Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1144: White Key

The dragon was hovering in the sky, Luterola Doron’s head was buzzing, and his mind was filled with “How is this possible?”

While Luterola Doron was analyzing every word that Yang Yu just said, Yang Yu took out his sword and shield again and launched a surprise attack on her without fear.

“Knowing the strength gap between us, you still attack, do you want to buy time?”

In order to ensure that his plan is foolproof, Luterola Doron has always acted carefully.

She knows the extent of her strength.

Although her strength has crushed most of the top figures in the world, it is not enough to completely surpass all dragons.

If it is true as Yang Yu said, the dragon will choose to ignore the oath in order to realize his wish, then he will have to fight.

Lutrola Doron is not completely ready to face the dragon.

It would be fine if there was only one dragon, but if the dragons came one after another to support her, she would be in a dead end and fail.

Is it possible for Yang Yu to lie?

If he is lying, how to explain this situation?

It is impossible for the giant dragon to appear here for no reason and fly in this direction.

The long sword shining with orange light came in front of him, Luterola Doron subconsciously released the shield to defend, blocking Yang Yu’s attack.

After completing the close approach, a stream of blood power spurted out from Yang Yu’s body and poured into the ground. A deceleration array quickly unfolded with him as the center.

Affected by [Blood Explosion Earth], Luterola Doron’s speed dropped by a few points.

Although the dragon’s physique can make Luterola Doron immune to some controls, it cannot be immune to range-based control skills.

After releasing [Blood Explosion Earth], Yang Yu saw the right moment and thrust the sword forward.

When the sword blade was about to touch the shield, the duration of Luterola Doron’s shield reached its limit and suddenly disappeared.

From a distance, it looked like Luterola Doron’s shield disappeared when the tip of Yang Yu’s knife touched the shield.

The sword blade was getting closer and closer, but Luterola Doron’s mind was not on Yang Yu at all. Her focus had been on the giant dragon flying towards her.

Luterola Doron is the Goblin Emperor, and was once the Martial God Goblin, one of the Four Demon Kings.

Before invading this world, she received various regulations from the Demon King, including her attitude towards dragons.

Even the Demon King doesn’t really want to mess with those guys.

After invading this world, Luterola Doron more or less collected some information about dragons. Of course she knew that the black dragon Heiro was one of the dragons in charge of the Adventurers Association, and she also knew about Heiro’s strength. extraordinary.

The wings powerfully blew hurricanes in the air, the black dragon scales shone brightly, and the sharp claws seemed to be able to tear everything into pieces.

If Luterola Doron also showed his dragon form, he would be only slightly inferior to Kuro.

And this advantage is enough to make Luterola Doron lose a lot of things.

“Don’t run, don’t you want to know whether what I said is true or false?

Stay, if what I say is false, you have a chance to kill us. ”

Swarms of thorns sprang out from Luterola Doron’s feet. The corners of Yang Yu’s mouth raised slightly, driving the thorns to wrap around Luterola Doron.

With the appearance of Hei Luo, the black clouds covering the island changed. The originally chaotic and constantly moving magic power gradually became orderly. Hei Luo opened his mouth, and a group of faint blue dragons appeared. The breath appeared to gather in his mouth.

Seeing this, Luterola Doron burst out with astonishing magic power from all over his body, instantly lifting Yang Yu’s [Thorn Bound] and [Blood Exploding Earth].

Yang Yu stepped onto a big tree, used [Heroic Leap], raised his shield and jumped down from the height.

Because the magic in the air gradually returned to normal, Bai Jin gathered magic much faster, but she did not continue the magic just now, but weaved magic that could cause control.

Seeing the appearance of the giant dragon, the faces of those who were watching showed unprecedented excitement. They believed what Yang Yu had just said and were ready to assist Yang Yu in leaving Luterola Doron.

But when they got closer, Luterola Doron pulled out an all-white key from her chest. A ray of all-white light instantly emitted from the key, completely surrounding her.

Yang Yu’s [Heroic Leap] struck the white light as if it struck a smooth pearl.

Releasing magic power through the light, Luterola Doron launched Yang Yu away without mercy. Yang Yu flipped in the air and stepped firmly on the trunk of a big tree.

He raised his head, Luterola Doron’s eyes were like a calm crocodile, glaring at him fiercely,

“Even if you escape this time.

If you really have the ability, clear the final underground maze and gain the guy’s approval. We’ll see you then.

I will personally confirm your will.

If you are a friend, I will accept you, but if you are an enemy, even if it takes a little time, I will completely eliminate you. ”

Luterola Doron turned her hand in the direction of Yang Yu, as if she wanted to rip out Yang Yu’s heart and lungs. Then she gently knocked on the key again, and the pale light engulfed her completely.

Such a phenomenon occurs not only in Luterola Doron, but also in Braala Doron, Jingshui Doron, and also in the face of the [Dragon God’s Power], which is full of scars. Lun, everything was shrouded in pale light.

Of course, there are also some descendants who are not shrouded in white. They looked in the direction where Kuro appeared and received the order to unify Luterola and Doron.

――“Find a way to survive, this is the trial I give you.”

Gu Shan of [Dragon God’s Power] took off with the help of Korola’s light shield, and tried his best to break through the shield covering Ci De Duolun.

However, the attacks used by Gu Shan were completely useless.

Luo Bei shook his arm and sent out a series of wind blades. The wind blades were all ejected by the pale light. “Damn thing, it is only a little bit close to defeating it. What is this light?” What’s going on?”

Grantham stared at the white light, watching it beat, shrink, shrink into a singular point, and completely disappear into the sky.

As the current captain of [Dragon God’s Power], Grantham doesn’t know what’s going on.

But he could feel that the magic that had just enveloped Cade Duolun was very similar to the teleportation magic used by the Library of All Things and the Dragon during the war between the Luoze Empire and the Wansheng Republic.

Once it is fully launched, there is no way to stop it.

Looking in the direction of the forest where Kuro was flying, Grantham issued an order to his companions who were unhappy because they had failed to defeat China Doron:

“Contact all the expedition teams and provide support according to the distance. I will go to the area where the Black Dragon landed.”

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