Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 100: A step too late?

It is already midnight, and many tired adventurer teams choose to go back to rest and adjust before continuing the strategy tomorrow.

When he came, Yang Yu saw many adventurer tents on the first floor.

The monsters here are too friendly.

If the adventurers don’t take the initiative to attack, they will ignore the existence of the adventurers and wander in the passage.

Therefore, living on the first floor of the underground maze is much safer than living outside the underground city.

Because of the setting of this underground maze, no matter who goes out to the third floor, they can see the hidden passage at the exit. With so many people, it is impossible that no one is not interested in that passage.

Kalugada may be one of the earlier ones, but it is definitely not the last one.

If those adventurers figure out the strategy like Yang Yu, and happen to know the answer to the BOSS question, and find the hidden BOSS before Yang Yu does, then their previous efforts will be in vain.

In fact, at the beginning, Yang Yu also had the option of leading Bai Jin and Ias to forcefully conquer the area regardless of their fatigue.

But looking at Kalugada walking away, Yang Yu did not hesitate too much and chose to rest on the spot, waiting for the two of them to fully recover before taking action again.

With the map, Yang Yu quickly found the next hidden passage that symbolized “death” and killed the ghost in it. He gently touched the wall at the end to trigger the next prompt.

This time, a text appeared on the wall.

“The ancient way of writing the word ‘人’.”

It turns out that Yang Yu still underestimated the difficulty of conquering this maze.

This maze actually requires answering questions. I know the old saying of Ji’er.

Yang Yu showed the map to Bai Jin, “Bai Jin, which one on this map do you think is most similar to the ancient way of writing the word ‘人’?”

“Here.” Bai Jin drew a circle on the map without hesitation, “My master taught me that people are creatures that support each other, so it is like this in ancient proverbs.”

Looking at the place where the white hibiscus circle was drawn, the pattern there really looked like two people supporting each other.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor. After walking backwards through the area pointed out by Bai Jin, a new hidden passage appeared in front of us.

Enter it, solve ghosts, touch the walls, and new problems will appear.

Bai Jin answered Yang Yu’s questions one by one. Yang Yu suddenly discovered that Bai Jin’s knowledge was not comparable to that of a village girl.

There was an episode on the way. When going to a certain area, Yang Yu passed by another “6”-shaped area on the map.

Out of curiosity, Yang Yu walked around and entered the hidden passage, only to find that there were no ghosts there.

This is a very dangerous signal, indicating that someone has been here. Perhaps, like Yang Yu, they have already begun to conquer the maze.

He led the team to speed up the pace, and after defeating eight ghosts in succession, there was no problem anymore, only a huge picture appeared on the wall.

Pick up the map and compare it. The picture covers almost half of the map, and the end of the picture is the staircase they entered.

Without much thought, Yang Yu immediately led Bai Jin and Ias to follow the path to the real “Gate of Death”.

When they stepped onto the steps, they suddenly sank, and the upward stairs slowly turned downward, stretching into the dark underground.

“I said, it’s better not to go in.”

Looking at the endless stairs, Ias shuddered. She always felt like something would suddenly appear at the end of the stairs and swallow her whole.

Ias couldn’t help but take a step back, but hit an invisible wall.

This invisible wall seems to completely separate the two worlds. One side is alive, the other side is death.

“Coming to this point means we have no retreat.”

“You don’t look like you have no retreat at all. It’s so scary! Why do you still look excited!”

Because being able to get to this point shows that everything I thought was right.

The smile on Yang Yu’s face became thicker and thicker. Goosebumps fell all over the place. She looked at Bai Jin, eager to find some resonance from Bai Jin, but Bai Jin also showed an extremely weird smile.

“Hey, hey, in such a dark environment, I can already smell the deep smell of death. There is definitely some darkness in it. As a curse mage, I like this kind of environment the best. What is ahead? What is waiting for us? We are really looking forward to it! Maybe we can grasp the new way to become stronger in one fell swoop!

Bai Jin and Yang Yu raised their heads at the same time, exuding an extremely ominous aura.

“”Ias, what are you waiting for? Come here quickly! ””

Hearing this sound, Ias almost fell down the steps.


With no other choice, Ias could only follow Yang Yu and Bai Jin into the darkness.

She carefully pulled Yang Yu’s right sleeve and followed Yang Yu cautiously, while Yang Yu’s left side was also pulled gingerly by Bai Jin.

“Well, I said forget it Ias. Bai Jin, as a curse mage, are you afraid of the dark? Besides, you are afraid of the dark, and you can’t use the [Fireball Technique] as a lamp?”

“Don’t force me.” Bai Jin’s reaction now is the same as that of an ordinary girl, “I tried, but my lips kept shaking and I couldn’t concentrate on singing the magic.”

Yang Yu looked helpless. This place was different from the “death” he had experienced before. It was completely dark. The only thing that can be used as lighting is the blue ghost that appears on the road from time to time.

Something terrible is that as long as Yang Yu gets close, those blue ghosts will immediately explode themselves, turning into shimmering light and sinking into their bodies, continuously enhancing the effect of [Death Touch].

That’s good, but once the ghost disappears, there won’t be anything that can be used as lighting.

Fortunately, the passage is not long. As we go deeper and deeper, there are more and more ghosts, and the passage becomes brighter and brighter.

Finally, when the [Death Touch] effect on Yang Yu’s body changed to +10000% damage, they reached the end of the road.

Unlike before, Yang Yu touched the wall at the end, and his hand was pulled by an invisible force. In the end, he, Ias, and Bai Jin were completely pulled over the wall by this force.

Outside the end is a completely enclosed room with white walls on all sides. The light from the ceiling makes the room look like daytime. In the center of the room, a Minotaur wearing Japanese samurai armor is turning into a point of light and disappearing.

Beside it is a team of seven adventurers.

Piles of gold coins and equipment fell from the Minotaur, and the team of adventurers pounced on them greedily.

The seven-person adventure team discovered the arrival of Yang Yu and the others. A warrior with short purple hair waved to Yang Yu proudly, “Although you also discovered the hidden passage, I’m sorry! We arrived here before you and defeated There are monsters here, so all the loot here belongs to us!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a member of the team picked up a strange ring from the gold coins and handed it to the warrior with short purple hair.

Looking closely, the ring is shaped like a snake biting its own tail. There are strange buttons on the head of the Ouroboros…

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