Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 28: His luck is so good


Years of gaming experience have given Yang Yu a consciousness and reaction speed far beyond that of ordinary people. When the darts streaked across the sky and made a piercing whistling sound, he opened his shield without saying a word and used [Intercept].

Unfortunately, [Interception] did not completely resist this attack. The dart penetrated Yang Yu’s defense and knocked out a quarter of his health.

It’s such a risk. If you don’t take it, you will almost lose two lives. It’s so scary, so scary.

Looking towards the direction of the attack, Yang Yu focused his gaze. The distance was too far and he could not see who was attacking him.

Anderno also noticed the abnormality and immediately stopped the team and stood on guard in place.

Yang Yu was still jumping around, and the elite assassination goblins all opened their eyes wide and looked at each other. You must know that countless goblin leaders have simply died under this attack. They were beaten to death, and they did not believe that this assassination failed on a small human being.

Is it strength? Or is it purely accidental? He clearly exudes the aura of a weakling… It is impossible for such a weakling to accept the fatal dart.

The Elite Assassination Goblin kept looking for an explanation in his mind that could convince him, and finally one Goblin came to a conclusion.

“The boy seems to have just acquired a skill, and that skill can greatly reduce damage. When we threw the darts, he happened to be playing with the new skill, so he accidentally blocked our darts by pure luck. ”

As soon as this conclusion came out, other elite assassination goblins praised it one after another.

Elite Assassin Goblins are the best among the group. They have super high attack power and agility, and they never miss. There is no way they can go wrong when hunting a small human.

The only explanation is that the target they chose was too lucky.

“Damn it. I didn’t expect that our perfect plan was completely messed up by this kid’s good luck!”

“What should we do now? They are completely on guard. I think we should not act rashly and wait for the army to come.”





The elite assassination goblins stand on tall trees and hold their own opinions. They often make decisions like this when encountering disagreements.

This kind of decision-making is subject to subjective influence. These goblins can state their reasons while expressing their opinions. If other goblins feel that what they say makes sense, they can change their opinions until the opinions are unified.

“Objection! Our Goblin Assassination Force has never failed. This failure is our shame. Only the blood of the enemy can wash away our shame, or our blood can wash it away.”

After saying this, the goblins who had just agreed with him all switched sides, and no one thought they should wait for the army to come.

They are the noblest warriors among the goblins. Only the top fifty warriors in the group can accept the baptism of the master and become elite assassination goblins. This status is an honor in itself, and no one can tarnish their glory.

On the other side there are only defeated soldiers. Even without a large army, it can clear out everyone. This is the pride of the Goblin Assassination Unit.

“Murderous intent! Such strong murderous intent!” Anderno’s chest muscles trembled, and the chilling atmosphere made his pectoralis major muscles tremble.

The surrounding tree crowns rustled and stirred like a girl. Strange black shadows shuttled between the leaves. Several scouts on the trees wanted to see more clearly. Suddenly, a dart came from the void and hit the door in front of them. He could only stagger and fall from the tree, and suddenly lost his breath.

The scouts who responded quickly jumped away from the tree trunks, returned to the team, and were on guard with the others.

A sense of crisis permeated the air, as if it could ignite at any moment.

In an instant, a large number of darts flew out from the treetops. The soldiers in the front row lowered their bodies and tried their best to resist. Taking advantage of this gap, the elite assassination goblin jumped from the treetops. Next, sharp knives pierced the adventurer’s body.

Wails sounded, and several adventurers instantly fell to the ground, bleeding.

Then, at the same time, the elite assassination goblins focused all their attention on Yang Yu – the man who completely ruined their plan because of luck.

They swore to tear him and his troops into pieces, turning them into nourishment for the revival of the ancient empire.

“Why are you all looking at me?” All the sudden things made Yang Yu tilt his neck, so I blocked the dart and aroused their hatred?

Yang Yu glanced at the attribute values ​​​​of these goblins and was a little dumbfounded.

Elite Assassination Goblin, level 23, has an attack power of over 300 and a speed of over 100. However, its other attributes are terrifyingly low in comparison. Its HP is only 150. Yang Yu can kill one with just a few swords. Only.

Most goblins tend to favor durability. It is unheard of to allocate such extreme goblins, as if someone washed all their points and then allocated them to attack and speed.

It’s really difficult to deal with monsters with high speed and high attack speed. Now I don’t have any control skills. Even if I have a coquettish position, it is easy to be helpless in the face of eight high-speed goblins and let others slaughter me.

However, Yang Yu’s worries were unnecessary.

Only one of the elite assassination goblins stayed to fight Yang Yu, while the other seven fought with the rest of the adventure group.

Oh? Are you looking down on me? But it’s just right, don’t regret it.

Yang Yu had a smile on his face.

If these goblins had been hiding in the dark and shooting darts, he might really be helpless, but the other side actually walked out stupidly and faced him in close combat. Yang Yu almost laughed out loud in his dreams.

To be honest, Yang Yu has never been afraid of 1v1 with high attack and squishy melee monsters. He can often catch the opponent off guard before they figure out the correct laning skills.

The goblins were coming menacingly, but there was no trace of fear on Yang Yu’s face.

Perhaps, in the past, his hands could not keep up with his brain, and he could not even dodge the attacks of slimes, but now, with a hundred million points added to his speed in order to move, there is no reason why he cannot avoid the goblins. s attack.

Goblins can only have a chance of winning by using their speed to turn left and right and attack back and forth to create gaps.

But note, that’s just a chance of winning.

With Yang Yu’s current endurance, it is not a problem to eat a goblin’s knife. When his health drops to a dangerous level and a [Killing Intent Sudden] occurs, Yang Yu will forcefully even out the speed advantage and once again Take the initiative.

The outcome of this battle was decided when the goblins only sent one elite goblin to take action. Yang Yu raised his shield and used [Shield Block] to resist the goblin’s normal attack. He then struck the goblin in the chest with two backhand knives.

The goblin reacted quickly and avoided one knife, leaving the other knife on its arm, perfectly avoiding the vital point. It licked the injured arm, roared, and charged forward with the dagger in hand.

This time, Yang Yu took the knife without dodge. At the same time, red light burst out from his eyes, and he quickly swung his sword and pierced the goblin’s chest.

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