Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 451: I only know a little bit

“At first, if we wanted to enter the underground maze, we would have to risk being buried by the yellow sand. In the end, it was you who urged the sand to completely bury us.”

Yang Yu tried to communicate with the guardian of the underground maze again, but the guardian of the underground maze still went his own way and continued to issue tasks,

“It’s this kind of design that doesn’t allow people to retreat.” Yang Yu scratched his head, “Once you choose a route, you can’t go back and change the route. What kind of test of courage is this? It’s better to just rename it luck. Trial.

The road goes to the dark side. I think this is not courage, but recklessness. ”

The guardian of the underground labyrinth was silent.

“If you have nothing to say, just start quickly. No matter what, we have only one way to move forward, right? I really want to drag out the creator of this maze and beat him up.”

The guardian smiled helplessly:

“The person I am now does not represent the person I will be in the future. I am standing here just because I am someone who can one day defeat the legendary hero Lox.”

The guardian’s voice paused, “Key, you seem to know a lot of things.” 】

“I only know a little bit. That little cat really doesn’t know anything about it, as if he is deliberately hiding something.”

The guardian’s voice became sad,

With two keys, maybe you have the qualifications to become a sage and can assist the brave to defeat the devil again. 】

“Unfortunately, I don’t have a good impression of this generation of brave men. Don’t say anything that makes things difficult for others.”

Yang Yu deliberately revealed what he had seen with the current brave man, but the guardian of the maze was not surprised by the brave man’s appearance.

Finally some reaction, Yang Yu said with a smile: “But you should have extremely high authority. It shouldn’t be difficult to use your authority to reduce the difficulty of the underground maze.”

“That’s settled.”

Yang Yu smiled and moved a little closer to the fire wall. The fire wall seemed to be repulsed by some force. The flames converged on both sides of the wall, opening the door to Yang Yu and the others.

Ahead was a long tunnel with no end in sight. Yang Yu led the team into it, and the curtain of flames slowly closed.

In an instant, Bai Jin and Qingshi felt that the magic power around them was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, Bai Jin could no longer absorb any magic power from the air.

Not only that, Bai Jin, Qingshi, and Lotkar could all feel that the magic power in their bodies was passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye, rushing towards the flames behind them, and an indescribable fatigue surged into their hearts.

Fortunately, no one became depressed because of this feeling of weakness.

This change is intuitively reflected in the attributes, that is, the margin of the blue bar becomes one point, and everyone’s status bar has one more status.

For some reason, Ias and Hack survived. Although their blue bars have dropped, one-third is still retained, and they can still use Holy Light skills.

A few steps forward, a small flame suddenly appeared behind Yang Yu and the others. As Yang Yu and the others moved, it suddenly expanded and filled the entire cross-section of the passage.

Aware of the heat behind them, it was impossible for Yang Yu and the others not to notice that there was a wall of flames behind them that would follow them.

This is the restriction that this maze places on them. Once they choose a path, this wall of flame will prevent them from going back and choosing other paths.

Since the guardian of the maze did not give any hints, it is impossible to know which route is really correct, and Ias’s luck is not always reliable. Now let’s take it one step at a time, maybe we will reach a fork. There will be certain prompts.

Leading the team, Yang Yu came to the first crossroads.

But no matter which path it is, it is bottomless, and there are no hints around it, so it is impossible to judge which one is the correct path.

The wall of flames is always about five meters away from Yang Yu and the others. Once they choose a route to go deeper, the flames will follow and block their retreat.

Stop at the crossroads, Yang Yu sat down and analyzed carefully, and he decided to follow Theseus.

Theseus is a hero in Greek legend. He was sent into the Cretan labyrinth. Relying on the thread sent by Ariadne, the Cretan princess, he successfully found the Minotaur and killed it. Kill and follow the thread out of the underground maze.

Yang Yu planned to let Bai Jin and the others stop where they were, so that the position of the flame would not change, and then use this method to conduct a carpet-like search and draw a map of the entire maze.

Although this blanket search method will take a certain amount of time, it is still better than being trapped by flames in an underground maze.

Without resting, Yang Yu took out the ball of thread in his hand as much as possible, explained the principle to his friends, and then started dragging the thread to choose a passage and walked in.

But before Yang Yu could go far, people’s shouts came from behind Yang Yu. Yang Yu looked back and saw a cluster of fire starting to burn from behind him, and instantly turned into a tall The wall of fire burned the threads connecting him to the team into powder.

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