Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1256: If you had said this earlier, it would have been fine

It’s not Yang Yuchui. After experiencing countless battles, big and small, he has also become a man with eight-pack abs.

But his muscles are very coordinated and he has not become a muscular guy like in the TV show.

“If you want to defeat such a muscular man, you don’t have to face him head-on. You can use some techniques.”

Nagsaro said: “Of course I know.

As far as ordinary people’s intuition is concerned, people with stronger muscles will be more powerful.

In fact, it is completely different.

I can roughly judge a person’s strength and know how powerful Mr. Yang Yu is.

If Mr. Yang Yu stands with a group of muscular men now, he will definitely be despised by most ordinary people and become the weakest among them.

Is it because they can’t beat the ‘skinny’ Mr. Yang Yu because all the muscles on their bodies are fake? ”

“Are you trying to say that increasing strength is more than just increasing muscles?”

Nagsaro did not deny it, “That’s right. A person’s strength or weakness is determined by deeper factors.

The same goes for magic.

Knowing the basic composition of magic, if there is not enough magic power to drive the magic circle to form magic, it will be in vain. ”

“Then what exactly determines a person’s strength? And what does this have to do with you choosing me?”

Nagsaro knocked his head, as if he didn’t know where to start.

After thinking for a long time, Nagsaro finally chose the entry point:

“Many people in this world don’t know that if you lose to another person or are killed by someone, the winner or the person who killed him can get some power from him.”

Yang Yu slowly typed a question mark.

“Continuously fighting and exercising will make you stronger and stronger from the air.

Although the methods are slightly different, the underlying logic of both should be the same.

Mr. Yang Yu should know that there is a saying in alchemy that turns stone into gold.

Most of today’s alchemy is something to deceive others. They use the reaction between things to generate compounds. As long as those compounds meet certain conditions, I think most things can still be original. s things.

To make an inappropriate analogy, it is like water turning into ice when it is cold, and ice turning into water when heated.

A stone is a stone, and gold is gold. There is no relationship between matter and compound, and there is no way to convert them into each other.

I don’t know if Mr. Yang Yu still understands my explanation. ”

Yang Yu nodded. Thanks to nine years of compulsory education, he still had some impressions of this knowledge. He couldn’t tell the nonsense that mercury was watery silver.

“It’s good if you can understand.” Nagsaro focused his gaze, “But, can stone really not turn into gold? Please pay attention, what I say next may subvert your understanding.”

Nagsaro took out a dry tea leaf and divided it into two, and then divided the two into four.

Yang Yu probably knew what Nagsaro wanted to say next, but he still listened patiently to what he said.

“Many things in the world can be decomposed like this. If there are smaller knives and continue to divide them, can they be divided into a state that is absolutely indivisible?

As long as those knives are divided into pieces of matter and combined, they can still be combined into the original objects.

You, me, and this world are all made up of this.

If I tell you the undividable state now, you can actually continue to divide it, but it can’t be divided into two so simply. It is like a puzzle, made up of some special blocks, which must be put together one by one.

Stone and gold behave differently in an indivisible state.

But if you break up the indivisible jigsaw puzzle of stone, take the scattered usable jigsaw puzzle pieces and put them into the indivisible state of gold, and stack them part by part, can it turn into gold? ”

Recall what you have learned before as much as possible, maybe it is actually possible.

Nagsaro goes around and around, but he should be talking about atoms, protons, neutrons and other particles.

“It should be possible, but it is simply impossible to divide objects into infinitesimal sizes and to disassemble smaller parts and reassemble them like a jigsaw puzzle.

After going around for so long, you still haven’t told us how we can become stronger.

Is it possible that at what level does one become stronger? ”

Nagsaro nodded solemnly.

Yang Yu almost spit out a mouthful of tea and asked: “Really?”

Nagsaro nodded seriously again: “Although I don’t know how it is done, this is the principle.

After the puzzle pieces are put together into one thing, something seems to be attached to the outside. Those things are the source of strength for each of us.

The reason why people become stronger is because more things are attached to those things.

The giant dragon has a special standard for measuring how strong a person becomes, called energy level, and its size is determined by how much of that thing is attached to it.

Those things can release unprecedented power through the network of the human body.

And it affects the small things around us that cannot be seen, and they are used by us to achieve the skills we use every day. ”

Yang Yu really didn’t expect that the knowledge that required a lot of winning points to be heard in the Dragon Library could now be given directly with a click.

Such a question is so secretive that it seems to involve the design issues of this world.

“Then what is the difference between the extraordinary people you call… and ordinary people?”

“The so-called extraordinary people can more easily accumulate those little things in their bodies, and affect the people around them, which can also make it easier for them to accumulate those little things in their bodies.”

Yang Yu slapped his head hard, “So, just say that they are easier to become stronger than ordinary people, and the people around them are also easier to become stronger than ordinary people, right?”

Nagsaro’s expression changed and he smiled, “So, at the beginning, I said that the truth is very simple.

…It sounds simple, but extraordinary people like you are very rare in the entire history.

In addition, the reason why I will take the trouble to explain these underlying logics to you is to pave the way for the underground maze we will talk about later.

Having said so much, aren’t you interested in who taught us this knowledge? ”

“What you said is quite interesting. Knowledge like this is not something ordinary people can know. I have heard that [the body put into the coffin] is a group of gravekeepers.

Whose grave are you guarding? ”

Faced with Yang Yu’s question, Nagsaro’s smile disappeared again and he slowly gave the answer:

“The ancient warrior…Loux.”

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