Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1188: Clue appears

The plan is being implemented in an orderly manner.

Magicians swallowed the magic in the air again and again, cast super large magic, and then concentrated the power of super large magic on one point, piercing the mountains like a drill.

Adventurers belonging to [Collecting Corpses into Coffins] and magicians who are good at detecting magic formed a team to carefully infiltrate and explore the cave created by the super-large magic bombardment.

After the excavation plan began, some powerful people gradually gathered in the mountains where Yang Yu and others were located.

Most of them arrived here through the teleportation circle arranged in advance by the Republic of Tren.

Knowing the seriousness of the situation, the Troon Republic decided to announce everything that happened in the capital and summon powerful people to jointly defeat the Curse Sect.

Although there is no guarantee that there are no people from the Cursed Sect mixed into the team, the officials of the Republic of Tren firmly believe that even if some people from the Cursed Sect are mixed into the team, the benefits of open recruitment will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

It is worth mentioning that some officials and nobles who originally did not want to use the power behind them thought that after the curse sect came, everything they owned would be in vain, so they took action one after another.

From the time the hole was dug to nightfall, more than 500 people had joined the battlefield.

What pleased Yang Yu the most was that another S-class adventurer [Vine Overgrowth] from the Tren Republic also joined the battlefield.

You must know that when [Collecting the Corpse into a Coffin] contacted them, they excused themselves because they had something urgent to do.

Everyone knows why it suddenly appeared.

Wangwu. Idru only welcomed their arrival and didn’t say much.

Hearing that the members of [Vine Overgrowth] knew how to block large-scale teleportation, Yang Yu immediately asked them to build magic around the mountains to prevent the cursed sect from teleporting away.

In addition to [Vine Overgrowth], Yang Yu also met many people with extremely high titles.

In addition, among the powerful people who participated, there were many who came with the intention of making friends with Yang Yu, or who came with the goal of gaining fame and fortune from the crusade.

Despite being busy, Yang Yu received everyone present one by one, and based on the principles of “making friends with force” and “if you can’t beat me, you have to listen to me”, he gained a wave of experience and made them obey him.

There was a mixed bag among the powerful, and naturally there were some self-righteous guys who were looking for trouble. Yang Yu beat them up and threw them out of the army.

The number of helpers increased unknowingly. Although Yang Yu was happy, he still frowned.

The work of excavation of the Curse Sect continued. From day to night, more than fifty holes were drilled, but nothing was found.

Yang Yu made a rough estimate that it would take at least four days to finish drilling the holes on the map.

And in these four days, I don’t know what will happen.

Yang Yu couldn’t help but wonder, could it be that my bad luck as the commander-in-chief has affected all the people who dug holes in the mountain?

In the early morning, Yang Yu handed over the task of organizing the excavation to the officials of the Tren Republic and took a rest.

Early the next morning, after receiving the people who arrived, Yang Yu took out his fishing rod and fished in the empty fish basin.

I don’t know if Yang Yu’s fishing was effective, but the situation of no information was finally broken in the afternoon.

A light blue ghost fish swam to Yang Yu’s side and led Yang Yu to the area being explored by the Flower Basket Organization.

The area that Flower Basket is currently exploring is located halfway up the mountain in the northwest. The surrounding scenery is as barren as most of the mountainous terrain, with only mottled rocks and a few low plants.

Close to the flower basket, a hole with a diameter of more than three meters appeared in front of Yang Yu.

Pointing to the entrance of the hole, the flower basket looked stern:

“I sent a spirit body and detected an abnormality here.

This cave leads to a river, and there is a man-made pipe along the river. ”

“Underground river…

Under the mountain, there is an underground river, and the underground river is connected to artificial pipelines…

The place where they hide may be more alive than we imagined.

Have you ever commanded a spirit body to explore a pipeline? ”

Hua Lan nodded, “I controlled my spirit body and sneaked into the artificial pipeline. However, before I went far, my spirit body was attacked by other spirits. Finally…


No matter how many times I investigate, it remains the same. The spirits I sent out have never returned, and have all been swallowed up by more powerful spirits. ”

Yang Yu asked: “Have the magicians in your team tried to detect it?”

Hua Lan replied: “Their detection magic has a limit, and no one can detect further than me.”

Yang Yu took out a map, “I have a map here. Can you point it out to me? Can you detect the approximate location of the anomaly?”

Psychics have the ability to sense the direction of their own spirit bodies. Hua Lan quickly pointed out the direction where the spirit body he manipulated was swallowed on the map that Yang Yu took out.

After checking twice to confirm that the identification was correct, Yang Yu opened his mouth and said to the flower basket:

“Thank you for your hard work. Flower Basket, you go and rest for a while.

We may need your help later. ”

Hua Lan nodded, took his exploration team back to the place where the army was stationed, and replaced it with a new exploration team.

Although the possibility of being lured by the Curse Sect could not be ruled out, Yang Yu decided to focus his firepower on the area where the flower basket was found and dig.

It took more than ten minutes, Yang Yu summoned most of the magicians who released super large magic, re-demarcated the area where they were going to drill holes, and told the accompanying exploration troops to pay attention to exploring the mountains. gaps, looking for man-made objects.

After all the explanations were given, each unit returned to their posts.

Soon, Yang Yu received one report after another from the exploration team.

They also found some pipes in the cave that were not naturally formed.

Just like the flower basket, the spirit body of the spirit operator in the exploration team was more or less attacked by other spirits in the pipeline.

Those powerful spirits are protecting the pipeline.

Someone immediately suggested to Yang Yu that the spirit operator could use powerful contracted spirits to break through and follow the pipeline to find the location of the cursed sect, so as to achieve precise positioning.

The spirit warriors looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Finally, they all looked at Yang Yu, waiting for their commander to give instructions.

Yang Yu naturally knew what the contracted spirit body meant to the spirit manipulator, so he said:

“It seems feasible, but we can’t confirm how strong the opponent’s spirit is.

Some spirits have the ability to devour other people’s spirits and become more powerful.

Sending powerful contracted spirits to their mouths will only make them stronger and reduce our combat power.

I know you are also impatient, but you can’t take it for granted.

Now that they are right in front of us, our actions have long been exposed.

Using the spirit body to drill those passages may be what they want to see.


Continue drilling, and if anything goes wrong, contact me immediately.

I’m going to reorganize the team and prepare for the raid. ”

After speaking, Yang Yu asked each team to return to their posts, and went to the camp alone to start convening and coordinating the teams to prepare for combat.

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