Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1353: Ako Tiger Dog

A breeze blew across my face. There was no strange and gloomy smell in the wind, only the soft and refreshing smell of plants.

The bright sunshine also brought a touch of warmth with the wind, and Yang Yu could not detect any sense of violation.

Yang Yu has conquered many underground mazes before and seen many unique structures, but this is the first time he has come to this kind of underground maze.

This underground maze makes it difficult to tell whether what you see is reality or illusion.

Ias raised her nose, sniffed around vigorously, and said with great certainty:

“It has the same flavor as the forest I once lived in, a real forest.

There won’t be any problems with the teleportation array. It will randomly send us to a forest on the mainland, right? ”

“I don’t rule out this possibility. The sniffing is good, don’t sniff next time.” Yang Yu said, “We have Lotkar here, you’d better use your excellent vision to make some difference.”

Ias said “Oh”, then held the bow and arrow while looking around, on guard.

Bai Jin weaves several surveillance magics.

Before she could throw herself high into the air and explore the surrounding situation, Lotkar shook her head, turned her ears, and caught the sound coming from the forest.

“Something’s coming.”

Qiuye squatted down to defend himself. Hemeng jumped off Bai Jin’s shoulder and transformed into a human form. The two of them were on guard at the same time.

As an excellent elf warrior, Ias has more than sixty years of hunting experience. In such a complicated forest, her sensitive vision immediately captured the figures moving in the forest,

“It’s a monster! It looks like a tiger and a hound!”

Hearing Ias’s voice, Bai Jin quickly spread his magic power around and took in the general situation around him.

Dozens of powerful magical beasts had surrounded them layer by layer at some point.

More than a dozen monsters suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed out of the forest, bared their teeth and claws, and pounced on Yang Yu.

The attacking monster was about two meters long and one meter high, and looked like a hound used only for hunting. However, its fur was orange and black, and its pattern was closer to that of a tiger.

This monster is not native to this world, but comes from the demon world. The name is Ako Tiger Dog.

The sharp fangs of the Akko tiger dog were getting closer and closer to Ias and the others. Ias drew her bow, took a deep breath, and released a strong holy light from her body, causing waves.

The attacking Ako Tiger Dog was instantly blown away by this strong wave of holy light. Ias loosened her bowstring, and four light arrows sprang out from her hand, splitting into eight in the air, without any traces. He politely shot eight Akko tiger dogs and nailed them to a nearby tree.

The four Ako tiger dogs broke away from Ias’s light arrows and roared towards Bai Jin. Bai Jin flicked her wand and several ice arrows formed in front of her. In an instant, the attacking Ako was killed. The Kohudog was defeated and froze on the ground.

Other Ako tiger dogs rushed towards Qiuye together, Qiuye did not rush and held his beloved knife horizontally,

“[Duanfengliu. Mysterious meaning. Wuxiang].”

Qiuye’s action of drawing out the knife was so fast that he couldn’t see clearly. When he looked at it, he thought he was drawing out the knife, but in the end, he had already withdrawn the knife.

The invisible slashes instantly cut the attacking Ako tiger dogs into several pieces.

An Ako tiger dog took advantage of Qiuye’s attack to end and his movements were stiff, and pounced on Qiuye from the side.

At the critical moment, a water bomb hit the Akko tiger dog without missing a beat. The blue mucus spread out instantly and enveloped the Akko tiger dog like an octopus tentacle.

Lotkar kicked his hind legs, and with a “pop-” sound, he kicked the attacking Ako Tiger Dog towards the big tree.

The Akko tiger dog hit the big tree, let out a muffled groan, and completely lost its life.

The quick disposal of Ias and the others did not scare off the wandering Akko tiger dogs. On the contrary, each Akko tiger dog let out a terrifying low roar and sprang out of the forest one after another without hesitation. Continue to pounce on Bai Jin and the others.

Bai Jin could sense that the number of Ako tiger dogs around him was still increasing, from a few dozen to more than two hundred unknowingly.

The situation was so tense, but Yang Yu didn’t know when he jumped up the tree.

Yang Yu greeted the team:

“There are some things that I want to confirm deep in the jungle. I will leave them to you for now.”

Without too much explanation, Yang Yu jumped with both legs and quickly walked through the forest, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Bai Jin and the others watched Yang Yu go away without any complaints, and they continued to concentrate on dealing with the Ake tiger dog.

In the forest, a green giant wearing tiger skin scratched his head, very confused,

“Why did he break away from the team and go straight to my direction?

Coincidence? Or has my whereabouts been exposed?

Forget it, if he comes alone, let him die without a burial place. ”

The green giant chuckled, his eyes under the tiger skin laughing at Yang Yu’s ignorance and arrogance.

Standing up while holding on to the ground, blue spells emerged from the green giant’s muscular body. The tiger fur covering his body suddenly stood up, and individual hairs fell off from the tiger’s skin, floating in the air. It grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into Akko tiger dogs.

The ones that attacked Xiang Jin and the others were not real Ako tiger dogs. They were all made by the green giant using the fur and magic of the Ako tiger dogs.

The Ako tiger dog’s hair won’t stop, and the Ako tiger dog that attacks Bai Jin and the others will not stop until Bai Jin and the others are completely exhausted.

There was an accident as imagined. In order to solve this “accident”, the green giant injected more magic power into the hair of the Akko tiger dog.

The Akko tiger dogs surrounding the green giant actually showed the same spell as the green giant. Each Akko tiger dog grew in size instantly and stood up, becoming a A strong werewolf.

The Green Giant never uses more to defeat less. He always likes one-to-many. One-to-many is the stage to show his strength. He is eager to show his strength.

These Ako tiger dogs were all transformed by his ability, and they can only be regarded as his accessories, not a case of fighting with more than less.

“I want to use a steady stream of beasts to drive you to exhaustion and then tear you into pieces.

I can’t believe you could see through my plan so quickly.


Going here alone is the stupidest decision you have ever made in your life.

If I take your life, I will rise to great heights. You should be the stepping stone under my feet! ”

The Akko Tiger Dog in werewolf form turned its ears and caught the rustle of leaves in the forest. It grinned, revealing extremely sharp fangs, and its sharp claws grew longer and longer.

As Yang Yu came closer, the Akko tiger dog became more and more excited, and its bark was shed all over the floor.

As soon as their eyes caught Yang Yu’s traces, these werewolf-shaped Ako tiger dogs couldn’t wait to climb up the surrounding trees and pounced in Yang Yu’s direction.

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