Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1251: Contract

The Slime King felt humiliated when he was told this.

Helot stood in front of Yang Yu with a determined look on his face, determined to protect Yang Yu.

Needless to say, He Meng, who has traveled with Yang Yu and the others for a long time, is also on the side of Yang Yu and the others.

Looking at the ministers around him, although they have not expressed their opinions yet, King Slime can vaguely feel that they are also inclined to help Yang Yu.

King Slime is about to vomit blood. I am your king. How can you still keep calm when someone says this to your king? Do you think so too?

“Dear, please calm down.”

Hearing the sound, King Slime tilted his head, and the Queen was smiling slightly at him,

“As the king of slimes, only by maintaining grace and thinking at all times can you be considered a qualified king.

If you play off your petty temper, you will be completely looked down upon. ”

The slime king was speechless, and finally dismissed the guards approaching Yang Yu and the others, and sat down on the throne.

The queen said to Yang Yu and his party on behalf of the king:

“I also ask all guests to step aside and rest for a while.

We have some internal matters that need to be discussed carefully.

He Meng, come here too. ”

He Meng pouted, obviously unhappy with her father’s sudden action, and didn’t want to go over and talk to him. However, under Yang Yu’s eyes, He Meng walked towards her mother.

Before leaving, He Meng asked Yang Yu if there was anything she should pay attention to. Yang Yu just asked her to answer her parents’ questions truthfully. If she didn’t know the questions, just say “I don’t know” and don’t talk nonsense to avoid attracting unnecessary attention. trouble.

He Meng nodded.

After that, the meeting of the Slime Kingdom began.

Yang Yu and the others were chatting outside the door and having lunch, which was quite comfortable.

At this point, Yang Yu is basically guaranteed to win. All that’s left is to see what kind of demands Slime and the others will make.

If it is unreasonable, Yang Yu will have to bargain with them.

Yang Yu and the others did not wait too long. After only half a day, the Slime Kingdom came to a conclusion.

Being reconvened into the hall, Yang Yu and the others met the king of slime again.

Compared with just now, King Slime’s attitude has obviously softened a bit, and he said in a deep voice:

“I would like to express my gratitude to you for caring so much about the Slime Kingdom.

In response to your proposal, we have reached a new conclusion after very careful consideration.

We, the Slime Kingdom, have decided to assist you and send excellent slime warriors to cooperate with your actions.

As a condition, you need to provide us with enough four-leaf clovers for several years and provide us with some of the knowledge we need.

Since this operation is extremely dangerous, I hope you can keep our slime warriors as safe as possible.

If they accidentally die in battle, sufficient pensions must be paid to their families.

In addition, there are some rules and regulations…

These are all negotiable.

We have written our requirements into the draft contract.

Anyway, let’s take a look at our contract.

If there is any dissatisfaction, we can discuss it. ”

The Slime King glanced at He Meng beside him, and He Meng brought the mutually beneficial and win-win contract drafted by the Slime Kingdom to Yang Yu.

Taking the contract, Yang Yu quickly flipped through it.

I don’t know if He Meng helped Yang Yu limit the conditions to an acceptable range early in the meeting, or if the Slime Kingdom lowered its requirements to a relatively low level out of respect for Yang Yu. The level is low. All in all, the conditions proposed by Slime in the contract are basically within Yang Yu’s acceptable range.

I don’t have enough mana to begin with, so it’s okay to provide them with more four-leaf clovers.

Yang Yu signed his name very readily,

“All the above conditions are in line with human nature. Thank you to His Majesty the King for his love. He can weigh the pros and cons and make the right choice like other ministers. His Majesty the King is a truly good king.”

Faced with Yang Yu’s praise, King Slime had no expression on his face,

“I heard that you are going to attack the so-called Four Demon Kings. If possible, I hope you will try not to expose the fact that our slimes are assisting you, so that our slime kingdom can continue to be stable.”

Yang Yu promised: “Don’t worry, leave it to me.

I have already thought of a way to transport you.

Being too ostentatious will cause the other party to become defensive and the plan will fail. This is the last thing I want to see. ”

The Slime King nodded. He believed that Yang Yu, who could see through the Slime Kingdom at a glance, would not recklessly throw away what he had told him.

After a pause, King Slime continued:

“One more thing, Helot and Hemeng will also be involved in these operations, although I don’t want them to go out and take risks.

However, this involves the lives of many slime citizens, and the presence of royal slimes can stimulate their fighting spirit even more.

Every royal slime is extremely rare. Please treat them as true companions and protect them. If they sacrifice innocently, I will take it from you! ”

“As long as they obey the arrangements seriously, I promise to protect their safety to the greatest extent.”

Yang Yu smiled, full of confidence.

Helot approached Yang Yu with vigorous steps, a smile of great admiration for Yang Yu on his face.

When he walked in front of Yang Yu, Helot transformed into a slime and jumped up from the ground. Yang Yu raised his hand in understanding and held Helot in his palm.

Sitting firmly in Yang Yu’s palm, Helot greeted Yang Yu:

“Please give me your advice in the coming days, Your Excellency Yang Yu.

I have always been very interested in the human world. I will cherish this opportunity to come into contact with humans.

Please don’t be polite, use me as much as you like, and provide me with a generous four-leaf clover as a reward. ”

For being so mature and steady, Yang Yu also admires Herot. Without Herot, I’m afraid there would be no way to convince the Slime King so quickly. At that time, some unconventional means may really have to be adopted to fight against the Slime Kingdom. You can’t build a bridge,

“Wherever, Your Highness is willing to contribute, I am grateful.

I believe that I will be able to get along well with His Highness in the days to come. ”

Yang Yu and Helot were talking and laughing. He Meng puffed up his cheeks and walked to Bai Jin’s side in three steps and two steps at a time. He put a hand on Bai Jin’s shoulder and turned into a slime again.

In the meeting just now, she had been asked about this and that. She told her father and ministers everything she knew according to Yang Yu’s request, so that they changed their minds. As a result, Yang Yu was like before. ….

As soon as He Meng thought this, Yang Yu glanced at her and said with a smile:

“Thank you, He Meng, for your hard work. You are the hero of this operation. I will not treat you badly. During the battle, Clover will take care of you.”

Two small hands sprouted from He Meng’s round body, hugging each other,

“This is what you said, don’t regret it!”

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