Death Reincarnation Game Chapter 752: Travel a Thousand Miles a Day

bsp;The date for going to sea is very tight. According to the scheduled time, Su Peng will go to the South China Sea with Yang Xi by tomorrow afternoon at the latest to prepare to go to sea.

After Yang Xi left, Su Peng immediately summoned his subordinates. Li Mu, Guo Lei, etc. all came to the small meeting hall. Su Peng summoned them and held a small meeting.

At the meeting, Su Peng informed Li Mu, Guo Lei and others that he was about to leave for a while, and then arranged the matters at hand to Li Mu and Guo Lei, allowing them to stay during his absence. , take care of Liangzhou’s major and minor matters.

Guo Lei is an internal affairs talent, while Li Mu has the ability to lead the army. Su Peng left Liangzhou’s internal affairs and military affairs to the two of them for a while. In fact, there was not much to do. Su Peng I just want to tell the two of them that they don’t seek merit, but seek no faults. Defend the Yuwen family in the north and the Five Cities Alliance in Ganzhou in the south. Then pay attention to Jingzhou and Xuzhou Qinglong Alliance where the Iron Crown King is located.

After explaining these things, Su Peng felt that both of them could reassure themselves. Although they were separated in the game, if there were urgent matters, they could communicate and issue orders directly in reality, which was not considered real life. Separation is like the magician’s flying knife. If you let go without letting go, nothing will happen.

After explaining these things to Li Mu and Guo Lei, Su Peng visited Zhu Ersan in the city lord’s palace, as well as the Netherworld scholar Tan Ming and the soul locker Xu Ning. Although these people were in They were all injured during the fight, but martial arts practitioners had full blood and recovered quickly. In addition, Su Peng sent various elixirs to these people for free, and these people recovered very quickly. Now that the injury was basically stable, Su Peng’s bounty had already been paid. He looked at these people, raised Xu Ning and Tan Ming to half a level in the mansion, and asked them to assist Zhu Ersan. The various experts gathered in the General Manager’s Mansion must protect the safety of Li Mu, Guo Lei and others.

In this way, Su Peng was not idle that night. After explaining all the big and small things in the governor’s house during the two months since he left, it was midnight.

“This day has been quite busy, but it’s okay. At least Liangzhou doesn’t have to worry about it in the next month or two.”

Su Peng thought in his mind. He saw that it was not too early, so he logged out, preparing to recharge his batteries and set off with Yang Xi tomorrow to the South China Sea.


There was nothing to say all night, and the next day when the sky in the game was still fading in the east, I logged into the game.

Yang Xi was not polite and came to the Governor’s Mansion early in the morning to wait for Su Peng. The soldiers speculated that this beautiful woman was Su Peng’s lover. He didn’t dare to stop her and put her into the small conference hall. After Su Peng logged in, he saw this person directly in the small conference hall.

“It’s better to do it sooner rather than later. Let’s go.” When Yang Xi saw Su Peng, he threw a riding whip directly into his pocket. Su Peng took it without looking back. He took Su Peng and walked out.

Su Peng followed her out and saw two extremely powerful horses prepared outside the door.

“President Yang. Shall we go to the South China Sea on horseback? In this case, it is better for me to lead two demon horses. It may be faster.”

Su Peng is used to riding monster horses these days, but he looks down on ordinary horses. At this time, he saw that the two horses, although they were divine horses, were still ordinary horses, so he couldn’t help but say.

“No need, I can’t bear it.” Yang Xi said coldly, but she immediately realized that her voice might be too cold. She opened her mouth to explain: “The demon horse is too attracting, so it’s better to keep a low profile this time, can you? If your identity is known to others, don’t know your identity. After all, this time, there may not be too few sects going out to sea to find opportunities for temples. Some of them even worship elder-level figures. You may not be able to take advantage. If you are too provocative, it may not happen if you are attacked by the crowd.”

Su Peng nodded after hearing this. After seeing Yu Wenyang’s martial arts, he had a rough idea of ​​the strength of the elders of each sect.

Although these worship elders may not be stronger than him, they are probably within the same level. The gap is not extremely big. If they unite against him, Su Peng has no confidence in winning, let alone as a sect worship elder. , who has lived for so many years, who is not like Yu Wenyang, who has some unique skills or unique expressions?

So, it’s better to keep a low profile.

After thinking about this clearly, Su Peng didn’t care whether the horse was an ordinary horse or a demon horse, so he just got on the horse.

“Don’t be too busy yet. This is for you. If you use this, even an ordinary horse may not be worse than your demon horse.”

When Yang Xi saw Su Peng getting on his horse, he reached out and took out a paper charm from a small colorful bag that looked like a shoulder bag and handed it to Su Peng.

“This is?”

Su Peng looked at Yang Xi and asked.

“This is a magical talisman, attached to the horse’s body, which can make the horse power last for a long time and make it three times faster than usual. And within a day, you don’t have to worry about the horse’s endurance.”

Hearing this, Su Peng frowned and said, “You have a broad mind. How about using magic talismans to affix horses to horses?”

“Post it, why don’t you stick it? People who don’t practice martial arts can run much slower than horses. People can use it, why can’t horses use it?” Yang Xi said matter-of-factly, and then posted a magical talisman on the horse’s head. Hips.

Suddenly, her horse became excited and seemed extremely excited.

Su Peng saw it, shook his head and said, “I’ve convinced you.”

As he said that, he jumped on the horse. He knew that the magic talisman was very powerful. The real magic talisman was very powerful and could not tire the horse. Since Yang Xi was not afraid of waste, Su Peng let her go.

Su Peng also put the magic talisman on the horse’s buttocks, and the two rode their horses and ran out of the city.

The two of them were able to control their speed in the city. When they left the city, they started to increase their power. Sure enough, after the talisman was attached to the horse, the speed was nearly three times faster. It felt so fast that it even made Su Peng feel It feels like driving on the highway.

In this way, the two of them started running from early in the morning, only stopping at noon to eat some dried meat, and then continued on their way.

In the real world, the travel record of a single person and a horse is 240 kilometers in one day, and the world of death and reincarnation has more spiritual energy than the real world. Both people and horses are stronger than in reality, plus The two horses above are both purebreds of divine horses. They can travel eight hundred miles a day without any problem. They also have magical walking talismans that allow the horses to travel at three times the speed, and they run at full strength the whole time. Therefore, the speed of the two of them is far faster than that of the daily horses. The speed of traveling thousands of miles.

In this way, the two of them had traveled more than 1,300 kilometers and entered the border of Chaozhou at around 1 o’clock in the night.

The two of them rushed through the night and arrived at the destination of their trip, Shancheng, less than an hour after entering Chaozhou.

Shantou City is close to the sea and has a seaport. From here, you can go straight out of the South China Sea and enter Nanyang. Although Su Peng and others arrived at Shantou City late at night, after the money offensive, the soldiers defending the city still A side door was opened and the two people were put into the city.

Yang Xi rode forward, leading Su Peng through the city, and finally came to an inn called Shanchaoju.

“This is it. We will stay here tonight. Of course, there are some people who want to go to sea with us.”

Yang Xi came here and said to Su Peng.

“Is there anyone else?”

Hearing this, Su Peng frowned and said to Yang Xi: “Yang Xi, that’s not what you said to me yesterday. In your mouth, it didn’t mean that you had asked your men to charter a sea ship this time. , and then go to sea? Why are there still some people?”

“Haha… A sea-going ship is so big that it can accommodate three to four hundred people. Do you still care about those few people?”

When Yang Xi heard this, he smiled and said to Su Peng.

Su Peng frowned and said to Yang Xi: “Don’t talk about other things, you should know what I mean.”

“Don’t worry, we are old acquaintances. I’m afraid those people are a little old to you.”

Yang Xi smiled softly and said to Su Peng. As she said that, she jumped off the horse and took off the magic talisman on the horse’s butt.

Suddenly, the already trembling horse neighed miserably, foamed at the mouth, and fell to the door after Yang Xi took off the magic talisman.

Su Peng couldn’t help but frown even more when he saw it.

“This magical talisman actually squeezes the horse’s potential?”

At this time, Su Peng realized that the magical talisman seemed to have different effects on humans and horses. It seemed that his horse was about to be squeezed out of its potential and died here.

Su Peng was a little dissatisfied with Yang Xi’s actions, but after all, he came on horseback and seemed to have no position to criticize her. Su Peng could only sigh slightly and got off the horse.

At this moment, the talisman of the horse that Su Peng was riding seemed to have reached its limit. Suddenly, it spontaneously ignited without fire, but the horse was not burned. The horse also screamed after the talisman turned into ashes. , fell to the ground dead.

Yang Xi in front of him kept knocking on the door of Shan Chaoju as if he had not heard anything about it.

“Who is it so late?”

Not long after, a waiter opened the door of Shanchaoju, and Su Peng discovered that there were candles lit inside, and it seemed that many people were eating inside.

Yang Xi walked in first. Everyone inside seemed to know Yang Xi. When they saw her coming in, they all stood up and signaled.

However, when they saw Su Peng stepping into Shanchaoju from behind, several more people suddenly shouted, and there was the sound of weapons being drawn in Shanchaoju.

Su Peng frowned at first when he saw this. He carefully scanned the people who were still eating inside. After seeing their faces clearly, Su Peng couldn’t help but laugh.

“It turns out it’s you…it’s not like we haven’t seen each other for a long time…you guys have become a bit livelier after being apart for more than ten days.” Seeing the people in the room, Su Peng was not nervous at all. Instead, he smiled and said to them said.

The faces of the people eating in Shanchaoju looked ashamed, embarrassed, or angry, just to name a few.

It turns out that these people are…(To be continued…)

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