Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1662: No movement

Quickly open the shield, the illusory shield extends from the edge of the shield, and the golden dragon’s breath is divided into two parts by Yang Yu.

A thick aura of destruction rushed towards his face, and Yang Yu’s solid illusory shield was on the verge of collapse, with cracks extending in all directions and making constant “click” noises.

Without the new legendary shield, Yang Yu can only use the next-level shield now.

In a battle of this level, the next-level shield was obviously not enough. The golden dragon’s breath penetrated the gaps in the illusory shield and hit Yang Yu’s shield, scraping out black marks.

The golden dragon’s breath passed by Bai Jin’s side, splashing golden sparks in the Demon King’s City, igniting a raging fire.

Luterola Doron’s huge body became more and more solid, and the wounds Yang Yu had just scraped quickly adhered together and healed quickly.

Bai Jin can feel that the golden dragon breath that Luterola Doron spit out just now is similar to the [Rage and Blood] used by Yang Yu.

Once contaminated by this golden spark, the damage will be significant.

Hold your breath, Bai Jin’s speed suddenly increased, turning into a rocket soaring into the sky.

Luterola Doron poured out the dragon’s breath with all his strength, unable to free up other characteristic magic powers that were filled with mental control. The obstacles faced by Bai Jin were suddenly relieved a lot.

This is a rare opportunity to launch a fierce attack!

Quickly gather his own characteristic magic power into the wand, and the four strip-shaped magic arrays rotate rapidly at the front of Bai Jin’s wand.

Bai Jin rushed the wand forward, and the rotating strip of magic array brought out a high-speed rotating magic drill, which went straight towards Luterola Doron’s huge head.

“Just a little bit, a little bit closer, and I can completely break his defense! Don’t get in my way!”

Luterola Doron roared in his heart, the illusory dragon body became more solid at this moment, the solid scales completely covered Luterola Doron’s body, leaving only a few scales that were insubstantial, as if they were a piece of A piece of green glass.

The huge magic drill struck, Luterola Doron did not choose to dodge, and continued to spit out hot golden dragon breath.

If you want to completely break the current situation, you must take some risks!

Waiting for the heir to arrive will only lead to defeat.

Luterola Doron temporarily lifted the magic suppression on Ias and the others, and increased the power of the dragon’s breath. The golden fire continued to roll and burn on the Demon King’s City, swallowing up the strange mist that filled the area.

Bai Jin saw that Luterola Doron did not give up her attack on Yang Yu, and did not even use any magic power to stop her. Several thunderbolts quickly sprang out from the wand’s Sigh Seed, covering her ears with lightning speed. The force bombards the bottom of the magic drill bit.

The magic drill, which was originally flying quickly, was accelerated by this magic and suddenly hit Luterola Doron’s chin like a rocket.

The golden dragon’s breath flew across the air instantly, sweeping across half of the Demon King’s city, completely burning several of the Demon King’s defenders on standby to ashes.

Luterola Doron closed her mouth, and the golden dragon’s breath extinguished in her mouth.

She looked at where Yang Yu was standing just now. Yang Yu was no longer on her body, but used [Rescue Charge] to come to Bai Jin’s side.

Bai Jin built a new round platform of ice and caught Yang Yu steadily.

Yang Yu was in a rare embarrassment. The shield in his hand was struck by the golden light with black tracks. The hair at the front was slightly curled and burned.

The dragon’s breath, effects and abilities will change depending on the dragon.

The dragon’s breath possessed by Luterola Duolun is the purest magical impact, and its strength is beyond Yang Yu’s imagination.

What’s even worse is that Luterola Doron’s dragon breath causes real damage.

Real damage cannot be reduced by damage reduction skills, even if Yang Yu activates any damage reduction skills, it will be useless.

“It’s more difficult to deal with than imagined…”

Yang Yu looked up at the sky. They followed Trola Doron and unknowingly broke through the edge of the mist.

Strong power often comes with a huge price.

After using his breath, Luterola Doron’s maximum health dropped by nearly 20%, and his maximum magic power dropped by nearly 40%. The loss was quite high.

Luterola Doron’s health is less than half. If the current situation is maintained, Yang Yu can defeat Luterola Doron with only his own team, even if he does not bring anyone else with him.


Bai Jin and Yang Yu flew too high.

In order to prevent some people from using magic to touch the barrier that blocks the entire world, a magic vacuum belt is designed between the magical world on the ground and the barrier layer above the sky.

The magic power of the vacuum belt is not completely eliminated with a “bang”, but is reduced little by little.

The higher you fly, the thinner your magic power becomes. More and more characteristic magic power must be put into flight magic to avoid being thrown out of the sky.

Bai Jin not only needs to support her own flight, but also supports Yang Yu’s ice round platform. Her magic power is also being consumed rapidly.

Yang Yu knew that the current situation was not good for them and they could no longer catch up easily.

“Forcing the Goblin Emperor into this field, Sol Lot should be able to break through her magic and use teleportation magic to get here.

Monitor the giant dragon here. The skill the Goblin Emperor used just now is beyond the scope of ordinary evil dragons… It’s time, don’t just sit back and watch. ”

Yang Yu kept praying silently in his heart, but his expectations were still disappointed.

There was no movement from the stronghold.

Neither Thor Lot nor the giant dragon, there is none.

The reinforcements Yang Yu expected did not arrive.

The only thing that came was a huge evil dragon spawn covered in colorful feathers. On her back was the evil dragon spawn who came to support her.

Bulala Doron, who had two dull hairy tentacles on her head, had countless purple telekinesis flashing on her body, soared into the air, and appeared not far away from Yang Yu and the others with a “swish” of her body.

“I don’t know how you do it!

But if you dare to hurt your mother, I will never show mercy.

I will also settle other grievances! ”

As Brala Doron said, the purple telekinesis turned into triangular fragments one after another, flying towards the direction of Yang Yu and the others.

Bai Jin clenched her wand and sighed, and was about to release the defensive barrier when Yang Yu’s voice suddenly sounded in her ears:

“Bai Jin, cancel the flying magic. Speed ​​up!”

As soon as Bai Jin turned to look at Yang Yu, Yang Yu quickly took off from the ice round platform, hugged her from the front, and fell towards the place where the golden flame did not spread.

Opening his eyes slightly, Bai Jin did not feel unbelievable, but immediately realized Yang Yu’s intention:

They had once attacked the Evil Dragon’s descendants, so it was not that they knew nothing about the Evil Dragon’s descendants.

The one taking action was Brala Doron. The telekinetic attack she possesses can easily penetrate shield and barrier-type skills and cause damage.

Psychic power is extremely powerful, but telekinesis requires the user to control it with consciousness, which means that the scope of telekinesis cannot be too exaggerated.

Now that the enemy is attacking and they have consumed too much, the best option is to keep a distance from the supporting Brala Doron.

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