Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 400. Accompanied by a world-class piano master? Open your voice! I cried out loud! (Please subscribe), the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!

Look at Wang Qian and Jiang Yu on the TV screen!

All the viewers around the world were amazed.

This is a completely different style from Wang Qian’s previous performances

Too serious, too dignified.

Even a little serious.

Since Wang Qian stood on the stage of the World Championships, in addition to that stunning piano piece, he has also impacted the world with rock works of various styles. It has also set off a rock storm around the world, making many people The era of rock and roll is coming.

So, everyone’s fixed impression of Wang Qian has been locked in the pop music style type of rock.


Seeing that Wang Qian no longer sings rock music.

Many people were surprised, and some loyal rock fans couldn’t accept Wang Qian’s change for a while.

Many people also expressed their expectations.

After all, new things bring more surprises.

Moreover, many people also like Wang Qian’s piano performance. At this time, seeing that Jiang Yu was the only piano accompaniment, they had more expectations for it.

In China, the discussion is the most intense.

Because Jiang Yu is a doctoral student in the piano department who has just graduated from Huaxia Yangyin. This is not a secret in China and around the world. Anyone who is interested can know it clearly by looking up the information.

Neither Yangyin nor The Voice officials have anything to hide. Yangyin doesn’t mind Jiang Yu performing in the world as a rock keyboard player, and Good Voice officials don’t mind Jiang Yu’s background as a Yangyin.

So, many Chinese audiences are more interested in this.

“Wow, Goddess Jiang Jiang’s piano solo? I’m so looking forward to it.”

“I heard from many people in music colleges that Jiang Yu is one of the few piano geniuses among the younger generation in China. Later, he went to accompany Professor Wang Qian, in fact, just to study with Professor Wang Qian. I didn’t expect that he would make it all the way to the world competition stage. . This solo is Jiang Yu’s opportunity to show off, come on.”

“Not rock and roll? Piano accompaniment alone? Professor Wang is awesome.”

“Here it comes, Professor Wang’s flower job!”

“It’s a pity that we can’t see the drum goddess Murong Yue. It’s like watching Murong Yue’s passionate head-shaking dance.”

“I want to see Juliet more.”

“Jiang Yu is more dignified and majestic, it just depends on our Chinese aesthetics!”

“Come on Professor Wang”

Many teachers and students of Yangyin were even more surprised.

He Chaohui immediately received calls from many relatives and friends to congratulate her.

“Oh my gosh, Chao Hui, your Jiang Jiang is really ugly this time.”

“Jiang Jiang can finally show off his piano alone this time, which is a good start.”

“Director He, you did a good job.”

“Director He, next time Jiang Yu returns to school, let her give a private lecture and chat with the junior students from her alma mater.”

“Director He, it seems that Jiang Yu has made great progress by studying with Professor Wang. His aura and temperament have improved much more than before.”

“Director He, can you ask Professor Wang if the band is still short of people?”

He Chaohui was in pain and happiness. While dealing with various phone calls, he happily watched the performances of Wang Qian and Jiang Yu on the TV screen. Seeing that the performance was about to begin, he hurriedly silenced his mobile phone and stopped going for the time being. Answer the phone and concentrate on watching her daughter Jiang Yu’s performance.

In the lounge, Qin Xuerong, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei and He Fulin all looked at the two people on the TV screen.

Murong Yue did not hide her envy and said: “Whenever I can play alone, that would be great.”

The crazy Murong Yue likes to be in the limelight. She doesn’t think about anything else. She just thinks that being alone can make her more popular.

Juliet smiled, with envy in her eyes.

She also longs to be able to use the piano alone to accompany Wang Qian.

Piano is the classical instrument that she is best at and strives for.

Standing beside Wang Qian to accompany her is also her current pursuit. This is a way to prove herself.

In Juliet’s view, only with Wang Qian’s high recognition can he be qualified to accompany him alone!

Jiang Yu obviously had Wang Qian’s approval to get such an opportunity.

Juliet has also acknowledged Jiang Yu’s strength and talent during this time. His talent may be similar to hers, but his hard skills are above hers. His understanding of music and instinctive reactions are both above hers, and she You know, this is Jiang Yu’s improvement in the past six months.

Half a year ago, Jiang Yu was much weaker than her, and her improvement in the past six months has been terrifying.

“If I follow the teacher, I will definitely catch up with and surpass her in the future.”

Juliet looked at Jiang Yu’s figure and felt very confident!

In the field of popular music, she knows that she is not good, not as good as Sophie, not as good as Christine and others.

However, in the field of piano and classical music, she only obeyed Wang Qian, and she was not convinced by anyone else.

Whether it is Sophie or Taylor, Jiang Yu and other top talents in the world, she does not accept it.

Qin Xuerong looked at Murong Yue carefully, and then said: “There may not be many opportunities for a solo accompanist on drums!”

Murong Yue nodded. She studied pop music at Berkeley and naturally knew that it was almost impossible to accompany the drums alone. This had never happened in the history of rock and roll in this world.

However, she believed that Wang Qian could do it and realize her dream.

Because she has a kind of mindless trust.

As long as it’s about music.

There is nothing that Wang Qian cannot do

In another lounge, Elizabeth looked at the TV screen with a very serious expression.

She knew that this must be the piece that Wang Qian promised had the same style as hers.

She wanted to know how far Wang Qian could perform this style of work?

At the same time, she also felt nervous and scared!


Wang Qian defeated her in the field of music style where she is best.

What else can she be proud of?

No more

In front of Wang Qian.

She has nothing to be proud of. She was completely defeated in all aspects.

She will never have the courage to challenge Wang Qian again.

Take a deep breath.

Elizabeth watched the performances of Wang Qian and Jiang Yu closely with her eyes!

With the world’s attention

The performance has officially begun.

Jiang Yu moved his hands gently on the piano keys, and a gentle and sad piano music flowed out.

There is no more dynamic rhythm of rock music before, and no more violent impact of rock music!

There is only a piano music as gentle as a trickling stream.

A feeling of nostalgia, sadness, and a touch of longing brewed in everyone’s hearts.

Everyone’s ears perked up after hearing this, and a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes as they looked at Jiang Yu, who was sitting there concentrating on playing the piano.


Everyone at the scene could tell that Jiang Yu’s piano playing level definitely exceeded their imagination.

The audience who came to the scene were all rich or noble.

There is no poor person, not even an ordinary person, and there are almost no middle class people.

Even the people in the back row are mostly wealthy people from all over the United States and the world.

There are even many professionals from famous classical music schools such as Dawson and Taylor, as well as many professional masters in the field of pop music such as many star singers in front of them.

So, everyone’s appreciation of music is definitely far beyond that of ordinary people.

Ordinary people only find Jiang Yu’s performance pleasant and pleasant, and their emotions are infected, that’s all!

However, in the eyes of professionals, Jiang Yuna can be seen to have reached the world’s top performance level.


This performance has almost no difficulty.

Beginners can probably play it just by looking at the music score.


The simpler the music, the better it reflects the performer’s level.

This is also one of the characteristics of a classical instrument like the piano. It is almost the easiest to get started among classical instruments, but it is the most difficult to reach the top!

Jiang Yu can perform very simple music so that everyone can clearly understand the artistic conception and emotion. This is the level of the world’s top masters.

Even Dawson whispered to Taylor: “Jiang Yu has made great progress compared to half a year ago.”

Dawson still remembers the performances of several young Chinese pianists he saw at the Magic City Exchange Conference half a year ago, when Wang Qian was born.

He also had private contact with several young Chinese piano geniuses, including Jiang Yu.

At that time, Dawson still remembered that although Jiang Yu was talented and had a certain level of strength, he was still far behind the piano geniuses at famous international schools, and the gap between him and Taylor was still very big. Compared with the world’s top master pianist like him The gap is huge in comparison.


Now Dawson feels that Jiang Yu’s piano playing level may still be higher than Taylor’s now, almost reaching the level of the world’s top piano playing masters, basically not weaker than him.

If he can go further, he may be on par with the top ten pianists in the world.

Jiang Yu’s progress in the past six months is a bit too scary, isn’t it?

Dawson looked at Jiang Yu carefully and at the same time looked at Wang Qian.

He knew that Jiang Yu’s progress must be brought about by Wang Qian.

However, he was still shocked and couldn’t believe it.

In just half a year, a young piano player who was only ranked second in the world was trained into a top piano master second only to the top ten piano masters in the world. How was this done?

Professor Dawson has been a professor at Curtis for nearly twenty years and has also worked at several top classical music schools in North America. He has never seen such a speed of improvement.

Taylor’s eyes were also looking closely at Jiang Yu, with a strong sense of crisis in his heart!

Previously, Jiang Yu’s public performances have always been performed with rock keyboards. Although his performances were extremely brilliant and brilliant, many people called him the world’s top keyboardist.


No one knew that her piano skills were so amazing?

Taylor felt that if she were asked to play this piece of music, she might not be able to play it so beautifully and touchingly.

Could it be true that staying with Wang Qian can make progress faster?

Taylor stared at Wang Qian, a trace of heat flashed in his eyes, and his heart was ready to move.

Piano is her pursuit.

At the same time, Wang Qian is also her pursuit.

Both in one.

She can give everything she has for this.

Even Sophie, who had just returned to the lounge to rest, felt a strong sense of crisis as she watched Jiang Yu’s performance.

Although she is confident, she also knows that when she goes up to play, she can only play to this level at most, and she can only do it when she is in perfect condition, which she cannot do at ordinary times.

“A girl who seems very ordinary around him turns out to be a hidden world-class piano master! I have to work harder!”

Looking at Wang Qian and Sophie, Sophie felt another pressure on herself.

If this sentence is known to others

They will probably vomit blood!

What an ordinary Yangyin piano doctoral student!

Robert, O’Connor, Yun Na and others sitting in the front row were all a little shocked!

They can all hear Jiang Yu’s world-class piano skills

And such a world-class piano player is willing to be a rock keyboard player in Wang Qian’s rock band?

This is too luxurious

Look at it like an artist.

Isn’t this too decadent?

From the perspective of music artists, rock and roll is complete garbage.

What is Wang Qian’s virtue and ability?

Yunna murmured in a low voice: “This is so crazy. Are everyone else in his band like this?”

After hearing this, the others were shocked when they thought about it carefully.

Murong Yue is also a talented graduate of Berkeley.

Juliet is also a piano student at the world’s top music school and a top talented young pianist in Europe.

Perhaps Zhao Wei and He Fulin, who look the most like rock people, are also hidden masters?

At the moment when they were thinking wildly.

Amidst the faint piano sound played by Jiang Yu.

Wang Qian stood in front of the microphone and started singing.

The singing drew everyone present away from Jiang Yu’s piano performance.

The sound was different again from the previous two rock shows.

It becomes more magnetic, mellower and deeper, as if it contains thousands of words.

The moment of speaking

Everyone was attracted by this charming magnetic voice.


As soon as you open your mouth, there is a lyric.

All the audience at the scene, as well as all the European and American audiences in front of the TV sets, were drawn into the emotions that were so strong that they were about to overflow.

Jiang Yu’s world-class piano performance!

Coupled with Wang Qian’s wholehearted singing.

All European and American audiences were captured instantly.

A feeling of regret, sadness, heaviness, and a touch of relief entered everyone’s heart, making them involuntarily put themselves into it, thinking of their ex and the past, both beautiful and sad.

Wang Qian no longer had the crazy mood he had during the first two performances. He just stood in front of the microphone, as if he were telling a story, with a deep emotion and gently waving his palms irregularly.




The deep and sad emotions make many people feel the urge to cry.

Many emotional viewers, thinking of their exes, already shed a little tears

When Wang Qian’s next sentence came out, many people couldn’t help it.

“Old friend, why are you sothy?”


There was a young audience member in the audience who couldn’t help but cry. Then he buried his head and held his hands together. He started sobbing, but he didn’t let himself make a sound, not wanting to affect other people.


As soon as she started, several viewers couldn’t help but shed a little tears, but they quickly wiped them away and controlled their emotions without bursting into tears.

However, in Wang Qian’s singing, the tears once opened.

How can it be stopped?

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