Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 436: The birth of a new underground maze

Jiao Sha slowly recounted everything that happened more than a week ago.

That day, as usual, he bid farewell to a group of travelers who had crossed the desert and set off home.

In the desert, the sand dunes are changing all the time, and you will get lost in the desert if you are not careful.

In addition, there are also some ferocious monsters lurking in the desert. If you accidentally enter the living area of ​​those monsters, you will be eaten by them as bait.

Therefore, if you want to become a desert guide, in addition to being able to accurately find the direction in the desert, you must also have a certain amount of magic perception and be able to detect the magic power in the dry air.

Jiao Sha has been a desert guide for almost thirty years. Even though he does not have a strong magical talent, his long hours of traveling have allowed him to sense whether danger is approaching through the subtle changes in magic power in the desert.

This developed perception ability, in addition to being able to judge whether danger is approaching, can also sense other things, such as underground mazes that appear in the desert.

Underground mazes will also appear in the desert. Like underground mazes that appear in other environments, they will release some specific magic power to attract others to attack.

Just because the desert will distort the distribution of magic power to a certain extent, the magic pheromones emitted by these underground labyrinths often cannot cross the desert and be transmitted to farther places.

In the known distribution map of underground mazes that Yang Yu found in the Library of All Things, it only recorded the number of underground mazes existing on the edge of the desert, and it was written that it could not be measured in the center of the desert.

Even if it is as powerful as the Library of All Things, you cannot sense the exact location of the underground labyrinth in the desert without going to the actual place, and you must be close enough to the underground labyrinth before you can sense the existence of the underground labyrinth.

Because it is located in the desert, some underground mazes were buried by yellow sand not long after they opened, becoming the lairs of monsters.

This also leads to the fact that few adventurers make a special trip to the desert to conquer those underground mazes. Instead of taking the risk of being buried in the sand and conquering underground mazes with uncertain returns, it is better to stop more people and hunt in the desert. Infested monsters.

The reason why the underground labyrinth in the desert was mentioned is because Jiao Sha saw the birth of an underground labyrinth with his own eyes.

A blue beam of light shot straight into the sky, blooming like a beautiful fountain in the sky, scattering magic water splashes all around. When the magic fountain faded, large areas of the desert collapsed, forming a quicksand whirlpool. In the center of the whirlpool A square stone platform rose up, and in the center of the stone platform was a wide staircase, all the way down.

Unfortunately, the underground labyrinth is located in the desert. The magic it spreads is absorbed by the vast swaths of sand dunes before it spreads far, or is taken over by the weird magic flowing in the desert, and cannot be transferred to it at all. outside world.

Jiao Sha was also the first to see this scene. He couldn’t help but be attracted by it and took two steps towards the new underground maze.

At that moment, there was a vibration in the sand under his feet, and a golden figure jumped out of the sand unexpectedly, bit him, and then got into the sand and flew away.

If Jiao Sha didn’t know something about dealing with snake venom, he tore his clothes on the spot, tied them to his thighs, and sucked out the snake venom from his calves, he would have died in the desert long ago.

Hearing the whole story, Yang Yu frowned slightly.

This underground maze came at the wrong time. There was no good time to come, but I came at the time when his level was at the upper limit. Well, if I wanted to conquer it, I would have to waste experience again.

Furthermore, combined with the knowledge gained from the Library of All Things, underground mazes with such conspicuous attraction methods are generally large mazes.

Maybe, it may be one of the underground labyrinths left by the ancient warrior Lox.

It would be a pity to be buried in the sand without going through the strategy.

However, we can’t make a conclusion yet. We will have to wait until we actually go there to see it.

Suppressing his inner curiosity, Yang Yu asked Jiao Sha where the underground maze was.

Taking out the map, Jiao Sha circled a range from the route he often took in the past.

That area is not far from the town, and the round trip may only take two days. After learning what happened in Jiaosha, many desert guides chose to avoid that area for safety. The underground labyrinth matter should be nothing. People know.

After asking some more details that Jiao Sha could recall, Yang Yu left the residence of the father and son and made preparations to go to the desert.

When Yang Yu was preparing to leave the next day, he found that Qingshi had been waiting beside their hotel for a long time.

For Qingshi, a local, it was extremely easy to find the hotel where Yang Yu and the others were staying.

As soon as he saw Yang Yu, Qingshi immediately expressed his intention,

“Even if the search range is not far, it is a desert after all, and a layman can get lost. Although I am not an excellent desert guide, I still went to the edge.

I have asked someone to take care of my father, and he has agreed that I can guide you. ”

Yang Yu did not refuse. Jiao Sha was a loving father and could not let his only son act recklessly. He should be somewhat sure.

Accepting Qingshi’s kindness, Yang Yu and the others arrived at the edge of the town.

Seeing no one around, Yang Yu whistled, and the huge Lotkar appeared in front of Qingshi.

The sudden appearance of such a big monster scared Qingshi to the point where he sat on the ground. Yang Yu asked him to calm down and introduced Lotkar and Hemeng accordingly, revealing his identity as a monster user.

Surprised, Qingshi quickly accepted Yang Yu’s identity as a monster envoy. Compared to such an insignificant matter as Yang Yu’s identity, his father’s life was more important.

Stepping onto the yellow sand in the early morning, Lotkar felt a cold feeling on his soles. Soon, the coldness would be replaced by heat. By then, every step he took would feel like stepping on an iron plate.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is huge, and the sunshine at noon is extremely harsh. Put an iron plate on it and you can even fry an egg directly.

Camels are a common means of transportation in the desert, but they are basically borrowed by slave hunters. Yang Yu and the others can only make do with Lotkar.

The road section at the beginning was extremely safe, and Yang Yu and the others were able to go a little faster. As they gradually deepened, Qingshi took the initiative to roll off Lotkar’s body, imitating his father’s behavior, sensing the flow of water in the surrounding air. magic.

Yang Yu and the others also got off Lotkar’s body and guarded Qingshi. If any accident happened, they could be prepared as soon as possible.

As they walked, Qingshi judged that it was the hottest time of the day. In order to avoid heatstroke, he suggested that Yang Yu and the others rest on the spot.

Yang Yu and the others did not insist and simply set up a tent in the desert.

Because the heat was unbearable, Yang Yu asked Bai Jin to use ice magic to cool down. But when Bai Jin confidently raised his staff to show off his skills, not even a single snowflake could be ejected from the pure white magic circle.

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