Death Reincarnation Game Chapter 572: Mechanism Puppet (Third update, additional update with 100 monthly tickets)

bsp;When they walked near the inner city, Su Peng and others already felt something abnormal.

Within the scope of the inner city, Su Peng and others smelled a trace of blood, which continued to spread from the inner city.

Su Peng, Ouyang Qing and others asked about the smell and frowned. Their sense of smell was very sensitive. The smell in the air had already convinced several people that the person who died inside must be someone.

There is a high stone wall blocking the inner city and the outer town. Su Peng and others cannot see clearly what is going on inside. However, the sound of the mechanisms inside seems to have disappeared, and only occasionally the sound of something walking can be heard. .

At this time, Ouyang Qing and others had heard clearly that the sound was not the sound of human beings moving, but the sound made by some metal things walking on the stone road.

Now that they looked at each other, Su Peng whispered: “Be careful, let’s go in.”

Everyone nodded, and Commander Gan Luo asked some guards to enter the half-open gate of the inner city first.

Su Peng and others also walked in front of the **** team and walked inside.

Su Peng and others entered the inner city and found that there were surprisingly few buildings here. There were only a few relatively tall palace-like buildings around it, and there were very few houses in the rest of the place.

However, at this time, in the space of the inner city, visible to the naked eye, there were some weird-looking things walking.

Su Peng looked around and saw more than a hundred strange humanoid figures in the inner city.

These humanoid figures are not familiar to the dark green corpse-like walking corpses that Su Peng saw before. These humanoid bodies are in the shape of human bodies, but the materials that make up their bodies are like those that Su Peng and others have seen before. That kind of steel-like wood-like substance.

This kind of wood formed more than a hundred machine-like things, which were walking in the space of the inner city.

In addition to these machines made of wood, there are more than a dozen things that are also active like machines made of iron and wood, but some of them look like large animals, and some are simply machines. vehicle. It’s just that the vehicle seems to have various mechanical weapons, like an automatic attack tank.

At this time, after Su Peng and others stepped into the inner city, the mechas and mechanized vehicles seemed to react and began to move towards Su Peng’s team.

“Are these things the legendary puppet clan?”

Seeing these things, Ouyang Qing, who was next to Su Peng, couldn’t help but said aloud.

Su Peng listened. With a thought in my heart, I remembered a classic book I had seen.

That was the “Lu family’s suicide note” that I got when I was exploring the ruins with Cai Junhua and Liang Wei.

In Lu’s suicide note, the craftsman **** Lu Ban once recorded that he and another master of mechanism art developed some mechanism creatures together. That kind of mechanism creature uses a wooden mechanism as the puppet center, and then uses magic to summon some undead or sane ghosts to live on it and become a conscious puppet family.

Su Peng remembered that Lu Ban, the **** of craftsmanship, recorded in his book that his companion seemed to come from the Western Regions. It is said that this method of making machine arts has been spread in the Western Regions, but it is in the hands of wizards and has been rarely spread.

The craftsman **** Luban and his companions only restored and developed this technology based on some recorded clues, and then created the puppet clan.

At this time, I saw so many moving puppets here. Su Peng couldn’t help but wonder, could it be that the mechanism technique that came from the Western Regions mentioned in “Lu’s Suicide Note” refers to the builders of this ancient city?

These thoughts just flashed through Su Peng’s mind. He didn’t even ask Ouyang Qing about the puppet clan. Instead, he said to a few people around him: “If these things are what we have seen, then It is made of something that looks like iron and wood. It is definitely very tough and can still move after thousands of years. It shows that it is very stable and may have a very strong source of power. We cannot underestimate the enemy… find it quickly. Then where did Yang Xi and the others go? Then follow them and don’t fight with these things!”

After listening to Su Peng’s words, everyone nodded. Commander Gan Luo ordered the guards not to be nervous and fearful, and to prepare for battle. However, at this time, it was better to pass through here quickly.

Under the leadership of Su Peng and others, the **** team quickly traveled through the inner city, but the moving agencies were not slow at all, and they would soon come into contact with Su Peng and others.

At this time, Su Peng also discovered that there were dead Qiuci Gancheng guards on the ground at regular intervals along the way. Although they were not under Su Peng, they should be under President Yang Xi.

The death clothes of these guards were very miserable. They seemed to have been hacked to death with knives or shot to death by javelins. Su Peng couldn’t help but feel nervous when he saw them.

At this time, those agency people had already come over and came into contact with Su Peng’s **** team.

I saw these machine men. Although they were in human form, they had two more faces and four arms. Each one looked like the legendary Nezha with three heads and six arms. The three faces were carved with terrifying demons. The weapons they held on their six arms were all made of iron-like wood, and they seemed to still maintain their sharpness and attack power.

When these machine men walked up to me, I realized that they were all extremely tall. Each one was two to four to five meters tall. When they waved their weapons, their joints seemed to move very naturally, no less than ordinary humans. They looked like A strong warrior.

There are about seven or eight mecha men rushing over now, and the guards are not beaten passively. Where they are hit by the mecha men, the guards have dispersed, surrounding the mech men, and constantly attacking with their scimitars.

But the bodies of these machinemen are made of iron-like wood and are very tough. An ordinary scimitar will not cause any harm at all, but will only leave a white mark on the surface of their bodies. .

Once these machine men attack, because of the special structure of their bodies, they are very flexible. Their waists can rotate in one direction without restriction. The weapons on their six arms rotate and attack like hot wheels, and their bodies rotate like It was like a top, making it impossible for the guards to get close.

A few of the guards were too close to the tall machine man. Before they had time to defend themselves, they were wounded by the top-like attack and fell to the ground like Ling Chi.

Su Peng frowned when he saw it. The combat power of these agency people was beyond imagination. They were so strong that even more than a dozen guards could not defeat a single agency person.

At this time, in the distance, more machine people and machine cars are rushing here. If they are entangled, I am afraid that these guards will have to answer here.

Su Peng glanced around the inner city and saw many dead bodies in front of him who might be the guards of Kucha under President Yang Xi. However, at the core of the inner city square, there was a pavilion-like building.

That building is eight pavilions-like things, but the construction is rough. The materials used look similar to those of these machinemen. They are all made of iron-like wood materials unique to this place. These eight The building looks like a pavilion, but it is flat and much larger. If I have to say what it looks like, it looks a bit like some of the buildings of the orc tribe in a large-scale online game called “World of Beasts”.

Su Peng has very good eyesight. He glanced at it and found that only six of the eight ‘pavilions’ were intact. The building in one of the pavilions seemed to have sunk, leaving only one Shendong, and There is a winch-like thing in the center of the remaining six huge ‘pavilions’.

Seeing these buildings, Su Peng’s heart moved, and he seemed to think of where the disappearing President Yang Xi’s men had gone.

“Don’t be obsessed with fighting!”

Su Peng shouted loudly to the **** team, and then shouted to Commander Gan Luo: “Commander Gan Luo, take these guards and enter the pavilion-like building facades in front!”

When Commander Gan Luo heard this, he immediately carried out the order. He shouted loudly to the guards in the team and ran towards the pavilion-like buildings.

Su Peng, Ouyang Qing and others jumped forward and rushed into the organists who had disrupted the team, temporarily trying to hold them back.

Su Peng acted extremely quickly. He quickly came to the side of a machine man. His body suddenly flashed, and after a moment of movement, he appeared next to a machine man.

The mechanism man just spun like a top and injured several guards with the weapons in his hands. However, the mechanism man’s rotation seemed to require a certain amount of time to accumulate power and could not be rotated continuously. Su Peng took advantage of this gap and used his hand to Wufengjian performed a sword-drawing move in the realm of combined force, thinking about cutting off the head of the machine man.


There was a crisp sound. Although Su Peng’s sword hit the body of the machine man, the head of the machine man did not fly out as expected. Instead, Su Peng felt a shock in his hand, and the edgeless sword was hit by a powerful force. Vigorous counterattack.

The material used by this mechanism man seems to be tougher than the materials Su Peng has seen before. The sword-drawing move in the combined force realm, although it is extremely fast and can completely cut off ordinary people, is just a move. It cut into the mechanism man’s body less than two centimeters away. The mechanism man did not suffer any serious damage. It was just because the sword-drawing posture of the combined force realm was actually quite powerful, and the whole person was knocked away.

The mechanism man flew backwards and hit another mechanism man. The two mechanism men rolled together and fell out. However, in less than three seconds, they both struggled to get up and continued to move towards Su. Peng rushed over.

Su Peng’s heart sank a little when he saw it. The materials used by these machine men were too tough, and their strength far exceeded the horse bandits he had encountered. If he was really surrounded by such machine men, even Su Peng would be the same. There will be big trouble.

Those gimmicks had no real life in the first place. After being knocked down by Su Peng, they naturally would not have any emotions. After standing up, they continued to rush towards Su Peng.

When Su Peng saw it, his eyes turned cold. He no longer used the three-in-one sword in the realm of combined force. Instead, he inserted the edgeless sword back into the scabbard, took a sword-drawing posture, and was ready to attack.

Just when the organ man ran in front of Su Peng again, Su Peng made a gesture to draw the sword, and the edgeless sword struck out very quickly!

The three-combination sword and the sword-drawing posture are in the combined state of energy!

PS: In fact, the monthly votes are less than 100, only 98 votes, but I will update it first.

You won’t just watch, until tomorrow, there will only be ninety-eight votes, right?

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