Death Reincarnation Game Chapter 451: Torture

bsp;The reason why Su Peng walked towards the main hall of the Villa was because he felt that the structure of this Villa was almost completely similar to that of the Gujian Villa, so there should be a dungeon below the main hall for imprisonment. A place where prisoners were tortured.

Although Su Peng has only recovered 20% of his strength, his skills are stronger than ordinary people after all. In addition, he also has a golden needle. Although there is no test, Su Peng only has his internal power blocked, and his magic power should still be there. Now, maybe you can perform a secret feeding technique. In that case, if you can restore some internal strength, you may not have the strength to fight.

What Su Peng is betting on is that in the underground secret room where the ancient sword once held a **** banquet, there is only one owner of this villa. If he uses the secret technique of feeding and the golden needle of ox hair, he is very likely to kill that person. In that way, he He can temporarily rescue his third aunt Zeng Na. Although Zeng Nan’s body is still in the opponent’s hands, he can escape today’s disaster after all. From now on, he can only wait and see.

So, Su Peng was very determined and walked towards the owner’s hall.

However, when Su Peng had just moved to the vicinity of the owner’s hall and had not officially approached there, the sound of gongs suddenly sounded in the villa. The gongs rang very quickly, as if it was some kind of alarm.

Suddenly, a large number of soldiers poured out from nowhere in the villa where no one could be seen. Most of them held submachine guns in their hands and started searching the village.

Seeing this scene, Su Peng’s heart sank. Outside the main hall of the villa, many soldiers had appeared. Although he was hidden in the darkness and was not discovered by them for the time being, he was not safe at all. They could be found at any time.

Behind Su Peng, a group of soldiers was moving quickly, and they would soon bypass the blind spot and discover Su Peng’s location.

Su Peng had no choice. He had no choice but to push open the door of a room behind him and duck in.

His luck was good. There was no one in the room he entered. It was an empty room.

Su Peng looked around the room, wondering if he could find a hiding place to prevent the soldiers outside from finding him easily.

While he was searching, he suddenly heard a special sound coming from under a wooden box in the room.

Su Peng’s eyes lit up and he walked near the wooden box.

Just stand near this box. Su Peng felt that there was a constant flow of air blowing up from under the box, as if there was wind blowing up from under the box.


Su Peng opened the box and saw that the box that could accommodate two or three people was actually empty, and the sound of wind blowing from the wooden boards under the box kept coming.

After hearing this voice, Su Peng had a strange look on his face, and he stretched out his hand to hold down the bottom of the box. Pulled in one direction.


The bottom plate was dragged aside in response, and an underground passage appeared under the box.

Su Peng’s expression immediately became a little strange.

He still remembers. When he and Xie An were talking about the Gujian Villa a few months ago, Xie An said that after escaping from the Gujian Villa, he wanted to avoid pursuing soldiers. He accidentally discovered a secret ventilation passage, and then he saw Gu Jian and others killing civilians from this secret ventilation passage.

The secret passage in front of him now should be the secret ventilation passage that Xie An had seen before. If nothing else, if you walk down, you can also see the underground secret room of this villa from the end of the secret passage.

Su Peng hesitated for a moment, wondering whether to enter.

According to Xie An’s description, the exit of the secret ventilation tunnel is not very big. Xie An used the bone shrinking technique to enter the underground secret room from the ventilation secret tunnel. Su Peng does not know the bone shrinking technique, so it is likely that he will not be able to enter.

But after thinking about it, Su Peng gritted his teeth and walked into the passage.

After all, he also has a golden needle on his body. The mechanism of the golden needle is very powerful. It can kill or injure people even at a distance of ten or even fifteen meters.

I am in the secret ventilation passage. If I have the chance, I can kill the owner of the villa in the secret room.

So Su Peng finally decided to enter the secret passage.

After entering the secret passage, Su Peng closed the lid of the box above his head, then pulled up the bottom plate above his head, and then got in himself.

This secret passage can probably be walked by two people. Su Peng needs to lower his head to avoid being hit on the head.

Fortunately, this secret passage was not very long. Su Peng walked to the end in less than a minute and a half.

Sure enough, the end of the secret passage became narrow. At the exit, there was only an opening with a diameter of thirty to forty centimeters, and it was sealed with an iron fence. Although you could see inside, you could not enter.

Su Peng stopped here, and in his ears, the screams in the secret room were heard.

Su Peng looked into the secret room and saw that torture was indeed taking place in the secret room.

The people being tortured were three men in black from the True God Sect who were captured by the soldiers of this mysterious villa together with Su Peng.

At this time, the three people from the True God Cult had stripped off their upper bodies and exposed their bodies. One of them was tied to a stone chair, with a terrifying expression on his face and howling loudly.

Two soldiers with bad karma placed a stone grinder near him, like a peanut oil squeezer, and then placed his palms and forearms inside. The person facing him was a A person whose body is completely shrouded in black mist.

Su Peng couldn’t help but be shocked when he saw the man whose body was completely shrouded in black mist. He recognized the black mist. It was pure bad karma. The man in the bad karma had been tortured and killed without knowing it. How many people can accumulate such bad karma?

I saw him standing in front of the man in black, and an old and emotionless voice came from his mouth, saying: “Squeeze his arm for me.”

The two soldiers beside him immediately started to move, crushing the oil-pressing stone roller and turning it with force.

Although that man from the True God Sect has tortured and killed many people, he has always tortured and killed others. How has he ever been tortured by others? At this time, he made a sound like a ghost crying, but unfortunately crying could not solve the problem. One of his arms was completely crushed off, and was squeezed into plasma and broken bones and flesh.

The other two people from the True God Religion who were controlled were trembling as they watched, and they kept chanting words such as True God’s eternal life, True God’s eternal life and so on.

The member of the True God Cult whose arm was squeezed off has already passed out.

“Last chance, tell me, why are you here to capture the dream tapir? Tell me, and I may be able to give you two a happy time.”

The man covered in black evil karma said to the people of the True God Sect.

Although the two True God Cult members were trembling, no one spoke first.

“The truth is that you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin. If this is the case, then you will be punished. Come on, it will be a human flesh millstone!”

The man hiding in the bad karma said.

Hearing these words, the strong man in the True God Sect who was still in good health finally couldn’t bear the pressure and collapsed. He cried and shouted: “Don’t give me a human millstone! Don’t use a human millstone! I said ! I said it all!”

……(To be continued…)

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