Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1530: Three parties

A crescent moon hangs in the night sky, shining bright moonlight.

The brave man leaned on the edge of the balcony, listening to the messages from his companions, and learned about the situation on the battlefield of Wansheng Republic.

“If he takes any action again, report it to me immediately.

In addition……”

Putting his hands on his temples and saying a few words, the brave Lox cut off the contact.

That man moved faster than expected.

Mingming just ran to Sertis not long ago to visit him, then turned around and ran to Wansheng Republic, almost wiping out one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

For now, he has no plans to learn the truth.

Perhaps he feels that with his current strength, he can defeat the Demon King as long as he defeats the Four Heavenly Kings step by step. After defeating the Demon King, it will not be too late to learn the truth.

Laux has the option of telling Yang Yu the truth directly, but there is no way for Laux to predict Yang Yu’s reaction after learning the truth.

It is a very dangerous choice to tell the truth to the goddess apostle without sufficient strength.

The Brave Lox can use his identity as a Brave to gain many conveniences.

Lux heard about Yang Yu’s deeds from all sides.

This time the goddess apostle is more capable than imagined.

In just a few years, he has grown from an unknown soldier to where he is today. He has established contacts with many countries and contributed to the establishment of the coalition.

Laux had to pay attention to Yang Yu.

It is quite dangerous for him to become an enemy, but if he becomes an ally, it may be much easier to complete the next plan.

Whether Yang Yu is an enemy or a friend is still unknown.

No matter what, strength is a must.

As long as you are strong enough, you can easily deal with any situation that happens in the future.

This time the Demon King is no small matter.

Having such a prominent figure attract attention is not necessarily a bad thing.

Moving his steps, Laux left the edge of the balcony, and Tara, dressed as a priest, just walked to his door.

Tara was about to knock on the door, but the door opened by itself.

Squinting her eyes, Tara cautiously poked her head into the dim room.

Laux turned on the light, a bright light illuminating the empty room.

Finding that the brave man was standing in front of her, Tara hurriedly stood up straight and said:

“Volkis, communication with the church has been completed.

They readily agreed to our request and agreed to let us pass through the teleportation circle and rush to the front line.

After that, if you have any needs, you’re welcome…

You can always ask them…”

“That’s good.” Laux pretended to be relieved and smiled bitterly,

“I wanted to make a series of achievements before asking…

Now I can only be shameless.

Sure enough, I still can’t catch up with him.

Obviously I am the brave one, but in the end he did everything I should do on his own.

This is fine.

With him here, I won’t worry about various things and have enough time to improve myself.

Tara, you will have to work hard next.

Although he has done a lot of things that I should do and can be said to have overall control, we still have to pay attention to the changes in the world at all times and take action when the situation suddenly turns bad.

Can I trust you to exchange information with various countries? ”

Frowning slightly, Tara refuted: “I am a pastor, and it is somewhat difficult for me to do this kind of thing.

After all, the two abilities of Holy Light and Magic will conflict with each other.

A person who uses Holy Light well often doesn’t use Magic well…

I think we should leave this matter to Aina! ”

“No. I’ll leave it to you.

After all, Aina is from Sertis’s side. Based on your understanding of her, you should know what choices she will make when many things happen at the same time.

And Yixuan, she is just an ordinary harpy, she doesn’t have that ability, you know? ”

Laux put his hand on Tara’s shoulder.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Tara felt that the man in front of her was more mature than before, and he had an indescribable charm.

Tara resisted for a few times, but finally agreed to Laux.

At the same time.

A man wrapped in a black cloak lit a bonfire in the wild, skinned and deboned the prey and roasted it on the fire.

The branches crackled in the red fire, and the plump wild boar meat oozed fat, and the aroma was overflowing.

Mobile mechanical prosthesis, taking off the mask, revealing a green face with two horns, the man added a handful of firewood to the fire.

Finger moving in the air, Gao Yuanyi took out a map to confirm his location.

Although he came to this world with all his strength, Gao Yuanyi still had no idea how he was going to defeat the Demon King.

Gao Yuanyi no longer wants to be as reckless and arrogant as before. He wants to find a practical and effective way to defeat the Demon King, and then find a way to resurrect Wei.

There should be brave men in this world, maybe we can unite the brave men of this world…

Although the plan to attack the Demon King failed and his hands and feet were severed, he is still someone who can confront the Demon King head-on, and he has the strength to show it. A brave man should not refuse such a fighting force.

The problem is that my identity as a demon is somewhat troublesome.


Gao Yuanyi has been wandering in this world for a long time, but there is still no news of the hero being active.

On the contrary, I found out about a famous figure.

That man not only won the Dragon God Conference here, but also resolved the war between two countries in this world, and also eliminated the cursed sect, and is still active on various battlefields…

The most important thing is that Yang Yu’s name is the same as the friend he often plays games with.

Is it purely a coincidence? Or…

In short, you can only know it once you meet.

It should be easier to find him than to find the hero who has never been heard from again.

He seems to be hunting the Four Heavenly Kings.

Before dealing with the Demon King, it is also the right choice to deal with the Four Heavenly Kings first.

[Laplace] was rewarded by the Demon King to the Four Heavenly Kings, who are known as the strongest shields. If you can help him defeat one of the Four Heavenly Kings, you might be able to get [Laplace] back.

After confirming his location, Gao Yuanyi thought about it and decided to find the man of the hour first.

Demon King’s Castle.

The Dark Emperor temporarily stopped building new teleportation circles and returned to the castle.

[Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn found Amonvar who was escaping in a hurry halfway.

Amon Var used potions to repair his condition during his escape. When he saw [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond, Lunn was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

[Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn did not delve into the entire process of Amon Var’s escape, but immediately reported the matter to the Dark Emperor and took Amon Var back to the Demon King’s City.

Above the throne, the Dark Emperor could see any joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and the purple light swayed under his helmet:

“Count the brave.

This is the third goddess apostle.

The status should be considered as a candidate hero.

But his brilliance has surpassed that of a true brave…

He really needs to be dealt with.

I’ll take care of it.

It depends on how they will act.

They will never give up, and there will definitely be new moves next. ”

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