Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1329: Refresh

The last bubble was collected, and it happened to be time for shift change.

A red and white kitten flew out from the huge bubble and greeted the cat commander in purple military uniform with a smile on his face,

“Senior Doro, it’s time to change shifts and rest.

It’s been a long time since I received so many things at once.

Last time it was just some food, this time there was all kinds of mess.

The rating may take a lot of time. ”

The red and white kitten raised its hand and wanted to high-five the kitten called Doro, but the kitten called Doro ignored it.

Doro walked straight past the red and white kitten and passed through the bubble.

The red and white kitten smiled helplessly, “Senior, you are really cold.”

Through the bubble, a huge city appeared in front of Doro’s eyes.

Doro raised his head, and each bubble flew towards a huge factory, and was received by the factory suspended in mid-air.

The factory looks like a huge piece of soap. Viewed from the bottom, four turbines with blue flames are constantly rotating, supporting the factory to float in mid-air.

The cat working inside, or more accurately the nine-life cat demon, will poke its head into the receiving bubbles one by one, confirm the contents of the bubbles, evaluate their quality, effectiveness, function, etc., and evaluate them. Score and then color the bubbles that hold things.

The colored bubbles will be dragged by the nine-life cat demons to the maze management department, which will return the things to the outside world through the underground maze.

Withdrawing his gaze, Doro walked across the lawn at the edge of the city and walked into the futuristic reinforced concrete.

On the streets, cats come and go, but it is rare to see the nine-life cat demon who always walks upright like Doro.

“Listen to me, the place where I work this time is over the storage bubble.

As we all know, even though living creatures cannot enter the air bubbles, we all preserve them in a vacuum.

But there has always been a stupid person who has always wanted to stuff a pig in, and more than once, over and over again.

How did his teacher teach him? I will do his jungle work! ”

“I also have a lot of complaints here. Once, someone didn’t know if it was because he was idle, but he sent things repeatedly in two places.

That person’s magic power was so terrifying that before she used up her magic power, she exhausted a new person we were working with. ”

“The easiest thing is the dungeon management department and the collection adjustment department.

The adjustment part is divided into categories and moved to the maze part.

Most people cherish the things they have stored, and there are not many things that need to be picked up…”

“This is not necessarily true, it still depends on time.”

The nine-lived cat demons active in the city are all resting nine-lived cat demons.

When nothing happens, they will often gather together in groups like this, chatting casually and passing the time.

Doro glanced at these nine-lived cat monsters and came to a dark alley.

Looking left and right to make sure that no other Nine-Life Cat Demon was paying attention, Doro trotted into the dark alley and reached the end of the dark alley in one breath.

With the help of the water pipe and the wall, Doro jumped up two or three meters along the wall, and knocked on the wall according to a certain rhythm.

Ripples rippled on the wall, and Doro passed through the center of the ripples and arrived at a dark room.

This is a bar.

The yellow and red lights create a unique atmosphere, the high shelves are filled with various types of drinks, and an equally upright cat is constantly wiping the wine glasses,

“Are you here? As usual?”

“Business as usual.”

With a simple response, Doro took off his military cap and hung it on the hanger.

The bar owner put down the cup, and the reflection of the cup showed the bar owner’s pure white and tall figure. He turned the cup and the reflection illuminated Doro who sat down on the chair.

Pure white milk trickles down from the bottle, and the rich milk fragrance overflows. Black cocoa is added during the stirring, entangled with the milk, forming a vortex.

The bar owner sprinkles a small amount of dried mint on top, and a delicious drink is completed.

Doro picked up the cup. The milk was of moderate temperature and would not burn his tongue. He drank it all in one gulp and placed the cup on the counter.

While wiping the glass, the bar owner spoke:

“Come here today, it’s more than just a drink, isn’t it that simple?”

Doro raised his head, his cat pupils were sharp, “The plan may have to be advanced.”

The bar owner stopped wiping the wine glass, “Why so suddenly?”

“Times have changed, and there is danger everywhere. They are back. Although they have done nothing now, it does not mean that they will not do anything in the future.” Doro’s mouth was full of resentment.

“They’re back?” The bar owner knew what “they” in Doro’s mouth meant, but because he knew, he was surprised, “The one you said last time? You’d better send someone to monitor it. Did you? I clearly warned you that this is dangerous.”

“Sometimes, you just need to take risks.” Doro interrupted the bar owner, “I have to make sure that the plans that have been planned for so many years are foolproof. Their appearance and the existence of those ruins have a profound impact on what we are about to do. , are all huge hidden dangers.”

The bar owner was silent.

After a long time, the bar owner spoke again:

“Maybe we have other options. Overthrowing her is not the only way.”

Doro raised the cat’s paw and hammered it **** the counter in front of him. With a bang, the cup containing milk just fell to the ground and broke into pieces:

“We have no choice!

I don’t want to be refreshed, nor do I want to see others being refreshed!

Did you know? Who is the person who just switched shifts with me!

You and I both know very well what kind of person he was before. But what now?

Live happily, don’t remember a single thing from the past, and only work hard in your mind.

If he loses his memory forever and loses his personality forever, can he… still be counted as him?

Do you know how I felt at that time?

…He’s still alive.

But, he is already dead. ”

The hotel owner was speechless for a moment, what Doro said was true:

“These are the consequences he must bear after making that choice.

I have seen too many people like him.

If we do nothing, by virtue of our identity as the “anchor”, we can still maintain ourselves and retain our memories. ”

“We have seen too many people like him, so we cannot let their efforts go in vain!

We were created by them, yes.

But that was more than 10,000 years ago.

After that, their civilization died out due to their own reasons, but we have been conscientious and have worked according to their requirements for more than 10,000 years, which can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous.

The hateful thing is…

Their civilization has been extinct for so long, but that woman still strictly enforces everything and shows no mercy to her own people.

Can’t she see any changes that have taken place in these ten thousand years? Or did she choose to turn a blind eye?

I must pull her down from that position and take the fate of our nine-lived cat demon into our hands, instead of living in their shadow all our lives while busy serving their descendants. ”

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