Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 20: Boulders falling from the sky

The route Andernuo chose happened to be the route Yang Yu took to hunt goblins the day before yesterday.

Which route is the most convenient to go deep into the Goblin Forest. Since the last major crusade, there were basically no goblins seen on the outskirts of the forest that the route passed, and goblins moving in groups were unheard of.

Twenty of them actually appeared the day before yesterday, and Anderno believed that this must be some kind of sign.

There are various legends in this world, one of which is about the Goblin Empire. Legend has it that a long time ago, before the present Three Kingdoms of mankind appeared, Goblins once established an empire that not only enslaved humans, but also enslaved dragons. It was unparalleled in its prosperity and prosperity.

But because their rule was too brutal, they were overthrown by a coalition of all races. Monsters like Goblins have also been mercilessly ravaged by the years, and their race has shrunk and degenerated. They have been divided into several forests, and their glory has lost their former glory.

Occasionally, goblins will do evil things, but ordinary D-level adventurers can suppress them, turning them into completely weak monsters.

Now, they have begun conscious group activities, causing a large number of adventurers to disappear as soon as they attack, which should not be underestimated.

The most likely thing now is that a strong man was born in this race, unified the various goblin tribes in this forest, and organized them to lay traps.

What’s worse, the Goblin is being instigated by someone behind his back. The Goblin who can drive so many Goblins is definitely not an ordinary person. It would be difficult to catch his fox tail. Without dealing with the mastermind behind the scenes, it is impossible to predict what kind of trouble he will cause in the future.

The most dangerous thing is the resurrection of the ancient Goblin Emperor, or the loosening of the ancient seal, and the Demon King will rule the world again in the near future.

Contrary to what Andernuo thought, Yang Yu’s first thought was the influence of the Demon King on the Goblin race.

Perhaps there are people from the demon race who have passed through the seal of the gate of the demon world and interfered with the world, intending to plunge the world into chaos. When the demon king comes to the world, he can act like a bulldozer and take advantage of the human reaction as soon as possible. Push away the whole world.

Small riots escalate little by little, but this is a common trick used by advent-type demon kings. Therefore, there is a high probability that there is someone behind the scenes.

The mastermind behind the scenes will also become one of the hidden threads. However, you must not contact him too early. If you find out, it is best not to expose him, otherwise you will definitely be killed by the plot until there is no trace left.

As for the scenario of a powerful individual being born among the goblins to unify the tribe, Yang Yu thinks it is the least likely.

An ordinary goblin led the tribe to rise and unify. At the same time, he coordinated in multiple directions to make traps, wait for rabbits, and hunt in groups. He planned so carefully that he only let one adventurer go and lured a large number of adventurers into the depths of the forest. His IQ was not high It doesn’t make sense to exceed 250. If you pick up another treasure of an ancient ancestor, this will definitely be the plot of Long Aotian’s No More Long Aotian.

Is the next step going to be that Goblin will lead the Goblin army to attack the city, subvert human rule, and restore the glory of its ancestors?

How could this scenario happen? Even Yang Yu wouldn’t believe it.

After walking cautiously in the forest for a while, I saw rows of tall trees, all of which were marked with swords.

There is an unwritten rule among adventurers. In order to prevent young adventurers from straying into the depths of the forest, seasoned adventurers will use weapons to carve cross marks on trees to remind them.

Of course, the mark is not absolute, because of the ecology of the forest, all creatures are active, and powerful monsters will occasionally appear on the periphery of the mark. Of course, those are only a few situations.

No matter what, seeing these trees with crosses carved on them means that they have entered a dangerous zone and must proceed with caution.

“Everyone must cheer up. After entering the depths of the forest, follow the team closely. You must not fall behind, you must not run away alone, and you must not act on impulse. Avoid unnecessary battles and save your energy. This is the way to achieve success. Remember the key points for a smooth rescue! ”

Everyone present could hear Andernuo’s loud voice clearly. Everyone immediately gathered together and followed Andernuo forward carefully.

Anderno was not leading the team aimlessly. Before entering the forest, the union assigned a magician mentor to use detection magic to detect the depths of the forest from above. Goblins are completely invisible in areas with sparse trees. The only areas where goblins exist are dense forest areas with large trees.

Even now, the members who remain in the Adventurer Association are also paying close attention to the rescue operation through the crystal ball of the magician mentor.

The adventure group traveled to a hill, and suddenly the image in the magician mentor’s crystal ball disappeared.

“Why did the screen disappear?”

An onlooker was very dissatisfied, but before he finished speaking, the crystal ball cracked and finally broke into two halves.

“It was discovered and someone conducted counter-reconnaissance.”

The magician instructor wiped the blood that flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the worry could not be suppressed on his old face. High-altitude reconnaissance is obviously one of his best magics. After entering old age, there are few things that can prevent He peeked at the screen.

And now not only the person who prevented him from snooping on the screen has appeared, but he has also smashed the tool he used to snoop on the screen, which means…

“In that forest, there is a being whose magical perception is not inferior to mine.”

Hearing what the old man said, everyone onlookers were shocked. They all folded their hands and silently prayed for the rescue team.

On the other side, although Anderno didn’t know what was going on in the union, his intuition told him that something bad was about to happen.

Suddenly, there was a tremor on the ground.

“What’s wrong, is there an earthquake?”

The shaking is getting louder and louder. Many adventurers can no longer stand alone and lean on the big trees next to them. Several of the assassins responsible for reconnaissance jumped down from the treetops to steady themselves, but only a few still stick to their posts. , it was they who saw clearly the source of the vibration.

“A rock taller than three big trees combined is rolling towards us! Run! We can’t resist at all, we will be crushed into meat patties!”

The round boulder with a diameter of more than 50 meters was driven through the forest like a maelstrom. The speed was so fast that it swallowed up all the birds and small animals that could not escape from the treetops, leaving only a long trail like a comet streaking across the sky. trajectory.

The ground shook more and more loudly. Some adventurers wanted to run, but as soon as they broke away from the tree trunks they were relying on, they could not stop kneeling on the ground. A few determined ones inserted their weapons into the ground and moved their bodies as much as possible. , try to escape from a dangerous area of ​​unknown range.

Putting his feet into the ground, Anderno made fists with both hands, and his clothes exploded instantly, revealing his strong muscles.

“Don’t panic, everyone! If you still have the strength, try to stop the boulder with me, otherwise, we will all die!”

After saying that, Anderno opened his arms on the spot, and his strong back seemed to be everyone’s last hope. People who could stand up approached one after another and put their hands on Anderno’s shoulders. Those who can add buffs will add buffs like crazy. Those who can’t add buffs will imitate Anderol and bury their feet in the soil to form a solid triangle.

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