Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 466: Spinning like a top

“Wait a minute, I will try my best to contain the biting land shark. Lotkar, you turn around and run in the direction of the biting land shark. We are looking for the sand boat. Prick up your ears and give us I can clearly hear the roar of engines in the desert.”

Lotkar nodded breathlessly, Yang Yu took out a bundle of ropes, tied one end with a heavy object, and threw it to Ias,

“Ias, wait a moment and find a way to tie this rope around its neck.”

“I happen to have a good idea here, Lotkar, please cooperate with me.”

Ias, who was located near Lotkar’s neck, nodded, tied one end of the rope to the bow and arrow, and shot it on the sand in front. Lotkar lifted the rope with his forefoot, and the rope flew up in the wind. It happened to be in Ias’s hand again, and Ias tied the rope steadily.

Yang Yu handed the remaining part of the rope to Bai Jin.

“Bai Jin, you don’t have much magic power to use right now, so you have to use it sparingly. Now use it to cool down Lotkar. I’ll leave the rope to you. I’ll ask you to put it down later.” Rope.”

Grabbing the rope that Yang Yu handed to her, Bai Jin looked at Yang Yu worriedly,

“You’re not going to mess around, are you? We can’t deal with such a monster. If anything happens…”

“Don’t you still know what kind of person I am?”

“It’s agreed that you must not mess around. If you dare to die, even if you become a spirit, I will find you and curse you for the rest of your life.”

“Then please show mercy.”

Yang Yu took a few bottles of medicine from the system and gave them to Bai Jin, asking her to use them when her magic power was exhausted, and then said to all her companions:

“Bite the land shark. Ordinary attacks will not work on him. He has rough skin and thick flesh. He has been with me for so long. You know what skills you should use.”

After speaking, Yang Yu gently tapped Lotkar’s back, indicating that it could slow down.

Bai Hibiscus’s pure white magic circle unfolded in Lotkar. The ice and snow that appeared instantly injected a lot of vitality into Lotkar, and the heat under his feet also decreased a bit.

Jumping off Lotkar’s back, the soft sand invaded half of Yang Yu’s soles. He took a deep breath, the hot air burned Yang Yu’s lungs, and a kind of depression sank into him. down.

Yang Yu took out the shield and sword from the system, put the sword on his waist, and looked at the black shark fins that were approaching them.

Lotkar stopped running, used his inertia to flexibly swing his back limbs, drew a semicircle, and faced the approaching shark fin.

The shark’s fin sank again, and Lotkar’s keen hearing captured the “buzzing” sound of the sand,

“Here it comes, right down there!”

As soon as Lotkar finished speaking, the sand under their feet sank down, as if being sucked by a whirlpool. Bai Jin moved his hand from Lotkar’s back, pointed it in front of Lotkar, and added With great force, a piece of ice was frozen. Lotkar stepped on the only foothold and jumped to the right to avoid being sucked into the vortex formed by the sand.

While Yang Yu was still in the whirlpool, the ice cubes created by Bai Jin were torn apart by Lotkar’s step. In the rotating vortex, Yang Yu had no way to survive on those rapidly melting ice cubes. , find a foothold.

The vortex rotates faster and faster, and the fangs that bite the land shark are exposed on the sand,

“Bai hibiscus, rope.”

Hearing Yang Yu’s cry, Bai Jin threw out all the ropes in his hands. Yang Yu grabbed the rope that had not been loosened. Lotkar ran forward quickly, and with one force, Yang Yu was bitten by Lu Shark. from his mouth and dragged it out.

The Liebiting Land Shark jumped out of the desert and bit a lonely person. Tons of sand gushed out from its gill slits. Suddenly, the yellow sand rolled. The Liebiting Land Shark’s lizard-like forelimbs slapped heavily on the sand surface. , a whole yellow sand splashed up.


Let go slightly and let the rope slide quickly from his hand. Yang Yu unfolded an illusory shield in front of him to block the “cracking” splash of sand.

As Lotkar ran, the rope quickly decreased in circles. The rope Yang Yu took out was a full kilometer long, but it was too short to deal with this situation.

Time was limited, so Yang Yu simply let go of his hand completely, pulled out the sword from his waist, and thrust the sword into the ground.


Patches of thorns grew out of the desert and tightened around the hard skin of Liebite Land Shark. When Liebite Land Shark bit hard, the thorns fell apart.

The Biting Land Shark raised its lizard-like claws and swatted at Yang Yu. Yang Yu raised the shield over his head and used it. The heavy force made Yang Yu’s feet sink a little deeper into the desert, but Yang Yu was still safe and sound. .

Seeing that his attack did not have a claw to knock Yang Yu into the sand, the biting land shark twisted its body and opened its **** mouth towards Yang Yu.

Yang Yu took a deep breath, and a black curse fell on Liebite Lu Shark. Liebite Lu Shark instantly felt that his defense suddenly dropped a bit. At this moment, a cloud-penetrating arrow struck. A golden arc was drawn in the sky, violently piercing the claws of the biting land shark.

The damage caused by Bai Jin’s combos with Ias’s and Ias’s was not high, but Ias’s blow seemed like a steel needle piercing the fingers between the nails of Biting Lu Shark. Make it hurt like hell.

Lie Biting Lu Shark subconsciously raised his hand. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Yu pulled out his legs from the sand and used them. A red light passed over his hand, absorbing his life and drawing it onto the blade of his sword. Coated with an orange light, Yang Yu slashed his sword towards the palm that was biting Lu Shark not far away.

The attack had little effect and only dealt a few hundred points of damage, which was too humble for the biting land shark with a blood volume of over 10,000.

But this slowed down the biting land shark’s U-turn. It planned to use its sharp claws to flatten Yang Yu, thereby changing its direction to kill Lotkar and the others first, and then come back slowly. Enjoy Yang Yu.

This plays into Yang Yu’s plan. The body composition and living habits of the biting land shark are destined to prevent it from turning at a high angle like a top in the sand.

If you want to make a 180-degree turn, you can either walk a little longer like a passenger plane or ship, slowly adjust the route, and finally complete a 180-degree turn back; or you can drill out of the ground and use The strong limbs turned 180 degrees on the spot.

The price of having high speed in the desert is the lack of dexterity.

If Lotkar’s physical strength had not also been considered, Yang Yu could have even asked Lotkar to keep running back and forth to torture Liebite Land Shark, draining Liebite Land Shark’s remaining physical strength.

Now, Lotkar and the others are running further and further away. Naturally, the biting land shark cannot drill into the ground and adjust its course bit by bit. Instead, it will use its limbs to complete rotation in place like land animals.

In other words, if you can slow down the biting land shark’s U-turn, you can buy more time.

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