Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1360: Easily defeated

In order to prevent the Goblin God of War from losing track, Yang Yu asked Lotkar to deliberately slow down.

At the same time, in order to prevent the Goblin Martial God from becoming suspicious, Yang Yu accidentally left the team and hindered the Goblin Martial God’s pursuit.

Yang Yu’s attacks were limited, and he deliberately pretended to be invincible, and used [Rescue Charge] to return to Bai Jin and others, and received treatment from Ias.

Along the way, the Goblin God of War did not have too many doubts.

The scenery in front of Yang Yu and the others gradually changed from dense forests to open plains.

The Serovomen Plain was and still is quite fertile.

It is a pity that this fertility also caused it to be targeted by demons with evil intentions.

Nearly 70% of the land is occupied by the demons, making it a granary for the demons to conquer the mainland.

In the early stage of the battle between the brave Lox and the Demon King, most of the demons, monsters, and monsters did not eat humans. Only a few violent demons with special habits would do that.

But after the brave Lox took back this fertile plain, cannibalism became more and more common among the Demon King’s army in the Cerrovomon Plains who lost their food supply.

In this world, there are also various stories to scare children. One of the most famous stories is that of ghosts eating humans.

The ghosts here do not refer to ghost-like things, but to the ghost clan that belongs to the demon clan. They usually have horns and fangs and are taller than humans.

It seems that in a certain battle between the heroes and the demon king in the past, many ghosts were left behind. Due to the pressure of survival… they could only turn into beasts and attack the people around them.

The result of doing this is that their whereabouts will be exposed, and they will be defeated in the end.

Even though they were defeated, their ferocious side was still preserved, and they became a well-known demon clan.

No matter what era, there is no story more shocking to people than a man-eating ghost.

If the devil can be eliminated in one go, there will be no need to intervene in subsequent battles, and the tragedy will be much less.

However, the Demon King is not so easy to defeat.

Brave Laux may have created such an underground maze because he wanted to show Yang Yu and the others what kind of power the Demon King had.

It’s just that Yang Yu knew what kind of power the demon king of Brave Laux’s era had.

Compared with watching, here is just an additional actual combat process.

The Goblin God of Valkyrie pursued him to the Cerrovomon Plains without hesitation. He glanced back and saw that [Queen Centipede] had not caught up yet,

“What is going on? Based on my understanding of her, she can’t be so slow?

She has been acting weird since just now.

Could it be that her suspicion has returned again? ”

The Goblin God of War followed Yang Yu and the others for some distance. Further ahead was the area occupied by the demons. As long as Yang Yu and the others ran over there, they could quickly organize a target team to pursue and intercept them. Come and catch a turtle in an urn.

It was only then that the Goblin God of War saw [Queen Centipede] flying out of the forest.

But [Queen Centipede] did not continue flying, but stopped at the edge of the forest.

Lotkar slowly stopped. Yang Yu and the others stopped running and jumped off Lotkar.

The Goblin God of War frowned, feeling very strange. His intuition told him that this should be a trap, but he couldn’t see where the trap was.

Before the Goblin God of War could think about it, Yang Yu drew out his sword and shield and attacked him again.

“[Wall of Yellow Sand]”

Yang Yu was getting closer and closer. The Goblin God of War swung his long stick and stirred up sand and dust on the ground.

The dust kicked up wrapped around the body of the Goblin War God like a tornado, creating a flexible defensive front for him.

These yellow sands can travel to various parts of his body according to his consciousness, hindering the enemy’s attacks.

“[Broken Army Sweeps]”

He squatted down on his horse, straightened the long stick in his hand, and swung it into the air. The front end of Goblin War God’s long stick emitted a half-moon-shaped silver moon light.

Yang Yu threw himself down and easily avoided the half-moon-shaped silver light.

The Goblin God of War thrust his long stick into the ground hard, and countless rock spikes sprouted out of the ground like bamboo shoots after a rain, piercing Yang Yu’s chest.

Yang Yu used his shield to prop up his body, avoided a rock spike, and then used [Climbing] to stick to the spike.

No matter how the surrounding spikes grow, Yang Yu sticks to that rock spike.

When the spikes stopped growing, Yang Yu kept looking for a foothold on the spikes, jumping left and right towards the Goblin God of War.

Along with Yang Yu, there are also various long-range attacks from his companions.

The Goblin God of War spun his long stick, blowing up a whirlwind, and the attacks of Bai Jin and Ias flew away again.

Yang Yu took advantage of this opportunity to go around behind him, waved the orange blade towards the Goblin Martial God’s back, and easily broke through the yellow sand surrounding the Goblin Martial God.

The Goblin God of War exerted force on his feet, and circles centered on him spread out at extremely high speeds.

[Rock and Soil Impact] This skill can not only create a wide range of deceleration, but also cause stun to the enemy if the enemy is within two meters around you and the strength is less than 80% of your own.

The Goblin God of War wanted to use this skill to completely control Yang Yu, and then seize the opportunity to use a suffocating combo technique, leaving Yang Yu without any chance to counterattack.

But when the Goblin God of War turned away, Yang Yu was not affected by the [Rock and Soil Impact] at all. A red light emitted from his body, and it was released from under him when it encountered the deceleration field.

Immediately afterwards, a strange black curl wrapped around his sword blade.

The Goblin God of War swung his stick backwards, but Yang Yu saw through the movement and dodged it easily.

Yang Yu’s sword blade easily pierced the yellow sand on Goblin Martial God’s body again, causing considerable damage to Goblin Martial God again.

The Goblin God of War felt more and more strange, “What is going on? Why do you know my fighting style so well?”

Yang Yu didn’t say a word, just like dancing, he started teasing the Goblin God of War.

The [Queen Centipede] was still watching from a distance. Although the magic in her hand was prepared early, she still did not take action.

“I would not be so naive if you wanted to lure me to an open place and then use a trick to lure me into a trap.”

It would be difficult for Yang Yu to deal with two kings at the same time.

But if they only deal with one person, Yang Yu and the others are 100% sure to deal with him easily.

[Queen Centipede] was watching from the edge as the Goblin Martial God was being beaten. After Yang Yu lowered the Goblin Martial God’s health to the killing range, he directly used his bottom-of-the-box skills.

A drop of blood spread from Yang Yu’s chest, covering him with a red battle suit.

The Goblin God of War somewhat recognized the skills used by Yang Yu, and his eyes widened immediately. He wanted to activate [Escape Expert] to escape, but was held in place by a simple [Holy Light Confinement] by Ias.

Yang Yu maintained half health all the way in order to quickly kill the enemy like he is now.

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