Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1610: Send it back quickly

While the civilizations of the two planets continued to change, the angels never really left. They watched everything happening on the two planets from outer space, and still wanted to rescue the goddess from the blockade.

The Lucca civilization has died, but what happened in the past is still deeply imprinted in the angel’s mind.

Before leaving, the Twelve Angels used long-distance communication to contact their compatriots who had lost their wings, telling them that they would definitely rescue them from this world and asked them to wait patiently.

However, a thousand years is too long.

Many angels who lost their wings felt that they had been betrayed by the twelve angels after experiencing a lot of sadness and separation, and ended their lives hastily.

Fortunately, the vast majority of angels who have lost their wings still believe that the twelve angels will be able to liberate the goddess and save them from this planet.

These wingless angels gathered together, settled in an uninhabited place, and began to call themselves “elves”.

It is not that the angels have never tried. They have tried to break through the atmosphere several times, but every time they break through the atmosphere, they will be gradually eroded by the magic power and cannot stay for too long.

So for thousands of years, they spent most of their time observing the two worlds from the perspective of bystanders, quietly waiting for opportunities to come.

Unexpectedly, the Lucca Civilization is extremely determined to defeat the goddess and bets everything on the future.

When the power of the Demon King appeared, a huge pillar of magic light soared into the sky, bombarding the magic atmosphere of the demon world, causing it to ripple with blue ripples.

The moment the light beam appeared, a voice sounded in the heart of every demon: “If you want supreme power and endless knowledge, then get my approval. The person who gets this power will become this The strongest demon in the world.”

After thousands of years of turmoil, humans on the refuge planet have degenerated into a clan society.

When the voice sounded in their hearts, no one questioned the authenticity of these words.

In order to win the “Power of the Demon King”, the demon world once again began decades of turmoil, and finally the first generation of demon kings who gathered strength and trust stood out.

The Twelve Angels were vaguely aware of the danger of the Demon King’s power, and desperately penetrated the atmosphere to prevent the first generation of Demon King from inheriting the Demon King’s power.

Countless angels died in that battle, and the twelve angels took away nearly half of the demon king’s power at the cost of five holy weapons being completely broken.

The Twelve Angels were seriously injured in that battle.

Under the pressure of the magical environment, the Twelve Angels could only slightly manipulate the “Power of the Demon King” and send it to the world of the sealed goddess.

They let the “goddess apostle” who was summoned to this world inherit this power and become a brave man to stop the devil’s plan.

The brave man successfully defeated the devil and established the village of the brave man, putting the power of the brave man there.

Every time a new demon king inherits the power of the demon king and invades the world, the village of braves will also use the power of the brave to create new brave men to resist the invasion of the demon king.

The Demon King and the Hero have been fighting endlessly for generations.

After reading this piece of history, Yang Yu pinched his chin and thought a little.

Gao Yuanyi asked what Yang Yu was thinking about:

“Since the two forces come from the same source, is there any way to combine them?

As far as I know, of all the demon king’s invasions so far, the demon king has never succeeded.

The angels can take advantage of the Demon King’s death to recycle the remaining half of the Demon King’s power, or destroy it completely.

Are you afraid or can’t do it?

For example, if the two forces come together, the brave one will know everything about the Lucca civilization, and he will become a huge threat after gaining full power…

I know it is difficult for the Queen to answer this question:

“What you said is indeed possible.

In order to keep the project confidential, the researchers at the time took a gamble and destroyed all relevant knowledge.


Even we have not recorded the relevant parts of this plan.

I’m afraid they are certain that this power cannot be eliminated.

As long as someone can become a complete devil, everything will move towards the future they expect.

So, it’s hard for me to answer your question. ”

Yang Yu slowly raised his head, his expression suddenly became serious:

“The power of the hero and the power of the devil have been kept separately.

In order to take away the Demon King’s power, the angel also cut off the device that stored the Demon King’s power.

Even if the Demon King dies in another world, after hundreds of years of traction, the Demon King’s power will return to that device and supply it to the next Demon King.

This part probably uses technology similar to Demon Core.

It’s just that the technology at that time was more advanced, and even if it was cut in half, the device could still operate independently.

If… I said if…

The separated device merged into one again. Can the two powers merge into one and become the true power of the Demon King?

The device of the Brave Power has been stored in the Brave Village established by the first generation of Braves.

…Is this the reason why he wiped out the village of braves?

His actions have made his position clear.

If my guess is correct, the next step, Laux’s goal is definitely…”

Something bad was brewing in Yang Yu’s heart. No wonder the brave Lox accepted the task so readily. He must have wanted to test the Demon King to see if he had the power to defeat the Demon King.

Standing up suddenly, Yang Yu glanced at his surrounding partners:

“I know, it’s rare to get here once, and you also have your own questions.

However, there is no time for you to figure out the problems one by one.

Wait until next time!

If we can get the treasure chest, the Nine-Life Cat Demon will give us the key, and you can ask as many questions as you have by then.

As the Queen knows, you are now giving priority to answering my questions. I don’t have many questions left.

Then, send us back quickly! ”

No one raised any objections. Yang Yu then asked several important questions in one go, left the country of the Nine-Life Cat Demon, and returned to the real world.

At the same time, in the dark abyss, a strange creature sat on its throne.

This creature is roughly humanoid, but has frog-like skin and cat-like claws. It has many high bulges on its body, forming extremely sharp spikes.

The armor-like parts are actually part of its body and can attack and defend according to its will.

This creature is the strongest king in the dark abyss, the demon Ba’er.

Above the palace made of countless demon bodies, the demon Ba’er and the remaining twelve demons gathered together.

Baer didn’t say a word, but he exuded a unique aura of terror and majesty.

All the demons here are waiting for news from Agares.

Baal and the other demons have been waiting for thousands of years and do not care about waiting for this little time.

Soon, they will be free.

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