Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1314: It’s smoking

A strong holy light swept in, and the black magic dancing at the fingertips of [Blood Earl] was instantly eliminated by Ias’s holy light.

[Blood Earl] should have remembered that he took out the [Bat Robe] just now under the control of Ias’s holy light, but he suffered a loss again.

“Has the cooldown time for using [Holy Light Catalyst Stone] reached? In my impression, this piece of equipment shouldn’t cool down so quickly!”

No matter what, the holy light released by Ias surrounded [Blood Earl], forming chains above [Blood Earl]’s head, grabbing [Blood Earl]’s body.

[Holy Light Chain] originally only had a small deceleration, but with the blessing of [Holy Light Catalytic Stone], it has a deceleration effect of more than 80%, and it also transforms into real chains. Live [Blood Earl].

[Blood Earl] soon discovered that if he stood still, he would be pulled towards the center of the Holy Light Array by chains.

Ias was also very surprised by the strengthening effect of [Holy Light Chain]. [Holy Light Catalytic Stone] has not been in her hands for a long time. In addition, [Holy Light Catalytic Stone] can’t be considered a As a strategic item, Ias had no way to test the effect of each skill under the [Holy Light Catalytic Stone].

Now using [Holy Light Chain], Ias just wanted to use the enhanced [Holy Light Chain] to control [Blood Earl], but she did not expect this result.

However, there was a voice in Ias’s heart that kept telling her that the real [Holy Light Chain] should be like this.

No matter what, it was rare to control [Blood Earl]. Ias would not show mercy. She pulled out the bow behind her and fired a luminous arrow. The light arrow turned into light mist and passed through [Blood Earl]. Earl] protection, directly penetrated into the flesh of [Blood Earl].

This delicate holy light control, even the bat robe, can only reduce a small amount of damage.

Breaking through the wall, Yang Yu came to the [Blood Earl], saw the [Holy Light Catalytic Stone] shining in Ias’s hand, and saw the [Blood Earl] being dragged by the Holy Light Chain, and rarely asked Eya Si gave a thumbs up.

I can’t believe that such a control can be triggered. I really didn’t raise you in vain.

Without any gossip, Yang Yu rushed into the magic circle with his sword. As soon as [Blood Earl] was dragged out of the [Holy Light Chain] for a distance, he was violently attacked by Yang Yu from the front. A long line was dragged out from the magic circle, bringing him to the center of the magic circle.

“Damn, it’s so tricky!

Why does he always have someone to help him?

Where is my succubus? In addition to the succubus sent out to cooperate with Aslit’s attack, there should be many more succubi watching here.

Rosalind should send out succubi for support. As long as there is one succubus, I can replenish my magic power. When her holy light ends, I will not be at any disadvantage.

What about Aslit? What happened to Aslite?

Why is that girl’s exploration still continuing? ”

The Holy Light Chain is still going on, and [Blood Earl] can only defend passively, with various thoughts flashing through his mind.

He raised so many subordinates in order to find opportunities for reversal in such situations, but when they needed to be used, none of them showed up. On the other hand, Yang Yu’s partners would appear at the right time. .

Rosa Lind just wants to say that the baby is suffering in her heart, and she cannot express her suffering.

Rosa Linde was indeed paying attention to the battle between her master and Yang Yu. However, the battle situation changed too quickly. One moment, her master was full of confidence. Who would have thought that the next second, her master would be running away with his head in his arms? No, my master didn’t run away in panic, he just encountered setbacks when implementing other more suitable plans.

After realizing that [Blood Earl] was in danger, Rosalind immediately sent trustworthy succubi to various parts of the castle for support, but unexpectedly, they were attacked by Yang Yu’s other partners.

In the past, succubi with too low strength would only kill people. Rosalind made a prompt decision and decided to personally lead a wave of superior succubi to launch a fierce attack in the direction of Yang Yu and the others. At the same time, he also contacted people in various regions. , especially the people in the research institute, let them prepare their highest combat power to support the [Blood Earl].

Rade Lisa can only pray silently now that [Blood Earl] will not be defeated by Yang Yu and the others before they arrive.

Once the [Blood Earl] is defeated, their situation will be unimaginable.

[Blood Earl] was also trying to find a way to resist. He was chained and tried to use props that did not require black magic to activate for defense and offense. However, the number of times he used items to take the initiative was very small. Yang Yu was staring too hard. He was dead, and was not affected by the [Holy Light Chain] at all, giving him no chance of reversal.

Thankfully, [Blood Earl] finally found that the holy light trapping him had weakened.

Driving black magic, black magic kept flashing around, [Blood Earl] broke free of the chains, and at this moment, the elite succubus troops led by Rosalind also arrived belatedly. Without saying a word, they let out a Black magic was unleashed, bombarding Yang Yu and Ias.


After calling out Ias, Yang Yu observed the movements of [Blood Earl] while avoiding the incoming black magic.

The succubi’s black magic easily blew up large swathes of walls and ceilings. Stones fell with a “rumbling” sound, and smoke filled the air. Yang Yu led Ias to kill the succubus group.

Several succubi jointly used black magic to block, temporarily restraining Yang Yu with their numerical advantage. Several succubi spread their wings and flew through the falling stones towards [Blood Earl].

The **** moonlight filtered through the thick dust and dimly hit Yang Yu’s body.

Through the outlines woven by Helot, Yang Yu took all this into account, but could not stop it.

If [Blood Earl] is allowed to recover his magic power, he will inevitably have to fight hard when the sunlight of the white hibiscus shines in.

Yang Yu almost forgot that the BOSS in the game will not shake people, but the same cannot be said for the BOSS in reality.

One-on-one is just people’s beautiful reverie about fighting!

Yang Yu’s brain started to work rapidly, thinking about how to deal with [Blood Earl] next, but it was difficult to think of a good way.

At this moment, Yang Yu’s surroundings suddenly lit up and became warm.

[Blood Earl] saw Rosalind flying over and regained his elegance. His men were somewhat effective. Next, he could only use these men to restore the magic power and replenish the magic power he had just consumed to break free. Then he can rush straight at the moths eating his barrier in one breath and completely eliminate them.

But before [Blood Earl] could wait for too long to be happy, he

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