Death Reincarnation Game Chapter 552: The Cursed Ancient City (Part 2)

bsp;Adura’s father passed away after saying these words.

After his death, his body lost all moisture in less than an hour and turned into a skinny mummy less than half a meter tall.

Adura, who was only eleven years old at the time, endured her grief and used the last money left in her family to cremate her father.

After that, Adura began his own journey of survival.

I don’t know if there is a real curse, but Adura is very unlucky.

Although he is very smart and conscientious in his work, no matter what he does, there is no good result.

In the workshop where he went to work or in other places in Otsuki Kingdom, there was either an accidental fire, or the tableware was broken by a reckless customer, or he was blackmailed by some unscrupulous customers for no apparent reason. Something good had happened. Within three or four months of his working place, something like this was bound to happen.

Gradually, Adura gradually gained some reputation, but it was not very nice. People called him Adura who was lucky in person, but behind his back they called him Adura who was cursed by the devil of bad luck.

Adura lived a life of wandering and stumbling until he was seventeen years old. During this period, he almost had more than thirty jobs. Although he was unlucky, because he was smarter, he was able to hone his skills in a variety of ways. ability.

Later, because of his bad luck, Adura’s reputation became too famous and he couldn’t find a job locally and couldn’t survive. In desperation, he started to follow his father’s old path and came to the border of Dayue Kingdom. city ​​and began to become a caravanner.

It just seemed that bad luck followed him to the border. In the first few years, he also lived in misery and didn’t make much money. However, the transaction of crossing the desert is like this. Some people are lucky and some are unlucky. But there is no such thing. People note that this is the bad luck brought by Adura. Let him hang out for a few years.

In the end, the caravan he was in was about to go bankrupt and disbanded. During the last time he was trafficking goods, Adura accidentally saved an old man who almost died of thirst in the desert, and paid for the old man himself. Big moon.

What I didn’t expect was that this old man turned out to be a wealthy man with the same status as Adura’s father. He is an Otsuki mage.

After listening to Adura’s story about his tragic experience, he finally felt compassion and said that he didn’t have many days left to live. Since Adura saved his life, he would do it for him. Adura shares half of the misfortune and takes it to **** or the next life.

So. He performed a ritual for Adura. After the ritual, I don’t know if it was a psychological effect or something else, but Adura felt that his luck had improved a little.

If I have to say it, Adura feels that it is his luck. It seems to be half better than before, at least it won’t be such a drag on a team.

The mage passed away not long after, and he left Adura a sum of money, a sum of money that would allow an ordinary person to live without worries for half his life.

After that, Adura did not use the money to live comfortably. Because of his bad luck, Adura developed a strong character and many abilities since he was a child. Just like steel that has been beaten, impurities have been knocked out again and again, and it has become refined steel. He already has his own way. Soon, he organized a caravan and began to travel to Dayue Kingdom and Qiuci. Trade in Kancheng.

Just his luck. After all, they are still a little worse than ordinary people. Although trade does not always cause trouble, various accidents always happen.

Adura has been doing business for nearly twenty years after so many years. If an ordinary person had survived this long, he would have become a rich man long ago. However, despite Adura’s skills and familiarity with the route, he has not made any big money in the end.

His caravan’s capital had almost reached 10,000 taels of gold at its most, but after several consecutive failures or encounters with bandits, it turned into a capital of 2,000 to 3,000 taels of gold. Until the last time, he encountered a sandstorm again. , more than 4,000 taels of gold goods were buried in the desert, and he still owed a debt of about 800 taels of gold.

Although Adura is really unlucky, over the years, his character and abilities have accumulated a good reputation, and he has a group of die-hard brothers. Those brothers have not abandoned him, but are just waiting for him. After Doula made a comeback, he followed him out again, and the creditors did not press too hard. They all knew that Adura was a capable and charismatic person, and his enemies were just his fate, so they gave Adula a long life. Repayment period.

But because of his reputation for bad luck, no one was very willing to lend him money.


Adura said this, sighed, and said to Su Peng: “I no longer have much confidence in my luck, so I must be proficient in my skills. Given the same opportunity, my chance of survival is higher than others. Small, so you must have solid skills.”

“And over the years, I have also thought about the source of our family’s misfortune, which is the city in the desert that my father saw, and the prayer barrel that can make people unlucky… I I even thought that someone put the blood or hair of our family into the bucket, but in the end, I found out that was not the case.”

“For so many years, I have never stopped inquiring, and finally I found some clues. It turns out that the thing my father obtained is a very famous thing. In the Dayue Kingdom, someone has also obtained this kind of thing. Something called a ‘doom weapon’.”

“A weapon of doom?”

After Su Peng heard this name, he couldn’t help but ask. The story of Adura is indeed very impressive. It is simply a tragic history of struggle.

“Well, that’s the name.”

Adura nodded and said: “I found some records in the ancient books of Dayue Kingdom, which record the story of this doomed artifact… Those doomed artifacts are not necessarily prayer barrels, and their functions are also different. It’s not the same, but it has a consistent function, which is to bring bad luck to the person who uses it.”

“This kind of doom magic weapon will identify the owner’s aura as long as it is used. The doom magic weapon itself will have the function of reducing doom to a certain extent, and has many special abilities, but once it leaves the owner, the owner will All kinds of disasters happened, and they died as if they were cursed.”

“I don’t know about others. The reason why I found this clue is that when my father died, the changes in his body were similar to those recorded in ancient books. The situation is the same, and this misfortune may last for many generations.”

“Because of this, although I once had money, I never had children, just because I was afraid of passing on my bad luck to them… So I never got married and I was always alone.”

“As for the place where the magic weapons of doom came from, I have conducted a twenty-year investigation and finally found some clues… Those magic weapons of doom came from the ancient city of Forest Prison you mentioned.”

After hearing this, Su Peng’s face changed and he said: “Are you sure you are from the ancient city of Forest Prison? How well do you know this city?”

“It’s not too much, just one scale.”

Adura shook his head and said: “Actually, about four or five thousand years ago, the Western Region was not like this. At that time, between the Western Region and Dayue Kingdom, although it was a desert, there were many oases… Kuchagan The city hadn’t been built at that time, so I couldn’t find records here, but Dayue Kingdom has a history of five to six thousand years, and I found some records in ancient books in Dayue.”

“Four or five thousand years ago, there were many tribes or small countries in the large and small oases in the Western Region. Some of these small tribes may be as big as Qiuci Gancheng, but they were self-sufficient. The largest oasis was The Central Plains is as big as a whole state or half a county, which is enough to establish a country.”

“The ancient city of Forest Prison was founded by a tribe called the Qingyu Tribe. However, at that time, it had little contact with the Central Plains. Although some tribes had the knowledge to build a city, their customs were extremely barbaric… They practiced semi-slavery for all people. , in the city, all those who rule others belong to the king, there are no merchants, no civilians, only slaves.”

“They set a strict hierarchy for slaves. Each higher-level slave can dominate the lower-level slaves to a certain extent, but will be absolutely dominated by the ruler. However, because of this system, except for the lowest level slaves, Slaves, every upper-level slave has a certain amount of power, which is quite stable.”

“But this Qingjing clan multiplied very quickly, with a total number of probably hundreds of thousands, occupying the largest and most fertile oasis here… But suddenly four or five thousand years ago, overnight, they disappeared in the into history.”

“The author of the ancient books I found doesn’t know what happened. He just knows that the last record of the Qingjiu clan before they disappeared was the establishment of an ancient city called Forest Prison. But where exactly is the Ancient City of Forest Prison? What it looks like, no one knows.”

“And those oases have quickly turned into deserts in a matter of thousands of years. People today don’t even know where the Qingjing Tribe lived back then.”

“I myself guessed that the symbols on the prayer barrels I saw from the portrait of the prayer barrel of doom left by my father were the same as some of the unique symbols of the Qingjing clan recorded in ancient books, and combined with the disappearance of the Qingjing clan, I guessed What my father saw in the desert was probably an illusion of the ancient city of Forest Prison, and those people might be the disappeared Qing Prison tribe.”

Adura said finally.

After hearing this, Su Peng nodded slightly and kept thinking.

Su Peng felt that what Adula said had its own logic and should be true.

The bad luck that Adura described that could be passed down, and the vision Adula’s father saw in the desert, made Su Peng think of another thing.

“That may be what happened in the ancient city of Forest Prison. How is it similar to what the True God Sect did? And the bad luck he described that can be passed down is like something else…can be passed down by blood, can Bringing bad luck to family members, how does it sound like bad karma?”

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