Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 139: Admission exam

All the way along the neat avenue, the skyscraper library is like a huge mountain, majestic and majestic.

If you look at it from the sky, the five skyscraper libraries, the hall in the middle and the roads surrounding them form a beautiful purple-blue cherry blossom in full bloom.

At the fork in the road, there are arrow-shaped signs that guide every candidate to the examination room.

There were many library members around cheering for Yang Yu and the others, but not long after, they were driven away by the magicians on duty.

For a moment, Yang Yu seemed to be dreaming about the college entrance examination.

The examination rooms of Bai Jin, Yang Yu and Shu Jing were all different. They separated at the fork in the road. Yang Yu followed the crowd to his own examination room. On the way, Yang Yu would hear kind reminders from magicians from time to time to prevent anyone from going astray. .

After walking for about twenty or thirty minutes, Yang Yu arrived at the entrance of a library. A long staircase led all the way to the library entrance.

Inside, there is the knowledge that Yang Yu and the others want.

Unfortunately, the exam was not held in that skyscraper library. Most people never have the opportunity to explore the interior of the library.

What really serves as the examination room are the lecture theaters that resemble small churches at the foot of the skyscraper library.

After joining the library, you can choose to receive guidance from senior lecturers and improve your magic. Teaching magic and imparting knowledge naturally requires a place. These lecture theaters were built for this purpose.

Yang Yu quickly found the examination room.

It was a large lecture theater that could accommodate two hundred people, and there were already ten magicians with stars on their chests waiting inside.

Because there is only one hour between admission and the exam, excluding the time spent on the road, there is not much time left before leaving the exam. In a short time, one hundred candidates in this exam room have arrived.

A beautiful woman with long silver hair and a strong muscular old man slowly walked into the classroom and stepped onto the podium.

“Dear candidates, the exam is about to start. I won’t say much else. The admission ticket has already made it very clear. If you are not sure, just read it again. Please respect yourself and don’t try to take the challenge. Our bottom line. Please rely on your ability to get into the library. “

The mature voice of the beautiful woman with silver hair is like the incense of ecstasy, breathtaking.

Her name is Emily Titra, and she is one of the youngest members of the Library Presbyterian Church.

The strong, muscular old man named Ocares, who is also a member of the Presbyterian Church, has a kind face and kind eyes. He sings about magic. A simple and solemn black pendulum clock emerges from the magic circle and stands. In the center of the examination room.

The pendulum swings back and forth, the minute hand rotates bit by bit, and finally points to zero, and the hour hand also turns to nine. A small door opens on the clock, and a mechanical bird flies out, making a sweet bird song.

With this bird song, a huge magic circle appeared behind Emily, and test papers flew out of the magic circle like a “king’s treasure trove” and landed in the hands of every candidate.

“So. The exam begins!”

The mature voice sounded again, and countless candidates opened the examination papers and began to write furiously.

This exam lasts for three hours and has a total score of 200 points. The test paper has four pages and 16 pages. There are three types of questions: fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions and subjective questions. There are 25 fill-in-the-blank questions in total, and each question is worth two points. There are ten short answer questions worth ten points each, and ten subjective questions worth ten points each.

After filling in the personal information, Yang Yu quickly browsed the test paper.

1. The Kingdom of Sertis has conquered countless countries in history and almost unified the human world. In the end, due to the intervention of the Dragon God Council, the ambition of the wolf was shattered. Who was the king who was finally executed in the Dragon God Council

One of the key points of the exam is to never waste time on questions that you don’t know how to answer or questions that you can’t remember the answer to at the moment.

Yang Yu took the initiative to skip the first fill-in-the-blank question and looked at the second question.

2. Events occurred in history that led to the formation of the modern monetary system.


The fill-in-the-blank questions are too difficult, so let’s look at the short-answer questions first.

Short answer questions.

1. Briefly describe the modern sugar making technology.

I seem to have heard Bai Hibiscus say that what is used is not sugar cane, but what kind of fruit is used, and then…and then…

Yang Yu looked like he was about to remember but couldn’t. In the end, he simply gave up thinking and turned his attention to the subjective question.

Subjective questions.

1. In the year 123 of the Laux Calendar, the southern continent of the Gemu continent sank into the sea. Please explain the reasons and discuss the impact of this incident on future generations.

2. In the 17th year of the Laux Calendar, the Dark War began. Please describe the cause, process and results of this war in detail, and tell us your views on this war.


After scanning the test paper from beginning to end, Yang Yu found that he couldn’t answer a single question.

His current situation is like a science student who has just finished the college entrance examination and is thrown into the postgraduate examination site for history graduate students.

He didn’t understand any of these questions about history or the laws of how the world works. Even if he wanted to make nonsense, he couldn’t come up with a reason.

Coming here to take the exam is basically giving the library half a million for free.

If you ask Yang Yu if he regrets it, of course he does.

But what’s the use of regretting it? I can only spend half a million to go through the motions and join in the fun.

Looking at it, he still couldn’t do it, so Yang Yu simply drew a panda in the question and answer section.

Don’t ask me, I don’t understand.jpg

Why did you say it? Do you think I will sympathize with you? .jpg

Beauty.jpg Boss, take me.jpg

Although you look ugly, you think you are beautiful.jpg

Scratching your head.jpg, a small **** is disrespectful.jpg

God has showered wisdom on the world, but you are the only one holding an umbrella.jpg, you are a hot chick.jpg

I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense.jpg


The most boring thing in the world is to compete with yourself on a test paper that you don’t know how to do at all.

Because the exam lasted three hours, no one was allowed to leave the exam room before the end, and they would be stared at if they went to the toilet, so Yang Yu simply drew pandas all over the test paper.

Of course, the fill-in-the-blank section cannot be left empty, and Yang Yu also filled it all in.

1. The Kingdom of Sertis has conquered countless countries in history and almost unified the human world. In the end, due to the intervention of the Dragon God Council, the ambition of the wolf was shattered. Please tell me, who was the king who was finally executed by the Dragon God Council

2. Events occurred in history that led to the formation of the modern monetary system.


Use your imagination fully and fill in whatever Yang Yu likes.

Anyway, there is no hope of getting into the library, so you might as well give it your best. If the marking teacher sees these pictures and laughs, he might be able to give you some points to avoid zero points.

After finishing writing and calling it a day, Yang Yu was full of confidence. He folded his arms in his seat, looked down at everyone, and fully appreciated the way every candidate present was writing like the wind and sweating like rain.

The candidates next to and behind Yang Yu were a little depressed.

Brother, there’s still half an hour left, and you’ve already finished writing?

Looking at the confident Yang Yu, these candidates couldn’t help but lament the gap between themselves and geniuses. Perhaps, this is the kind of talent that the Wanwu Library needs…

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