a lot of people, it will definitely implicate a lot of people, even if it just appears.

Once it was a coincidence, the second time it was a coincidence, but the third time…

If you want to use their information to do something, they will definitely find out.

This is a warning. I was prepared to leave and never come back.

If you are ungrateful and ignore my advice, those who stand behind me will be uprooted.

Perhaps, we will never usher in the peace we imagined…”

Mangellox spoke half-heartedly, and many officers were confused. They didn’t know whether what Mengellox said was true or just a simple threat.

However, they looked at Yang Yu differently, who had broken through this layer of skin. Many people wouldn’t think in this direction, right?

Especially after hearing what the old man said, the most I could ask was, “How do you know where the magic jamming devices are?”

As long as the other party’s words are reasonable, everyone will focus on how to deal with the old man, and let the neglected details be forgotten forever.


Yang Yu had no expression on his face and turned the conversation back to Akiket,

“General, in your opinion, what should we do?

His words are indeed somewhat credible. He was only wary of humans, but not of orcs. Perhaps, from the beginning, he expected to encounter the orc troops.

I am also sure that Wanshengguo’s troops will not harm his life because he is an old man.

Although there are still some doubts, why did he come, what dangers he took, and what kind of persistence he had.

I think the general should make his own decision. ”

Everyone at the scene turned their attention to Akiket.

Akiket also pondered for a long time.

What this man did will undoubtedly bring heavy losses to his country, causing countless compatriots to die on the battlefield, and reversing the smooth situation.

From the perspective of the Luo Ze Empire, he was already treason.

Getting caught is a death sentence.

If he really wanted to harm Wansheng Kingdom, there was no need to brave such heavy snow in such a cold winter and walk alone.

Judging from several battles, it can be seen that human beings are full of self-confidence. They do not need and do not bother to use such a plan full of loopholes.

The old man didn’t want to stay in the orcs’ military camp.

As early as the moment he saw the old man, Akikete was convinced that the old man had chosen to side with them.

It’s somewhat inappropriate to just let it go, so this interrogation took place.

“Well – if you want us to believe you, I hope you can give us some real and useful information. This is not difficult for you, right?”

After pondering for a while, Mengeloks replied: “There are three identical liaison officers in Unit 024, Unit 009 and Unit 011. They are septuplets. As long as you have fought, you will know.”

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