Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1523: Please wake up

Before the war, the task given by Yang Yu to Lotkar was to prevent new demon cadres from approaching and disrupting the situation after he cleared the demon cadres around the duel circle.

Taking advantage of his huge body and ability to see far, Lotkar has always followed Yang Yu’s request and stopped all demon cadres who tried to approach the duel circle.

This task is not easy.

It was okay at first. Ias and the others did not cause trouble behind the demon king’s army. Yang Yu was still outside the duel circle. Most of the demon cadres were defeated by him. But as time went by, those in the middle The demon cadres discovered the commotion in the front and rear, and knew that this battle was not that simple, so they wanted to confirm the situation and reported to Amon Var. They gradually moved towards the fighting area ahead.

With the bonus of the Grodd Project equipment, Lotkar in the form of a monster has good combat capabilities. Even if there are more demon cadres approaching, he can still rush through with his huge body and restrain and attack the demon cadres. fall.

So, no one has reported the disturbance of the Demon King’s army to Amonvar so far.

Lotkar was not surprised by Yang Yu’s appearance. His sensitive hearing could hear something even in a noisy battlefield, and he had long been aware of the difficulty of this battle.

“Want to help?” Lotkar asked, patting down several incoming demon soldiers.

Yang Yu did not make a quick decision and asked: “How many demon cadres have not been eliminated?”

“I don’t know what’s going on with Ias and Qiuye, but there are at least three more areas I can see!

One more thing…we might have been seen! ”

Lotkar answered truthfully, shook his head towards Yang Yu, and asked Yang Yu to look in the direction of his head.

Yang Yu took a closer look and saw two or three steel eagles hovering in the sky, patrolling the battlefield.

A light arrow flew out and hit the steel eagle accurately.

The steel eagle instantly lost the power to fly and fell like a piece of iron.

But soon a new steel eagle flew up and continued to patrol the battlefield.

“Those steel eagles keep flying out after you enter the circle of flames. They were released by the demon clan cadres. I don’t know what they are used for.

But I think…

That is most likely the creation of the remaining four heavenly kings!

Amon Var is extremely warlike.

The Four Heavenly Kings may be afraid that his personality will cause trouble, so he may give his subordinates some special props.

As long as certain conditions are triggered, his men will send back the situation on the battlefield. ”

Yang Yu looked at the steel eagle hovering in the air and came to the same conclusion as Lotkar.

Turning to look at the duel circle, Bai Jin used the time bought by Yang Yu to cross the ring of fire. Amon Var seemed to have noticed the steel eagle flying in the sky. The one who wanted to fight Yang Yu just now The momentum gradually disappeared and the pace slowed down.

The hot flames swayed violently on Amon Var, and the brightness slowly faded from his body.

An eagle in the sky suddenly flapped its wings rapidly, swooped down quickly, and flew towards Amonvar.

Ias, who was hiding in the forest, also discovered the anomaly. She avoided the joint attack of the two cadres and fired a shining light arrow at the swooping steel eagle.

Just when Ias’ light arrow was about to touch the Iron Eagle, the Iron Eagle suddenly split countless steel fragments from its body, forming a protection that completely defended Ias’s arrow.

The wings rolled up into the hurricane, and the steel eagle fell in front of Amon Var.

A familiar voice sounded in Amonvar’s ears:

“Amon Var! Look at the good things you have done!

Why were so many demon cadres defeated!

I and the Demon King have told me that if there is any abnormality, we must report it as soon as possible!

Fortunately, I kept an eye out and secretly gave some of your subordinates my creations, otherwise I wouldn’t know anything!

Do you want to follow in Tian Hanxue’s footsteps? ”

The owner of the voice is none other than Black Diamond Lunn, the Four Heavenly Kings [Iron Steel Dragon] known as the “Strongest Shield”.

Amon Var shouted in a low voice:

“What’s the noise!

I’m about to finish them off!

I have beaten them to pieces, give me a little more time!

I can definitely take them down! ”

[Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn raised his eyes with dark circles, his sharp gaze seemed to shine through the steel eagle on Amon Var, and he asked coldly:

“Do you know the situation on the battlefield now?”

Amon Var was asked a question by [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn.

Although Amonvar wanted to pat his chest and assure [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn that he was absolutely aware of the situation on the battlefield, even Amonvar knew that he was just talking big words.

[Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn is far away in the horizon, but he can know the situation of each battlefield through the teleportation tower established.

Unlike Amon Var, [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn is quite smart and cautious. Many questions that Amon Var is unclear about, [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn can answer fluently with the devil. .

Amon Var can feel that [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn is the person who is advancing on the same path as the Demon King, so [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn became the Demon King’s The strongest shield.

In order to achieve the common goal between himself and the Demon King, [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn worked day and night, leaving behind dark circles under his eyes.

Even now, if he didn’t want the plan to proceed, [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn would not have been able to rebuke him out loud.

You know, [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn also knows the character of Amon Var, but he rarely paid attention to it except for a few words before.

But this time, his attitude was completely different.

“I’m not sure. The enemies this time are a little different.” Amonvar answered truthfully, “They are the ones who knocked down Tian Hanxue, so I want to knock them down.”

[Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn looked serious, “Did you just use that trick?

Beyond those few things, you’ve lost one of your winning tools.

Other methods… are not easy to use.

You, bring the troops to retreat immediately! I will immediately deploy the army to respond to you!

Hearing [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn’s order, Amonvar’s first reaction was anger and unwillingness, and he asked loudly:


Don’t you still believe in my strength?

They have fled. As long as they escape into the human army, my flames can not only clean them up, but also destroy the army of the Wansheng Republic.

If they escape into our troops, ask the cadres to block their movements, and I will deal with them immediately!

They have broken my rules, I…”

Before Amon Var finished speaking, [Iron Steel Dragon] Black Diamond Lunn interrupted Amon Var loudly:

“Do you really want to die!

You are still so young to be able to defeat Tian Hanxue and knock them down so quickly!

They are most likely the apostles of the goddess!

The goddess’s apostles are difficult to deal with before they grow up, let alone those who have already grown up!

This time, Goddess Xue was smart and must have sent the person here a long time in advance!

He also shamelessly sent the apostle to the demon world with the intention of replacing the demon king!

Don’t you even listen to the report?

Except for the one who took the lead, everyone else possessed extraordinary strength at a young age. I observed this on the battlefield and became even more convinced of this.

We have only been in this world for a few days. It is absolutely impossible for them to grow to this point in such a short period of time!

They must have grown up with the apostles of the goddess for a long time!

Even if they are not brave men, when they have grown to this point, they are no less dangerous than the brave men, or even more dangerous than the brave men!

Only the Demon King can deal with them!

Come back to me immediately! ”

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