Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1521: Burning Star Six-pointed Cut

Amon Var has the ability to recover from fire.

The battle between Yang Yu and Amon Var produced thousands of small flame slashes.

Some of the flame slashes hit Amon Var’s body after a series of rebounds. They bloomed like fireworks on his body and were completely swallowed by the flames.

Yang Yu could see that after Amon Var absorbed the rebounding flame slashes, his physical strength, health and magic power recovered a small amount.

Although the amount recovered is not large, every time they fight, a large amount of flames will always fall from Amonvar’s long knife, which will turn into flame slashes under the command of the staff and be projected in all directions.

Even if Amon Var doesn’t use his staff and deliberately controls the flying flames to slash, this terrifying recovery ability is enough for Yang Yu to drink a pot.

At least, it allowed Bai Jin to spend most of his time cleaning up the tiny flame slashes, and not have time to interfere too much with the battle between him and Yang Yu.

Bai Jinfa read the words, and Yang Yu was liberated from the negative effects of [Burning the Cauldron].

Without any hesitation, Yang Yu asked Bai Jin to put aside other magics first and give Amon Var the priority to use [Healing Taboo] to limit Amon Var’s recovery. At the same time, he also gave him [Weapon Corrosion] to reduce Amon Var’s recovery. Weapon damage.

Two groups of purple light pierced the sky one after another, passing through the rapidly evaporating water vapor.

Amon Var noticed the incoming magic and wielded his black sword, splitting the two incoming magics into two and continuing to suppress Yang Yu.

Yang Yu lowered his body and injected [blood power] into the ground, creating a large deceleration field. Then, with a ghostly figure, he bypassed Amonvar’s long knife again, braved the hot flames, and entered his arm. other ranges.

Raising his eyes and glaring at Amon Var, Yang Yu activated his skills:


In an instant, Amon Var’s arm holding the black sword involuntarily slashed at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu raised the blade of his sword and firmly blocked Amonvar’s black sword. His shield blocked the heavy hammer that came with him.

Under the cover of Yang Yu, the two curse magics released by Bai Jin fell accurately on Amon Var.

Amon Var shouted loudly, trying to dispel the abnormal state on his body, but to no avail.

I know my physical condition, and Amonvar knows the approximate effect of Bai Jin’s magic.

Since the two skills had minimal impact on his strength, Amonvar simply ignored the two curse spells Bai Jin cast on him and continued to attack Yang Yu.

Even if Yang Yu asked Bai Jin to apply [Treatment Taboo] to Amon Var, it would weaken half of his recovery.

The flying flames are still continuously raising Amonvar’s health.

As long as Yang Yu dares to pause for a moment, all the damage caused by his previous attacks will be in vain.

No wonder Amonvar was so confident and showed no fear in the face of the encirclement and suppression by the two men.

Is this his true strength?

If he cannot be taken away with a single burst, or if a force stronger than him can be used to suppress him for a long time, he will be invincible with five weapons.

Yang Yu breathed in and out, responding to Amon Var’s attack, the hot air burning his lungs.

The harsh environment and continuous fighting will continue to increase Yang Yu’s physical consumption.

Compared with Amon Var, Yang Yu’s physical strength is quite high.

But if dragged into a one-on-one lasting fight, Yang Yu still has a high chance of losing. The only chance of winning is that Yang Yu controls the blood volume within a fairly low range and triggers [Don’t give in to despair] The title of “Human” is used to determine the outcome with doubled speed and high real damage of “Rage and Blood”.

It’s just that Yang Yu doesn’t know how many cards Amon Var has, and whether he can withstand most of his attacks.

Fortunately, Yang Yu is not alone.

Now that Bai Jin is by his side, he can clear away the growing flames for him. Ias and the others should also arrive here soon to participate in the battle and become a fighting force.

Although it is not yet known what method Amonvar used to trigger [Boiling Blood] in advance, his method should have side effects.

When the side effects start to show, there should be plenty of opportunities to suppress him.

No, even if there are no side effects, just one or two more people can suppress him.

Yang Yu has absolute confidence in the strength of his partners.

The question is, can Amonvar allow them to delay until that time?

Amon Var’s attack became aggressive, and he bombarded Yang Yu with skills he had never seen before.

Yang Yu fully entered the state, concentrated, memorized every skill used by Amon Var, and updated his battle memory about Amon Var.

The longer Amonvar fought with Yang Yu, the more he discovered what was special about Yang Yu.

If Amonvar had doubts about why Yang Yu could grasp the timing so accurately at first, now all those doubts have disappeared.

“I see, that’s what happened.

Is this your true strength?

Speaking of it, I have mentioned it from the injured demon cadre. Tian Hanxue has been talking to you for a long time.

Although, Tian Hanxue’s report at that time was that he wanted to test whether there was any useful information.

But now it seems that Xiao Nizi fell in love with this boy at first sight.

I wanted to convince him here, but fell into his trap. ”

Amon Var murmured to himself, his intuition pointed out to him the correct answer after Tian Hanxue was arrested,

“I understand.

A strong person who can possess such abilities.

No, the strongest among the strong.

Anyone who sees it will be ecstatic!

Me too!

If he obeys the rules and has an upright showdown with me.

This must be an extremely exciting battle.

However, he used such despicable means.

Tian Hanxue didn’t convince him, so naturally I couldn’t convince him either.

He is the enemy! A real enemy!

In this way, the enemy has only one value of being defeated! ”

Amon Var breathed out a breath of fire again, and used the long knife and other weapons to kill Yang Yu.

Yang Yu couldn’t tell what Amonvar was thinking through the expression under his flame helmet. He was concentrating on the battle.

He estimates the cooldown of each weapon skill, waits for Amon Var’s initiative to use the weapon, and is wary of Amon Var’s skills that have not yet appeared.

Amon Var’s output ability is amazing, and there are many abilities that have not yet been demonstrated.

Yang Yu no longer lowers his blood volume arbitrarily, and even relies on medicine to control his blood volume at around 70%.

This amount of blood can be used just right to activate [Rage and Blood] after a series of blood-consuming skills. It can also have greater error tolerance when facing some unknown attacks.

Yang Yu once again dodged Amon Var’s long knife as if dancing.

With a chuckle coming from his mouth, Amonvar said to Yang Yu while maintaining his attack:

“You are really strong!

If you don’t use any dirty tricks, you alone can make me show 80% of my strength!

But that’s it!

It’s time to decide the winner. You should be proud of yourself for pushing me to this point. ”

Yang Yu and the others dealt with it extremely well. Thanks to this, the [Boiling Blood] effect triggered by Amonvar in advance has been through most of the process.

If we continue to waste money, if something unexpected happens and Yang Yu and the others escape, they will lose more than they gain.

Amon Var decided to use the next few moves to determine the outcome.

Yang Yu saw Amonvar lift the hammer and knew that Amonvar wanted to use the effect of the flame hammer again.

Judging from Amon Var’s performance just now, the hammer’s initiative can restrain a person in place and tear apart half of the target’s defense during the duration.

Since he didn’t know how long this effect would last, Yang Yu quickly used [Rescue Charge] to come to Bai Jin’s side when Amon Var used this skill for the first time, and blocked Amon Var’s attack for Bai Jin. attack.

At that time, Yang Yu was convinced that if Amonvar found the opportunity, he would use various skills to continuously hit Bai Jin. When he went to save her, Bai Jin would be scarred.

I thought that a weapon with such powerful control would have a long cooldown time, but it could be used again in just ten minutes.

Is it like Iasna’s [Holy Light Catalytic Stone], a piece of equipment that can be used continuously but requires a lot of time to recharge?

Yang Yu cannot confirm.

A ghost shadow flashed past Yang Yu. With the blessing of Ghost Dance skills, Yang Yu’s legs burst out at incredible speeds and ran towards Amon Var, trying to swing the hammer at Amon Var. Stop it in front of you and use [Taunt] to interfere.

Amon Var has long thought of Yang Yu’s reaction when he saw this action. Yang Yu was groping for his fighting style to find countermeasures, and Amon Var was also groping for Yang Yu’s fighting style to find countermeasures to deal with Yang Yu.

Punching the sharp knife into the ground, countless flames burst out from Amonvar’s feet, completely engulfing him.

Amon Var’s body glowed brightly, and the heat from his body even baked the ground under his feet into hot magma.

Yang Yu couldn’t see Amonvar’s movements through the blazing flames. He couldn’t risk rushing into the sea of ​​​​fire and risking his whole body being scorched to prevent Amonvar from releasing the skill of the weapon.

Without hesitation, Yang Yu decided to do the opposite and use [Survey to Support] to run towards Bai Jin and distance himself from Amon Var.

Through the diffuse flame magic, Amonvar locked the position of Yang Yu and swung the heavy hammer heavily.

Just like Bai Jin at that time, a huge force of gravity suddenly pressed on Yang Yu’s shoulders, and a powerful force instantly tore through Yang Yu’s defense.

Although it is difficult to move and some skill icons are dimmed, this does not mean that nothing can be done.

Yang Yu switched [Butterfly Out of Cocoon] to egg form and was ready to recover blood.

After taking control of Yang Yu, Amonvar was not polite. A group of will-o’-the-wisps appeared next to Yang Yu. Amonvar exchanged places with the will-o’-the-wisp again and came to Yang Yu’s side.

The temperature of Amon Var, who is bright all over, is indescribable, like a piece of iron that has been burned until it glows. No physical features can be seen on his body, and all the weapons on his body are also glowing, as if he can defeat anything. .

Yang Yu had a feeling that if he used the [Butterfly Breaking the Cocoon] to resist Amon Var’s attack, not only the [Butterfly Breaking the Cocoon] would be cut in two, but his arm would also be cut in half and burned to ashes.

Without trying to attack or taking the time to read Amon Var’s panel information, Yang Yu devoted himself to defense.

But flames rolled up around Amon Var again, creating a powerful attraction.

This time the attraction is stronger than before. Even if Yang Yu suddenly finds some way to break free from the control of Flame Hammer, he will never be able to escape from this skill.

Amon Var mouthed the name of his ultimate skill. He had not used this skill for a long time. Except for the Demon King, no one could escape from this skill alive:

“[Must kill——

Burning Star Six-pointed Cut! 】”

The scorching heat hit his face, and Yang Yu knew he couldn’t escape. Even if the feeling was real, his hand might be cut off, and he could only use the egg form of [Butterfly Breaking the Cocoon] under that powerful control. After the active effect, raise the shield with difficulty to defend.

“Crack–” With a sound, the six weapons held by Amonvar burst into flames!

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