Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 513: Meeting

After being knocked down, Zuixiang. Putao laughed and talked to Yang Yu, “I admit that I underestimated you. You are indeed qualified to be my strong enemy.”

“Oh, but I don’t want to be your strong enemy. You can cool off and stay there.” Yang Yu looked coldly and drove away Zuixiang. Grape and stood there waiting for the next game to start.

Zuixiang. Putao originally wanted to say something, but when he turned around, he found that his arms were tied by other plant species.

“Let’s go, let’s go, don’t be embarrassed here.”

No matter how much Zuixiang. Grape screamed and struggled, he was still dragged away by other plant tribes like a pig to death.

And Yang Yu’s next opponent also came on stage. In the last final, Yang Yu felt that it was easier to fight than in the previous games he had played. Within two moves, his opponent fell like that.

“Winner, Yang Yu!”

As Jade Yu and Chive’s voice fell, the selection competitions for the plant tribe ended.

Yang Yu successfully came out on top, avoiding the fate of working for the plant tribe.

Working? It is impossible to work part-time in this life, and even food and housing are not included.

After the competition, Cuiyu Leek, who hosted the competition, personally commended Yang Yu and awarded Yang Yu a small medal.

But this thing did not bring him a new title like King Hani granted him a title. It could only be regarded as a souvenir.

Since Yang Yu had used the essence of the plant race before, when Jade Yu. Leek took out the essence of the plant race, he could only stare.

The previous champion squeezed through the crowd and appeared in front of Cuiyu. Under the watchful eyes of the Plant Tribe Council, Cuiyu carefully took out the essence of the race, extracted part of the power from it, and injected it into the young peach blossom girl.

I saw a burst of light suddenly blooming on the peach blossom girl, from bronze to silver, and from silver to gold, just like drawing cards. This girl was performing the most important “card drawing” in her life, and suddenly gold flashed out rainbow colored light.

Seeing this rainbow-colored light, the surrounding plant species suddenly became excited. The rainbow-colored light is really a sign of evolving into a superior species, which has not been seen this year.

The onlookers of the plant tribe are all extremely envious. As long as they can become a superior species, they will have more powerful power, a longer lifespan, and will not be troubled by the wood rot disease.

This girl is undoubtedly lucky.

Under her feet grew large swaths of plants that were also shining with iridescent light. These plants changed back and forth, and finally became fixed into a posture.

As the rainbow-colored light dissipated, rose branches with spikes bloomed into roses, forming a small garden.

In the center of the garden, the girl’s pink hair turned into a bright red like blood, green and red intertwined with each other, thorns entangled her arms, and rose branches and leaves replaced the original clothes.

The girl’s standing posture is like that created by Sandro Botticelli, shyly covering the exposed skin.

Another rose species is born.

Meiyu. Rose took the initiative to congratulate her and told her that if she felt uncomfortable, she could grow large tracts of roses on her face like Meiyu, forming a blood-red helmet, so that she would not feel ashamed.

The girl followed suit, and the petals formed a red helmet that was no different from jade or roses. However, the girl’s shyness did not disappear because of this. She still blushed and wanted to leave here immediately, but she still held back her thoughts. In a mood to escape, he faced the crowd and bowed to them.

The onlookers of the plant tribe applauded one after another, and Yang Yu also followed suit.

After the selection competition, there is the carnival of the festival.

The resting plant residents continued their busy work to celebrate this harvest season together.

As the people dispersed, Yang Yu found Cuiyu and Chives,

“I have successfully won the game. Look, should you let us go? We have very important things to do later.”

Cuiyu smiled, “I didn’t expect that you really won. Congratulations. I think if you want to leave, no one will stop you. Just in case, I’ll give you this. ”

A cluster of green leeks grew out of Jade Chives’ hands. She took out a sharp knife and cut it, then handed a handful of leeks to Yang Yu,

“Take it and the guards won’t stop you from leaving, but are you really not going to celebrate the Autumn Festival with us here?”

“No need.” Yang Yu threw the leek into the system and pointed at Lotkar not far away. “I made an agreement with him. I have been to his Full Moon Festival and I have to rush Go back.”

“That’s really a pity. I think there will definitely be many people who want to communicate with you.”

“They should want to chat with the new superior species more, I’ll forget it.” Yang Yu took out a thick envelope from the power of the system and smiled slightly, “Can you help me give this letter to Quan. Elder Acorn? There are a lot of interesting conjectures above. I have not been idle at all during the week at the plant.”

Hearing what Yang Yu said, Cuiyu was a little curious and took the envelope in Yang Yu’s hand,

“I’ll pass it on to him.”

“By the way, one more thing, the bottle of potion I gave you…”

“You don’t want to go back, do you? That’s evidence.”

“I don’t want to go back, but I just ask you to keep it safe. Your plant family has been being recruited by the king of Wansheng Kingdom, right? The king will send someone to ask for this potion in the future.

As long as you give them this potion, they will probably stop forcing you to join the war. ”

Cuiyu didn’t know the deep meaning of Yang Yu’s words, but there was nothing wrong with doing what he said. After all, the plant race no longer wanted to be involved in wars and sacrifice, especially the upper species, and they must not lose another one. , that is the foundation of their clan.

“I will go and reconcile this matter with Elder Quan. If he agrees, I will do as you say. However, if I do as you say and cause trouble, you will be responsible for it. Full responsibility.”

“As long as the medicine is fine, there won’t be any problems.”

Jade Rose smiled, but Yang Yu just turned around and said hello to his friend whom he had not seen for a long time.

Before Yang Yu could reach Lotkar’s side, Bai Jin couldn’t sit still and rushed forward.

Hey, hey, what on earth did you give that girl… Could it be a love letter? In just a few days, can you?

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