Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 483: Old guy

At the end of the Yinya tribe’s village stands a white cliff, with a waterfall pouring down from the top into the stream that supplies the Yinya tribe’s survival.

Not far from this waterfall, there is a square platform covered with claw marks, with a lifelike white wolf head carved on the back.

Looking towards the village from the center of the wolf’s head, you can see that the houses of the Yinya clan are in a perfect fan shape, as if they were shining through a flashlight from the wolf’s head.

The office where the patriarch is located is just in front of the wolf head. As the starting point of the fan-shaped radiation, this represents that the patriarch of the Yinya clan manages the Yinya clan together with his ancestors.

The patriarch’s office is made of pure wood. Although it is tall and huge, it only has three floors.

The third floor is an observation deck used to inspect the situation in the village, where you can have a panoramic view of everything happening in the village.

The second floor is where important documents and things are stored.

The first floor is the reception room used to receive guests and help the tribe solve problems.

The living room is extremely spacious, and the doorway is more than six meters high. Lotkar, who transformed into a giant wolf, can easily pass through.

Having said hello to the guards, Yang Yu and his group followed Kaibu into the living room and looked along the animal skin carpet. At the end of the room, there was a meat ball covered with silver hair.

He is the current chief of the Yinya tribe, Chun Jiang. Yinya.

Lotkar’s Silver Fang clan regards strong bodies as their beauty, and it is rare to see fat people with bloated bodies.

As the current patriarch of the Yinya clan, Chunliang Yinya has always adhered to this concept, and it is undesirable for him to become like this.

Almost all Silver Fang clan members over 150 years old will eventually become bloated like this and die happily within a year or two.

Chunjiang. Before Yinya reached one hundred and fifty years old, his whole body could be said to be full of muscles, and he had a somewhat old and vigorous charm. But once he was over one hundred and fifty years old, no matter how well he had maintained his body shape before, Perfect, the body will collapse into that shape in just a few months.

The old patriarch has maintained this posture for four years. It is a miracle that he can hold on until this time. His bloated body has made it difficult for him to eat. He can only have special people grind things up and send them to him bit by bit. The mouth hidden in the hair can barely maintain his life.

Even though he was unable to move and could barely see with his eyes, Chunshang still knew that Lotkar was back when he heard Lotkar’s footsteps.

“You’re back.”

The fur ball trembled slightly, Chun Jiang’s throat could no longer make a sound, and he could only rely on magic power to make a weak sound.

“I’m back, Patriarch. You’ve been busy these past few years.”

Lotkar signaled Yang Yu and the others to get off him, and then bowed his head to Chun lowered.

“Nothing is effortless. It is my duty to protect the village. Now that you are back, this position should be given to you, and I can finally be relieved.”

Maoqiu continued to make noises, Chun Jiang never changed his original intention, and regarded Lotkar as the only candidate for the clan leader.

During this period, he had been questioned by countless people, but he still had no intention of changing his mind. He knew exactly what kind of person Lotkar was, and no one was more suitable to be the leader of the clan than Lotkar. Man, Lotkar will definitely come back.

There was an indescribable helplessness in Lotkar’s eyes, “But the patriarch, about what happened seven years ago…”

“I believe you will be able to properly handle what happened seven years ago. That’s why you’re here, right?”

The patriarch’s trust gave Lotkar the confidence invisibly, but Kaibu just stood aside and stared at the fur ball, narrowing his eyes and trying to control his anger as much as possible.

Why do you still trust this old guy so much after so many years? Am I really not allowed to do that?


I can do it too, but I know it, old guy, the position you are holding now was taken from the ancestors of the clan.

The previous clan leaders did not choose you to be the candidate clan leader. What I am doing now is no different from what you have done.

The patriarch has become this land, and Kaibu can wipe it out at any time. The reason why he has not done so until now is that on the one hand, he does not want to reveal unnecessary flaws, and on the other hand, he wants the old man to see it in person. He sat on the throne of the patriarch.

Originally, this goal should have been achieved long ago, but it was postponed due to many reasons.

In order to fulfill his promise to the middleman and the Curse Sect, the Yinya clan must take the initiative to send troops to participate in the war between Wansheng Kingdom and Luoze Empire.

But the old patriarch disagreed, unless Kaibu could agree to deny that the abdication announced by the old patriarch was invalid.

In order to get this old guy to agree to send troops from the ethnic group to participate in the war between Wansheng Kingdom and Luoze Empire, Kaibu had no choice but to agree to this request.

So, the Yinya clan, which had not had contact with the outside world for a long time, suddenly announced its support for the war between Wansheng Kingdom and its willingness to contribute to Wansheng Kingdom.

As a price, Kaibu will lose his position as acting patriarch, and will announce his abdication again when the old patriarch’s physical body begins to collapse.

Kaibu knew that this was just a delaying tactic. The old patriarch still had no intention of choosing him as the alternate patriarch, nor did he have any intention of appointing anyone else as the alternate patriarch.

The old patriarch had no intention of letting anyone else be the patriarch except Lotkar.

It was precisely after realizing this that Kaibu started to prepare to kill Lotkar. Unfortunately, he failed in the end and Lotkar was still alive.

Kaibu also knew that if Lotkar came back, the old patriarch would definitely choose Lotkar as the alternate patriarch again, regardless of all objections. Kaibu was not surprised at all by what the old patriarch said.

Kaibu also tried his best to prevent Lotkar from coming back, but now there is no need.

Lotkar has been put on the must-kill list by the Cursed Sect. This is not his fault. If you want to blame him, it’s his fault. The people he brought have already messed with people they shouldn’t have messed with.

“Old Patriarch, are you sure you want Lotkar to participate in the sacrificial battle of the Full Moon Festival in a week’s time to determine the position of Patriarch?”

Kaibu asked the old patriarch again with a smile on his face.

The furry meatball still showed no intention of changing and said in a weak voice:

“His status as a candidate for the clan leader has not changed at all. Please tell me, forgive me, Kaibu. I don’t think you can be a good clan leader.”

“Whether I can become it or not is not up to you.” Kaibu interrupted Chunliang’s words, “Time will prove that I can become an excellent clan leader and lead the entire clan to prosperity. It’s a pity that that day , I’m afraid you won’t be able to see it.”

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