Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 263: The brain is shaking

With a loud bang, a huge hole opened in the blue sky, and countless shining fragments fell from the sky and disappeared into the bright flower fields.

The Library of All Things sent two young magicians, Li Hao and Menke Angels, as the advance team to enter the kingdom of fairies.

Using flying magic to soar among the clouds, their eyes were filled with impenetrable whiteness. The two slowly sank, and the endless flower fields came into view.

The two of them were very surprised. They had never known that such a wonderful world existed underground in the Library of All Things.

It was already midnight when they received the summons. The two of them got up from the bed in a daze, somewhat resentful in their hearts. However, at this moment, the refreshing flower field swept away all the unhappiness in their hearts.

“I heard that the country of fairies is suffering from an unprecedented crisis, but it doesn’t look like it is suffering from a crisis like this.”

Lihao continued to look around at the endless sky. The more he looked around at the world, the more incredible he felt, and the more warm and comfortable he felt.

Menke curled his lips and said, “Don’t make sarcastic remarks there. Not all crises are landslides and floods. Solve it quickly. I still want to go back to sleep.”

“What a boring person, it’s not a big deal. Since the elders didn’t take action personally but sent us, it means it’s not a big crisis. We can slowly say hello to the goblins, and maybe we can get some help from them. The fairies have gifts in their hands.”

“Okay, okay, quickly unfold the props that Barona can give us, and quickly deploy surveillance magic, so that they can peek at the status of the Fairy Kingdom at any time and make the best response strategy.”

“Okay, okay, I understand, don’t rush me.”

After casually agreeing to a few words, Lihao took out the prop that Barona could give him. It was a device like a music box, which contained surveillance magic that Paulona could set in advance.

At this moment, a black light penetrated the thick clouds, like a thunder, rushing towards the two people.

Dismantling the props that Barona could give him, Lihao tried to inject magic power into them to activate them, unaware that danger was approaching.

Menke’s magic talent is not bad. He noticed the magic power that was approaching rapidly. He pushed Lihao away, but he had no time to avoid it.

Lihao, who was suddenly pushed away, wanted to yell, “What are you doing?”, but he saw the black light swallowing up the panicked Menke.

Lihao looked dull, and the props he was playing with slipped from his hands. The friend he was chatting with just now was completely swallowed up by the black light in an instant.

At the other end of the clouds, a pair of dark wings pierced the sky. The hard diamond-shaped scales exuded colorful colors in the sky. The huge figure eclipsed all the surrounding clouds.

Looking at the direction of the attack, Lihao’s eyes widened in disbelief and he made an incredible sound,


The giant dragon was getting closer and closer, and Lihao couldn’t move all over his body, as if the giant dragon shouted “Smash Varudo” and completely stopped his time.

“Damn it! Damn it! I’ve never heard of a giant dragon here. Isn’t this the country of goblins?”

Trying to move his stiff body, Lihao wanted to open his shield to defend himself, and after getting out of trouble, he would send the news back, but his trembling mouth and trembling brain could not allow him to concentrate on weaving magic. .

Until he saw Menke falling from the sky.

Menke was covered in blood but not dead. He completely lost consciousness.

But if he fell from a high altitude like this, he would definitely die.


Shouting the name of his companion, Lihao overcame the fear in his heart, weaved acceleration magic at the fastest speed and flew towards Menke, holding him firmly in his arms.

Lihao took out the potion from his clothes and poured it into Menke’s mouth. Menke’s injuries gradually recovered and his consciousness regained consciousness. However, Menke’s first reaction was not to be thankful, but to be angry.

“Why did you come to save me? What you should do now is to contact the Library of All Things as soon as possible and tell them everything you know to prevent the black dragon from jumping out of the Library of All Things. You don’t give any priority to anything. Do you understand?”

“Your life is also life. I will not allow you to sacrifice like this. You can contact the elders at any time, but if you die, you will never come back!”

“…It can’t be done at any time, you have missed the best opportunity…”

Menke’s eyes were filled with helplessness. Lihao followed Menke’s gaze and saw that a **** mouth was already behind them, swallowing them all up without mercy.

“Only so few people came down. Human beings are unexpectedly cautious, and the magic power I have accumulated for so long was wasted. Forget it, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat, so it will reduce human power little by little.”

Continuously flapping his wings, the God-Destroying Light is hidden in the clouds, waiting for the next victim to arrive.


“Why has it been so long, and the two people who went in to investigate haven’t sent back any news? Before going in, I told them clearly that the first thing they did when they arrived in the Fairy Kingdom was to use props to set up surveillance magic.”

Baronaco and other members of the Countermeasures Committee sat around the white ball and waited anxiously. While maintaining the stability of the barrier channel, they watched to see if anything strange came out of the channel.

The original surveillance magic has long lost its function under the impact of various magics. If you want to observe the fairy kingdom protected by the barrier, you must deploy more powerful and stable surveillance magic.

So, Barona sealed the props with surveillance magic and asked the advance troops to take them to the Fairy Country, but until now she has not received a signal that the surveillance magic has been deployed.

Fortunately, Barona saved a trick. She left magic marks on the bodies of the two people. As long as they used the magic marks, it would not be a problem to contact them.

But no matter how many times Barona tried, she could no longer contact them. The magic on them did not disappear. Instead, it seemed that something had intercepted the signal.

What makes Barona feel nervous is that the magic mark on one person is damaged.

Unless she is violently attacked, her magic mark cannot be damaged.

This is a bad sign, which means that the two people were attacked by something as soon as they entered the barrier.

Barona quickly told the other elders of the Special Countermeasures Committee about this situation, and the other elders were all extremely surprised.

Menke and Lihao are by no means top-notch in strength, but they are among the best. It will take a lot of effort to kill them at an extremely fast speed and prevent them from setting up and conducting surveillance magic.

But in less than ten minutes, the two lost contact…

The power of darkness buried underground is probably beyond their imagination.

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