Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1528: Water vapor

Before Amonvar finished speaking, Yang Yu suddenly accelerated and appeared in front of Amonvar with a sudden sound, stabbing the disc with a sharp sword blade.

Although he didn’t know the specific effect of the disc, Yang Yu intuitively told him that the best way at this time was to knock the disc away completely!

Qiu Ye rolled up a tornado on his sword blade and launched an attack from the side, cooperating with Yang Yu’s actions.

Amon Var was not prepared at all.

The tornado on the Qiuye blade scraped numerous scars on Amon Var’s body. The blood flowing out of Amon Var’s wounds instantly turned into flames and burned brightly when it came into contact with the air.

Yang Yu’s sword accurately hit the disc on Amonvar’s waist, and the disc instantly flew several meters away.

“It’s useless, you can’t stop it!

Even if you hit it out beforehand, the result will be the same!

Even if I don’t take the initiative to activate it, the impact of your blow just now is enough to trigger the [Flame Roulette] that is in an unstable state. ”

Wielding the black sword, Amonvar slashed at Yang Yu, and Yang Yu raised his sword to attack.

The crisp sound of metal collision sounded one after another.

The disk flying into the air was surrounded by countless fiery red circular magic circles. It rotated at high speed like a hanging coin being blown by a strong wind, and quickly threw flames in all directions.

The blazing flames do not distinguish between friend and foe, burning everything they encounter, like gangrene attached to the bones, crawling up the bodies of the surrounding demon soldiers.

The weak demon soldiers screamed and burned like paper.

Activating [Burning the Cauldron] to greatly increase his strength, Yang Yu deflected Amonvar’s weapon, retreated continuously, and distanced himself from Amonvar.

Amon Var raised his staff, and the flying flames condensed into a fire snake, rushing towards Yang Yu with countless flames.

Lifting up the shield, an illusory shield formed in front of Yang Yu. Qiuye stopped attacking and hid behind Yang Yu.

The two retreated in the direction of the flames and distanced themselves from Amon Var.

The Demon King is in charge of the Demon Realm and possesses countless secret treasures.

In order to ensure the success of this invasion, he will definitely hand over the equipment or props that are most suitable for the Four Heavenly Kings and arm them to the teeth.

The Four Heavenly Kings of this world are not fools, and they will not hold onto something for the protagonist in a life or death situation like in some games or novels.

Yang Yu had a premonition that when Amon Var really narrowly escaped death, he would destroy all the things that could be destroyed and throw everything that couldn’t be destroyed into a different space without giving it to Yang Yu.

Every weapon used by Amon Var is of the highest quality. Especially the knife that can cut through magic. If you can get it, your chances of winning against the Demon King will be much better.


Finally, we almost completed the plan, but something unexpected happened.

Even Yang Yu can clearly feel the changes in magic power in the air. This is definitely not a natural phenomenon.

The disc hanging on Amon Var’s body takes a lot of time to activate. This weird magic fluctuation causes the disc to complete charging ahead of schedule!

In the sky, Bai Jin and He Meng could see the whole situation, and could see the flames emitted by the [Flame Disk], engulfing countless demon soldiers, like a meteorite half a river wide, smashing into The dry riverbed created a desolate sea of ​​fire.

Ias and the others, who were approaching Yang Yu and the others, were also involved in the fire. Fortunately, they were far away from the center of the flames. Ias set up a shield for herself and Lotkar, and crashed into the shocked people with the flames. In the demon army.

Ias stood up from Lotkar’s back, the hot wind blew over her face, and the dozens of floors of flames made them feel even smaller

“He Meng! Protect me!”

Calling to He Meng who was not far away, Bai Jin raised the magic wand [Sighing Seed] high, and countless complex magic arrays quickly unfolded in the sky.

The flames released by [Flame Disk] are at the level of super large magic. To deal with super large magic, you have to use super large magic.

As soon as the complicated spell was launched, Bai Jin suddenly discovered that the speed of super large magic was much faster than before.

It’s a pity that no matter how quickly Bai Jin’s magic is prepared, it can’t be faster than the portal Amon Var releases in the center of the scorching flame.

“I will remember everything today.

Even if I can’t deal with you on my own, the Demon King will definitely find a way to deal with you.

Next time, it will be your death! ”

Amon Var muttered to himself, stepped through the portal of blazing flames, and disappeared into the battlefield.

The demon officer with the ability to sense fire quickly realized this and ordered the large troops to disperse and break out separately while gaining time to escape.

Yang Yu and the others performed so well that even Master Amonvar had no choice but to run away. The consequences of continuing to fight would be disastrous.

Only by spreading out and escaping can we have a chance of survival.

In an instant, the Demon King’s army separated into countless tributaries, rushing in all directions.

Bai Jin shook her wand, and the magic circle in the sky released a blue light. A huge water dragon emerged from the magic circle and rushed towards the burning area.

When fire and water meet, the majestic water vapor escapes and infects the entire battlefield.

Yang Yu and Qiu Ye fell out of the flames early. They were bathed in the water vapor sweeping in like huge waves and looked forward.

The blazing fire swayed and extinguished under the super large magic of Bai Hibiscus.

Several demon soldiers at the rear took advantage of the fog and swarmed towards Yang Yu and the others.

As for them, this is just self-destruction.

Without Yang Yu’s action, Qiuye’s sharp long knife broke through the fog and split the incoming demon soldiers into two.

Qiuye closed her eyes, just like her father gave her, and observed everything around her with her inner eye.

But he didn’t get any closer, and both the demon soldiers and Amon Var disappeared from his perception.

When Yang Yu and the others retreated, there were obviously a lot of flaws, but Amonvar never attacked them once.

Yang Yu stared forward, clenching the sword tightly in his hand. After a while, he released it with relief and put the blade back into the scabbard:

“The battle is over.

Get ready, we have to evacuate from here. ”

“It’s over?” Qiuye didn’t know what to say, and asked: “Has he already escaped? It’s rare to force him into such a situation…

Will it be harder to deal with him next time than this time? ”

Yang Yu didn’t answer, but just stepped forward wordlessly, intending to walk to the open area and convey his instructions.

Although Yang Yu did not answer, Qiuye already got the answer from Yang Yu’s movements and expression. Whether the strategy can be simplified depends on whether the strategy can be found next.



“Being able to run away without hesitation saved me a lot of trouble.

No need to reveal your identity. ”

On a pile of rocks not far from the battlefield, a frivolous figure folded its wings contentedly and walked towards a maze not far away.

Using the teleportation circle hidden in the maze, the frivolous figure disappeared without a trace.

She returned to their temporary base, waiting for the next deployment.

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