Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1178: Jackpot

The eyes of everyone present fell on He Meng in Yang Yu’s hand.

That is, royal slime?

Slime lives in the Republic of Tren. Officials of the Republic of Tren have heard more or less that there is a very special being among the slime tribe, who rules all slimes.

This was the first time for the on-site officials to see royal slimes, and they couldn’t help but wonder:

Why does this royal slime look no different from an ordinary slime?

Based in the gaze of everyone, He Meng puffed up his non-existent chest and felt proud of his identity.

However, she soon discovered that everyone only looked at her with suspicion, and did not believe that she was a royal slime at all.

He Meng jumped down from Yang Yu’s palm, flipped around the empty window, and turned into a girl.

“What’s your expression?

I am the princess of the Slime Kingdom!

I am no less important than any of you in terms of status. Is this how you treat me who is going to help you?

I don’t ask you to bow and kowtow three times, but you should give me the most basic respect!

If you can’t show me the basic respect, I will go on strike. Anyway, this is your human business, but I and our slime kingdom don’t matter at all. ”

Becoming a girl? There are indeed rumors that high-level slimes can transform.

Not only can he transform, but he can also talk. He looks like a real royal slime.

When you come here, you are just acting like a princess. It is obviously just a low-level monster, but you really treat yourself as one thing… Although it is low-level, you have to admit that it is rare to be able to tame a royal slime. , this person named Yang Yu is indeed worth making friends with.

The officials of the Troon Republic had their own ideas. To find out the cursed sect, they needed to use the power of this royal slime. Although they did not want to bow to the monster, they still stood up and gave Hemeng some courtesy. , saying that he was just surprised and did not mean to offend.

He Meng is quite useful. She has not been so admired for a long time since she left the Slime Kingdom. It would be great if everyone brought a large plate of four-leaf clovers to worship.

Yang Yu hit He Meng **** the head, “We are racing against time now, don’t act like a princess.”

“I’m not acting like a princess! It’s the right thing to ask for help.” He Meng grabbed Yang Yu’s arm, pouted, and glared back at Yang Yu.

“Wait a moment for Clover to have enough control, change back to its original posture, and start working immediately. You have to sense it carefully. If there is anything abnormal, send me a signal immediately.”

“I know even if you don’t tell me. You must keep your word and don’t forget it.”

He Meng, who turned into a girl, gradually lost color, softened, and returned to its original blue semi-gel state. She shrank and climbed along Yang Yu’s arm, and sat firmly back in Yang Yu’s palm.

Yang Yu stepped forward and walked towards the mangrove Jiklot not far away, and stretched out the He Meng in his hand:

“Although some suspicious persons have been identified, it cannot be ruled out that the person lurking in the Tren Republic perfectly interprets the person he has become.

Your Majesty the Consul, it will take you a lot of time to gather the people later…

Let’s start with you, no problem? ”

Hongshu Jicloot couldn’t help but smile, “Of course it’s no problem.

If this is to eradicate the cursed sect, I am very willing to cooperate.

However, I really didn’t expect that you would be so calm when facing the governor of your hometown. Sure enough, I have traveled, but it is different.

But does this method really work? ”

Hongshu Jicloot stretched out his hand and pressed He Meng’s head, slightly releasing his magic power.

For a moment, He Meng looked like a squirrel with its hair blown off, with countless sharp thorns sprouting around his round body.

He Meng’s reaction was quite violent. Yang Yu told He Meng that he would react violently only when he felt that the other party did possess some of the slime’s abilities.

Could it be that He Meng’s reaction now meant that he won the jackpot from the beginning?

Yang Yu stared at Manshu Jiclot, who squinted his eyes and smiled easily:

“This royal slime, what does this reaction mean now? If nothing happens, I should probably go and do what you asked for.”

“By the way, you are really brave.”

Yang Yu’s expression completely changed,

“No one has changed, but he has become the consul here. Is your ceremony in the final step?

Your base camp is within the Republic of Tren. As long as you successfully summon demons, you can impose despair on this land.

As the supreme leader, you will make a series of wrong decisions and lead this country into the abyss.

To subvert the world, start with the weakest country, use this place as a stronghold, and then eat away at the world step by step. This is really your style.

If my guess is right, if I didn’t come. Are you planning to turn the failure of the crusade against the Cursed Sect into a major issue? ”

Hongshu Jiclotte looked like he had no idea what Yang Yu was talking about,

“Is there something wrong with the test? I am dedicated to serving the country and the people. After accepting the invitation to “put the corpse in the coffin”, I was the first person to respond to the invitation. I suppressed many objections. …”

“Those are just some indispensable means for you to integrate into the character. If the changes are too big at the beginning, doubts are inevitable, right?”

Yang Yu stared at Hongshu Jiclotte, who still had no panic on his face and remained calm:

“Can this kind of judgment really be used as a reference for identifying insiders? If some people with ulterior motives deliberately framed the first person who tested and made him a target of public criticism, wouldn’t it be easy to get rid of the target?”

Yang Yu sneered, “Things that can transform have one drawback. That is, if they suffer too much damage in a short period of time, they will change back to their original form.”

“What do you want to do!” Mangrove Jiclotte’s expression changed.

“I said that there is a person in my team who has strong Holy Light ability. No matter how severe the injury is, she can fully recover under her treatment.

If I make a mistake, I’ll kill you or chop you into pieces.

In this situation, I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go. ”

An unspeakable murderous aura filled the conference room again, and several officials wanted to persuade Yang Yu to calm down.

However, in the next moment, Yang Yu withdrew Hemeng from Hongshu Jikelot’s hand, pulled out his sword blade with lightning speed, controlled the force, and struck at Mangrove Jike. Lot.

The nearby guards wanted to protect Mangrove Jiclotte, but they had no choice but to rush to Mangrove Jiclotte before Yang Yu’s sword fell.

Just when everyone thought that blood was going to be spread all over the conference room.

Mangrove Jicloot’s body changed. Layers of dragon scales appeared on his body, and a huge shield grew in his hands, blocking Yang Yu’s attack at the critical moment.

Yang Yu felt that the character in front of him looked familiar. After taking a closer look, Manshu Jiclotte turned into the young Gushan Kulala in the blink of an eye.

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