Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 493. The sound of the suona shocked the whole audience! Musical performance at its best. (Please subscribe), the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!


These professors from the folk music department of Yangyin all live in the school, so they came over immediately.

Otherwise, those who live outside may not be able to make it in time even if they run away. It will take about half an hour to get here any faster, and they may miss Wang Qian’s performance by then.

The vice president also wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to He Chaohui: “Director He, Professor Wang is going to play folk music today, and there is no advance notice!”

He Chaohui smiled bitterly and said: “Professor Wang just said that it was an impromptu idea. There will be a piano performance later. As soon as I saw Professor Wang taking the suona on the stage, I contacted several seniors in the folk music department. Unfortunately, most of them Still can’t catch up.”

The vice-principal immediately asked the people next to him to give up their seats, and invited several professors from the folk music department who had no seats behind him to sit down. .

The vice principal and He Chaohui were extremely respectful.

The vice principal said carefully: “Mr. Liu”

Mr. Liu with black and white hair waved his hand directly, staring at Wang Qian on the screen, reluctant to move his eyes away, and said: “Stop talking nonsense, sit down and watch. Professor Wang’s suona performance will definitely be able to Give us a surprise! The guzheng music storm played by Professor Wang last time was a treasure for those old guys. They studied it every day and now they can play it smoothly.”

The vice principal nodded and stopped talking. He and He Chaohui sat down together and looked at the TV screen quietly.

Thousands of people in the audience looked at Wang Qian on the screen in silence.

Most of the teachers and students of the Folk Music Department are full of expectations.

I hope Wang Qian can bring them surprises.

After all, the last time Wang Qian’s guzheng song made a storm, it can be said to have set off a storm in the field of guzheng in China, innovating the guzheng romance technique, making guzheng’s expressions richer and more popular. , so that more people can understand it, in other words, it sounds better.

Many people say that the storm played by Wang Qian is the best guzheng music they have ever heard.

All the guzheng masters in China have recently been studying this piece of music, learning its playing techniques, and constantly practicing this piece of music.

It can be said

Wang Qian’s guzheng music immediately revitalized the stagnant Chinese guzheng world.

For this reason, Wang Qian became a master figure who established a sect in the Chinese folk music circle just by relying on this piece of music.

And now

Wang Qian once again took out a new folk instrument on the stage.


How can this not excite many domestic folk music teachers and students studying suona with excitement and anticipation?

Although suona is known as the king of folk music and is also known as an invincible musical instrument with unrivaled expressiveness, it has never been relatively popular.


Learning a musical instrument is a necessity and a stage for children to express themselves.

Learning guzheng, piano, and guitar can be used to perform at school, and it can be considered a talent when entering society.

So, these three instruments are also the most popular instruments now, and many people can play a piece of them.

But, how many people can play suona?

Hardly encountered in society.


Not many parents allow their children to learn suona. Suona cannot be played in teachers. Once you enter society, you cannot tell the girl you like that you can play suona.

The most important thing is that when most people see suona, they think of lower-class people. Compared with the guzheng and piano, which is so popular, many people feel that it is not so popular.

Therefore, in all the music training classes across the country, almost no one can teach suona. It’s not that no one can teach it, but that no one is willing to learn it.

This makes all the old artists who study and practice suona very sad, feeling that this folk instrument may be slowly lost in the future.

I didn’t expect that.

This time, Wang Qian was actually willing to take out his suona and play on the World Championships farewell stage, which was watched by billions of people around the world.

This made all the old suona artists very excited, and also made the very few folk music students majoring in suona very excited, as if they had found a close friend.


While everyone is looking forward to Wang Qian, they are also a little uneasy.

That is.

Wang Qian has never studied in an orthodox music conservatory. All instruments are self-taught, and suona is no exception.

However, Suona practice is not easy.

A pipa that lasts for thousands of years, a zither that lasts for ten thousand years, and an erhu that plays for a lifetime.

The play ends when the suona sounds.

Among the folk musical instruments, suona and erhu are relatively difficult.

Can Wang Qian rely on self-study to perform the essence of suona on such a stage that attracts worldwide attention?

On the screen.

Wang Qian stood in front of the microphone, adjusting his breathing with his eyes closed and brewing his emotions. Then he slowly picked up the suona with both hands and put it in front of his mouth!

The 100,000 people at the scene were extremely quiet, and 100,000 pairs of eyes were staring at Wang Qian, looking forward to Wang Qian’s next performance.

In the audience, many European and American music artists from all over the world were sitting upright, staring at Wang Qian without blinking. They didn’t know that Wang Qian would do this Chinese folk art that they only knew by name this time. Musical instrument, what effect does it produce?

Taylor whispered to Dawson beside him: “Professor, I will go back to China early tomorrow morning, and I want to study in China Central Music for a year to get a good understanding of Chinese folk instruments.”

Professor Dawson nodded: “Okay, I will communicate with Yangyin, and they should be willing to accept you.”

Both of them knew that Yangyin would definitely accept it.

After all, Taylor is currently the number one young pianist in North America and a representative figure of young talented piano performers in North America. He is destined to become a master pianist in the future, and his talent and strength are absolutely among the best in the world.

Taylor is able to study at Yangyin for one year as an exchange student, and everyone at Yangyin will definitely welcome him.

At this time.

Suddenly a loud, strange and crisp musical instrument sound sounded.

It was like a bird chirping from a high place on the hill. The loud, crisp, and fresh sound made everyone feel refreshed and as if they had been awakened.

Everyone at the scene was staring at Wang Qian, staring at the strange musical instrument in Wang Qian’s hand. They wondered why this musical instrument had such magic power?

Or is it because Wang Qian’s performance is more infectious?

Wang Qian devoted himself wholeheartedly to the suona performance.

Because there is no preparation, he is a real solo, without the cooperation of other instruments. If he wants to express the charm of this piece by relying on the suona alone, he needs more advanced interpretation ability and emotional appeal.

Therefore, Wang Qian had almost no reservations and integrated all his musical understanding into this piece.

So, just the opening sequence of **** crows shocked everyone, as if they had just woken up in the morning and washed their faces with cold water.

Even all European and American audiences who were listening to suona for the first time could not help but be drawn in, as if a picture was unfolding clearly before their eyes.

The sky is just getting bright, and a **** is standing on the mountain crowing. The darkness is over, and the sun is about to rise!

Ma Long said to the world-famous pianist beside him, Anglai, who also graduated from the Paris Conservatory of Music: “Did you hear it?”

Aung Lai said seriously: “Yes, his music is as infectious as ever! This is the second time I have listened to this instrument. Last time I heard it played by an old artist at Yangyin in China. , but not as good as Wang Qian. Do you think he learned it by himself?”

Ma Long thought he knew something about Wang Qian and said softly: “I’m afraid that not only is the instrument self-taught, but the piece he played may also have been composed by himself.”

Leon was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: “Maybe so”

The two stopped talking and both stared at Wang Qian, pricking up their ears to listen to the Chinese folk music Wang Qian played that was full of strange styles.

But Wang Qian did not listen to the suona sound.

There were almost no people at the scene who knew the suona, so they just thought Wang Qian played it beautifully and the sound was full of pictures. Many of them could distinguish the calls of many kinds of birds.

However, in China, many old artists who focus on suona have stood up one after another.

The teachers and students studying suona were also shocked and looked at Wang Qian closely.

He Chaohui looked at Mr. Liu who was standing next to him and said, “Mr. Liu, please sit down and take a look. You can see clearly from here.”

Mr. Liu listened with his ears bent, and looked at Wang Qian in the picture without blinking, and said seriously: “You don’t understand! I have never heard of this piece of music, and it must have been composed by Professor Wang himself. . Moreover, it should be a piece about birds. The piece is very expressive and difficult, using almost all suona playing techniques.”

“Even for me, it is difficult to display so many suona blowing skills at the same time, and among all the suona songs I know, none of them have such clear and perfect expression.”

“Although it’s not over yet, Professor Wang’s suona skills are definitely far superior to mine, and I don’t know anyone in China who can surpass him in skills and interpretations”

Mr. Liu said these words quickly and excitedly, and the old muscles on his face were trembling with excitement, as if he had seen something extremely incredible.

He Chaohui turned around and saw that several other professors and artists studying suona had also stood up and watched Wang Qian’s performance carefully.

She looked at the vice principal, who shook his head and said don’t worry about it.

They know that Wang Qian is a suona artist whose suona has conquered all the central sounds present, as well as a few teachers and students.

Of course, He Chaohui and the vice-principal are both music performers, so they can understand Mr. Liu’s excitement. They can know from Mr. Liu’s words that Wang Qian’s piece is groundbreaking, and it is also It is so difficult that it is no wonder that it can conquer all people in the Suona field.

At the same time.

There are also heated discussions on social platforms around the world.

Europe and America.

“Wow, this instrument is so cool. I really want to see a lot of birds flying around and chirping. It sounds great, not messy, full of energy and vitality, it sounds so good.”

“Professor Wang Qian is like a **** of music. I couldn’t help but dance after listening to his playing.”

“Is this a suona? I saw on the Internet that some Chinese people have played it, but it’s not as good as Professor Wang Qian’s.”

“Is this instrument difficult? I suddenly want to learn it.”

“It sounds great. Are all Chinese musical instruments so good? I like the guzheng played by Wang Qian very much. I just ordered a guzheng from the Internet. The suona played by Wang Qian is also good, but it is not sold on Amazon. ”

“I’m looking forward to Wang Qian’s piano performance even more.”

“Chinese musical instruments are full of mystery.”

“Wang Qian is so awesome. This is the first time I heard this instrument, and I can feel it. It’s great.”

China is even more excited.

“Oh my gosh, when Professor Wang’s suona sounded, I got goosebumps all over my body, it sounded so good.”

“Is this the charm of suona? The sound of suona”

“My dad wasn’t very interested in Professor Wang at first, but when he heard that there was a suona performance, he came over immediately and kept cheering.”

“Looking at the foreigners at the scene who have never seen the world, hahaha, I just want to laugh.”

“Who can tell me where I can learn this suona?”

“Is Professor Wang a self-taught suona again? Couldn’t this piece of music be composed by himself? I now say that Professor Wang is the **** of music. Who objects? Who agrees?”

“As expected of the king of folk music, Professor Wang’s suona performance excites me the most.”

“I am studying suona. Let me tell you, Professor Wang’s current performance level can be said to be the highest level of suona. This is the first time I have seen such a difficult and perfect suona performance.”

The program team watched the ratings increase again in the background, to 2 billion people around the world, and they were all very satisfied. This was the result they wanted.

Oni looked at Wang Qian playing the suona and said in a good mood: “To be honest, I like China, I like Chinese music.”

Several other European and American copyright representatives smiled and said: “Yes, I like it too”

Zhou Qinghua and others can hear what these people mean.

What they like is not Chinese music, but music that can make them money.

Essentially, what they like is profit.

And Wang Qian is now using Suona to bring them benefits.

Many viewers came to watch Wang Qian’s suona performance out of curiosity.

Suona, a Chinese musical instrument, is being discussed on social platforms in various countries, which naturally attracts many people to see how Wang Qian plays the suona and what kind of sound this Chinese instrument can produce?

In the screen.

Wang Qian’s face was slightly flushed, and he played the suona vigorously, his hands beating rapidly, and a long cry sounded, full of domineering, as if he was using a cry to show his status and at the same time to summon Like all the singing birds before

Then, various cries sounded again, full of joy and a hint of awe, as if they were worshiping some kind of transcendent existence.

Moreover, various voices seemed to be shouting, full of vitality.

Then there was another festive sound, like singing and dancing, and many birds were flying and dancing

A picture, through the sound of suona, seems to be truly displayed in front of everyone.

Leon next to Malone said excitedly: “This is the most expressive performance I have ever heard. This instrument is very contagious.”

Ma Long said seriously: “Perhaps Wang Qian’s personal ability is too strong!”

All the people who knew music at the scene, whether they were music artists from the field of classical music or many singers and music producers from the European and American pop music circles, looked at Wang Qian with expressions full of admiration and shock.

They have never seen or experienced this kind of performance ability.

At this time

Wang Qian’s performance reached its climax.

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