Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1107: Underwater rocket

After learning from Luo Luosi, Yang Yu learned that it would take at least three or four hours to reach the sea area recorded on the paper from here using the fastest ship.

After briefly reading Bulala’s diary, Yang Yu took his friends on the swimming bubble, left the stronghold of [Riptide Dream], and decided to rush to the sea area recorded on the paper.

When the swimming bubble approached the sea surface, Yang Yu took out several water flow propulsion devices, turning Hemeng into a hollow spindle-shaped submarine, and installed water flow propulsion devices around her.

The water flow propeller can provide explosive propulsion far beyond that of ordinary ships, allowing people to quickly travel through the sea and escape danger.

Unfortunately, the powerful explosive power often cannot be maintained for too long, and the magic power provided by the water flow propeller itself is only enough for a person to charge forward at full speed for about fifteen minutes.

When the magic power of the water flow propeller is used up, you must either replace the magic battery or recharge the magic battery.

If you are a person who can use magic, you can rely on continuously injecting magic into the water propeller to keep the propeller moving forward.

Continuously moving forward is indeed the advertising slogan of the water propeller.

But maintaining the continuous release of magic power is a threshold.

Except for Bai Jin and Luo Luosi, the others are not mages. It is difficult to continue to use the water propeller after its own magic power is used up.

Of course, Yang Yu also has a money-burning tactic of using a water propeller to throw a water propeller.

But…leaving aside the impact that each person’s body shape will have on the water flow propeller, Yang Yu is actually quite afraid that the quality of the water flow propeller will vary.

What if I accidentally used the least effective water propellers, and the difference was a thousand miles away, how could I be left behind by my own team?

How can everyone know about my bad luck?

To sum up, using the water flow propeller alone will indeed cause a lot of trouble.

But if Hemeng can be transformed into a vehicle and the water flow propellers are used uniformly, not only can it ensure that no one will be left behind, but also several water flow propellers can be installed on the tail to turn Hemeng into a rod of water. Get off the rocket and move forward faster.

Maybe, in the blink of an eye, Yang Yu and the others can reach their destination.

Of course, turning Hemeng into an underwater rocket also has to face a series of problems.

The first thing to bear is that He Meng does not have a radar-like detection instrument like that on a submarine. It is extremely difficult to detect obstacles on the route at high speeds.

In addition, Hemeng’s ductility is limited, and the area where Yang Yu and the others can ride is extremely small, and they basically cannot move around.

Although there are many disadvantages, He Meng’s transformation into an underwater rocket has more advantages than disadvantages.

So what are you waiting for?

In order to prevent suffocation, Yang Yu and his group took underwater breathing potions one after another before officially entering the underwater rocket transformed by He Meng.

He Meng’s body twisted and deformed at will, firmly grasping the six water propellers given by Yang Yu, and gathered them at the tail of the spindle.

Everything was in order. Seeing that all his partners had found their respective positions, Yang Yu gave Hemeng the “launch” command.

In the cabin, He Meng transformed into an egg-sized body, and the dragon **** in her body were digested to the size of pearls.

She puffed up her cheeks and expressed her dissatisfaction with Yang Yu for treating her as a tool again, making it clear that Yang Yu had forgotten something.

After receiving a basket full of four-leaf clovers, He Meng transformed his tentacles and lay on the basket to feast, while turning on all the water propellers.

In an instant, the six water propellers simultaneously combined the magic power stored in themselves with the magic power in the ocean, turning it into a strong driving force, pushing out the rocket transformed by He Meng.

In the blink of an eye, He Meng flew hundreds of meters away and flew towards the direction of the evil dragon.

In the small cabin, Yang Yu and the others were next to each other.

Yang Yu asked Bai Jin to take out the crystal ball and took the initiative to contact the leader of [Island Drifting].

[Island Drifting] has made it clear that they also want a share of the Dragon Mission.

Since [Dragon God’s Power] has issued a summons, according to the character of the leader of [Island Drifting], he will definitely respond to the call and jointly defeat the so-called evil dragon.

From her, you can best understand the situation.

After a long wait, the crystal ball was connected, and the face of a Poseidon girl with scaly cheeks, fins and ears appeared on the other end. Behind her was a lush forest.

Seeing Yang Yu and the others, Lingshan was very happy and said:

“I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to contact me. I couldn’t get through your crystal ball many times before, and you still left without saying goodbye. I thought I was hated by you.”

Yang Yu responded calmly: “We also have our own circumstances, and we are not always able to respond in time. Please forgive me.”

“I understand, and I forgive you.” Lingshan smiled broadly: “To make a long story short, what do you want from me? If you are asking for our help, now… you may have some difficulties.”

Looking at the expedition team walking slowly in the forest, Lingshan explained the current situation of [Island Drifting] to Yang Yu and others.

In response to the summons of [Dragon God’s Might], there are only a handful of S-level adventure groups that have come to participate in the evil dragon’s crusade. Apart from [Island Drifting] and [Dragon God’s Might], there are only other members of the Dragon God Council. Two S-level adventure groups.

[Dragon God’s Power] gave [Island Drifting], who was also an S-level adventure group, a lot of respect, allowing them to lead a separate expedition team.

After breaking through the barrier, no trace of the evil dragon was found on the island.

In order to prevent the evil dragon from escaping from the island, the five teams split up and conducted a blanket search of the island. If they encountered an evil dragon or its descendant, they immediately reported to each other.

Korra of [Dragon God’s Power] once tried to use detection magic to explore the entire island, but the dark clouds lingering in the sky seemed to disrupt the flow of magic in the sky, causing the surveillance magic to malfunction. Can detect distorted shapes.

Not only does surveillance magic fail to work properly, but even the release of super large magic is also affected.

If you want to completely dispel the magical dark clouds entrenched above the island, the power of super large magic is indispensable. However, because the dark clouds control the magic, if you want to completely get rid of the influence of the dark clouds, the normal use of super large magic must at least be in conjunction with the island. Ten kilometers apart.

Ten kilometers, super large magic will lose too much magic power during the launch, and its power will be greatly reduced.

This island is quite cleverly designed. A magic spell simultaneously restrains the use of detection magic and super-large magic after the barrier is destroyed.

In desperation, the expedition team could only use the oldest and most effective blanket search. [Island Drifting] and the team they led were assigned to the forest area in the northwest, and are now methodically searching the forest. Probe.

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