Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1264: Don’t do this to me

It’s not that Aslit didn’t see Cura Dolain and Qiuye, he just chose to ignore them.

“I don’t care if there are other unrelated people here.

Tell me your answer quickly.

Do you agree or not? What are you carrying on board? ”

“What you say will make your family feel chilly. You have lived together for a long time after all. Don’t you really have no attachment at all?”

Aslit couldn’t help but sneer, “Family?

What a disgusting word. I would never identify with those people as my family.

They have always regarded me as a dispensable tool. When they needed me, they spared no effort to please me. Once I lost value, they regarded me as a substitute and swept me into the trash.

How dare such a beast claim to be my family? ”

Alista’s roar echoed across the sea.

She used to be glamorous in the past, and her family had high hopes for her, thinking that she was unique and irreplaceable.

Until…she was abandoned like a useless doll.

Under her body are countless dolls just like her. They are motionless and their eyes are dull. They are all victims of family history.

Afraid of becoming like the puppet beneath her, Aslit struggled to stand up, desperately trying to tear the puppet that replaced her off the stage, but no matter how hard she tried, the puppet that replaced her couldn’t stand up. Out of reach, she could no longer become the center of attention and get no light.

So Aslit relied on the power of others.

Since the family poured a lot of resources into that cute doll, it was only fair that she use external forces to pull it off the stage.

Aslitt really did it. At the Dragon God Conference, she avenged her shame.

During the Dragon God Conference, she also realized one thing. Unless a more powerful puppet appeared, the puppet that became the center of attention would not be easily abandoned.

What an irony and how sad.

Aslitt has decided that he will never go back to that place again in his life.

Cula Dolain took a step forward and spoke slowly:

“The family really did something wrong.

Those approaches also have many problems.

But there is nothing we can do about it. The resources in the family are quite limited.

For the continuation of the family, there is nothing wrong with allocating resources to better people.

But this does not mean that we will regard other people as dispensable tools.

At least in my eyes, you are also a living person and my child.

I see your efforts and growth, and I will do my best to help you.

Unfortunately… Aslit, some things cannot be made up for through hard work. ”

Aslit glared at Cula Dolain and shouted:

“Shut up! You bad old man, you want to easily deny all my efforts!”

Cula Dolain shook her head, as if she regretted her previous actions,

“I just…

I hope you can realize this, accept the reality, and then find your own happiness…

Since there is no comparison, there is no need to compete.

There are other wonderful things in life, and the same goes for kendo.

If swinging the sword makes you feel pain, try putting down the sword and think about why you swing the sword and why you want to become stronger. You will definitely have a different view on life. ”

“Sister.” Qiuye also plucked up the courage and stepped forward, “I have many, many things I want to say to you.

…After leaving my family, I met many great people and saw the beauty of this world.

If my sister hates people who are stronger than herself, how many people will she have to hate before she can give up?

Sister, okay, think back on the past… Didn’t you and I spend a lot of happy time together?

Did your smile at that time all fake? ”

“Shut up.”

Aslitt had a black line on his face and stared at Qiuye with murderous intent on his face.

Qiuye clenched the beloved knife in her hand. She obviously had a lot of things she wanted to say, but she couldn’t. Her heart kept trembling. The bad feeling at the Dragon God Conference came back to her. She no longer knew What should I do to win back my sister’s heart?

Cura Dolain always pays attention to Qiuye’s condition. After all, Qiuye is still too young, and Aslit, who is surrounded by all kinds of negative emotions, cannot see those happy days in the past.

“I have a big reason why you are like this.

If I had guided you well, taught you a new way of thinking, and accompanied your growth… the results might have been different.

Even now, I will never say anything like asking you to forgive my family again.

Aslit, from the perspective of a father, this is a piece of advice for you. You should know what kind of person you are following. Perhaps, he is the one who uses you as a tool.

Aslit, you still have a chance now…”

“I told you to shut up, old man! You two have said enough!

What do you know about me?

No one can judge my master.

He gave me what I needed most, and I am willing to devote the rest of my life to him. ”

Aslit loudly looked displeased and turned his gaze to Yang Yu,

“It’s useless to play emotional cards with me.

Don’t ask me to repeat it again, if you don’t give an answer, you are our enemy by default. ”

Yang Yu raised his hand helplessly, “I didn’t play the emotional card, the two of them found it spontaneously. Your sister has been drifting at sea for several months to find you, and she also encountered a violent storm. If If he hadn’t met us, he would have died long ago.”

“That’s her fault. What’s your answer?”

Aslit became increasingly impatient, and Yang Yu could see that she had reached the limit of her patience, so she stopped delaying and pulled out a wooden barrel from behind:

“Okay, okay, I understand.

I have thought about your master’s matter for a long time.

Finally, I decided to meet with him and understand some details before making a decision.

These wooden barrels are filled with fine wine.

The last time I saw him, he seemed to like wine very much. I brought a boatload of wine to honor him. It’s a meeting gift for him. ”

As Yang Yu spoke, he opened the cork of the barrel, and the strong aroma of wine spread out.

Holding the barrel with one hand, Yang Yu took out a goblet and filled it with red wine:

“Miss Aslitt, calm down, how about a drink?”

Aslit was unmoved, “Can you guarantee that all the wine on your ship is wine?”

“I can guarantee it.” Yang Yu said categorically, “If you don’t believe it, Miss Aslitt can come to the ship to test it in person. If so, please lead us. If not, we You can listen to Miss Aslitt.”

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