Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1460: This is compensation

Golden glass-like footholds cannot be generated without limit. Within a period of time, only a specific number of footholds can be generated based on the size of the golden glass, and these footholds require a certain amount of time to generate.

When moving quickly, you must arrange your foothold in advance like now, so that you can advance all the way and approach Tianhanxue in the blink of an eye.

A little blood red spread from Yang Yu’s chest, covering Yang Yu in a blood red battle suit.

Yang Yu, who had just used [Rage and Blood], actually used [Rage and Blood] again! Not only that, many of his used skills have also improved in advance.

This is another effect of Yang Yu’s [Heaven-shattering Dragon Roar], which can return 80% of the cooldown of all skills that are on cooldown. Rounding up is equivalent to refreshing the skills that are on cooldown.

As for the damage caused by the sum of the five-dimensional attributes of [Heaven-shattering Dragon Roar], it is divided into 5 layers of effects, which are added to the damage Yang Yu is about to cause. As long as Yang Yu can cause damage to the enemy, it will Inflicts 80% of the total five-dimensional damage to the enemy.

Each layer of effect disappears after a hit or lasts for 30 seconds, which means that after an attack hits, Yang Yu has up to 30 seconds to react to the next attack with additional damage.

As long as you can use the effect brought by the Sky-shattering Dragon Roar to cause damage to the enemy, you will get a layer of BUFF that increases all attributes by 1% and lasts for six minutes.

The original passive probability of [Dragon Roar] to increase the attribute value was weakened a lot and turned into a stable value for Yang Yu.

We even know his skills. Yang Yu is an unprecedented non-chief, so we don’t give him a chance.

It’s a pity that [Heaven-Shattering Dragon’s Roar] has a 5% basic probability of directly causing the enemy to die…

Although Yang Yu may not be able to trigger it in his life, there is no harm in displaying it like this. At least the skill introduction interface looks richer.

[Heaven-shattering Dragon Roar] also has one last effect, that is, it can cause damage to others while also adding some damage. It can convert 10% of the damage caused to the enemy and 20% of the damage received by itself into a layer on the body. Protective film.

This protective film has no upper limit. When receiving damage that does not originate from oneself, this protective film absorbs the damage.

After Yang Yu’s [Heaven-shattering Dragon Roar] ends, this layer of protective film can last for three minutes.

Such a powerful skill naturally has a series of limitations. Not only does it have a cooling time of up to one day, but it also requires a very long preliminary preparation work. After the preparation work is completed, there will be a period of reading.

The speed of reading the bar will slow down when you take damage. When you are hit hard, the progress bar will even go backwards.

Yang Yu once asked Bai Jin to use [Magic Counterattack] and Lotkar to use [Fearless Shock] to interrupt his skills. Once he enters the reading state, unless Yang Yu is constantly under high-intensity attacks, the progress will be reduced. The bar returns to zero, otherwise Yang Yu’s [Heaven-shattering Dragon Roar] cannot be interrupted by any skill.

Although the various effects of my [Heaven-shattering Dragon Roar] are quite good, after adding a series of applications, the practicality has been greatly reduced.

When developing this skill, Yang Yu often thought that if he could split his [Heaven-shattering Dragon Roar] into several skills, the preparation time would be greatly shortened, and almost every skill would be abnormally powerful.

What a pity, what a pity, this skill has all its effects packaged, and it will take some time to “decompress” the effects of these skills separately.

If he could create countless golden glasses in the sky at will, he wouldn’t have to worry about temporary anti-aircraft problems.

Step on the golden shield, open the shield in your hand, countless radiant ice cones hit Yang Yu’s shield, clusters of ice are generated on Yang Yu’s shield, and the cold wind follows his shield The edges blew past, forming streaks of ice.

Yang Yu’s speed did not slow down at all. The golden glass he created could let any attack pass through, and Tian Hanxue’s skills would not form clusters of hard ice that were difficult to stand on.

In just a moment, Yang Yu stepped on the golden glass under his feet to break through the ice light and came to Tian Hanxue.

Yang Yu stretched out his sword and stabbed Tian Hanxue in the chest without hesitation.

There was a sense of joy in Tian Hanxue’s stern look. He was indeed the one she had chosen, and he actually kept his hand during the first fight.

“From the perspective of application, you should have used this skill frequently.

So far, we have not received any information.

I have to admire you again! ”

Not to be outdone, Tian Hanxue pressed the fan, and everything around him gradually slowed down in an instant. The falling snowflakes were suspended in the air, motionless, and the surrounding space stopped completely as if time had stopped.

In order to deal with Bai Jin, Yang Yu and the others, Tian Hanxue had just used a lot of large-scale magic, and a lot of ice magic had already sunk into the barrier.

This time, the stillness lasted longer than expected.

Tian Hanxue smiled. If Yang Yu was still down there, she would not have enough time to do anything during this period, but now she has enough time to implement her plan.

Waving the folding fan, Tian Hanxue weaved magic again. At this moment, she noticed Yang Yu’s eyes, which were staring at her fiercely.

Tian Hanxue seemed to be disobedient for some reason and attacked Yang Yu.

Is it the same skill as that day? A skill that forces enemies to attack you?

As a snow girl, Tian Hanxue does not have much power. His fan slapped Yang Yu’s head one after another, but it was difficult to cause any harm to Yang Yu. You must know that her power is not over a thousand.

Why? Did you see my action of releasing a skill and release this skill in advance? Just to delay, the duration of my skill?

Why can you come up with such a countermeasure when it’s obviously only the second time they fight?

Not good…

Time passed by second by second. Tian Hanxue was unable to activate any skills or use any items. The man watched helplessly as time was wasted.

The original snowflakes that had solidified in the sky slowly resumed their fluttering, and everything around Tian Hanxue began to flow again.

Yang Yu’s sword blade was pressed against her chest. The moment Tian Hanxue was released from [Taunt], she did not continue to attack, but immediately used the effect of the equipment on her body. Her body became illusory and moved backwards. Some distance away, out of Yang Yu’s attack range.

Before Tian Hanxue could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw that the golden glass Yang Yu was stepping on was spreading its branches and leaves like a tree, and new golden glasses were growing next to her.

Turning on [Escape Expert] and releasing the deceleration effect on his body, Yang Yu’s speed suddenly increased, his legs burst out with a powerful explosion, and he jumped from one golden glass to another, dazzling Tian Hanxue.

While Tian Hanxue was preparing to defend with a defensive shield, Yang Yu pierced Tian Hanxue’s abdomen from the side.

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