Death is the Beginning Chapter 8: No. 8

Screening across the city is going well. To be precise, the people who held the power of life and death did not encounter any setbacks or obstacles. Of course, there were small disturbances, but none of them dared to attack the people. 100,000 insiders were selected, divided into ten teams, and placed in several areas not far from the central square, while the remaining thousands of soldiers guarded them separately. It was already six in the afternoon. It was around 1:00, except for the group of Yang Dingtian and Zhang Heng who were rushing back, the other three groups had already arrived at the central square.

“Hasn’t the formation of the blood sacrifice been drawn yet?”

Screening across the city is going well. To be precise, the people who held the power of life and death did not encounter any setbacks or obstacles. Of course, there were small disturbances, but none of them dared to attack the people. 100,000 insiders were selected, divided into ten teams, and placed in several areas not far from the central square, while the remaining thousands of soldiers guarded them separately. It was already six in the afternoon. It was around 1:00, except for the group of Yang Dingtian and Zhang Heng who were rushing back, the other three groups had already arrived at the central square.

In the central square, everyone is helping Xue Na to build a not too big mechanical instrument. This is purely something that Xue Na designed in a short time. To everyone’s ears, it’s just a toy to Xue Na, but to everyone… still don’t understand.

“Hasn’t the formation of the blood sacrifice been drawn yet?”

When everyone was building this mechanical instrument, Pei Jiao asked strangely to Rocky who had been sketching the blood sacrifice formation beside him, and one-third of the entire central square had become the range of the formation. It is enough for tens of thousands of people to stand in, and the general appearance of the entire formation has been basically completed, but I don’t know what Rocky is busy with now.

In the central square, everyone is helping Xue Na to build a not too big mechanical instrument. This is purely something that Xue Na designed in a short time. To everyone’s ears, it’s just a toy to Xue Na, but to everyone… still don’t understand.

Luo Qi replied without raising his head: “It should have been completed a long time ago, but…for the remaining half of the insiders, this formation diagram still needs to be revised. You can ask Xue Na for the rest. She told me to modify it.”

When everyone was building this mechanical instrument, Pei Jiao asked strangely to Rocky who had been sketching the blood sacrifice formation beside him, and one-third of the entire central square had become the range of the formation. It is enough for tens of thousands of people to stand in, and the general appearance of the entire formation has been basically completed, but I don’t know what Rocky is busy with now.

Pei Jiao was taken aback, he quickly looked at Xue Na, and Xue Na looked back at him with that cute smile, the little girl said with a smile: “Because of time, Even with the existence of the lie detector provided by me, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish all the people in the city in one day. Therefore, the remaining half or more people, among them, know that there is a lie detector. In the case of Lieyi, they are most likely to commit suicide when it is close to twelve o’clock. In this way, the soul can directly enter the subspace, although they don’t know what is in the subspace, or it is instantaneous. Annihilation may be a more terrifying torture, but life has an instinct to avoid danger. Since it is determined that it will be identified, the only possibility for them is to block luck, or enter the subspace. Live, or die?”

Luo Qi replied without raising his head: “It should have been completed a long time ago, but…for the remaining half of the insiders, this formation diagram still needs to be revised. You can ask Xue Na for the rest. She told me to modify it.”

“In this way, there will definitely be a lot of people who commit suicide tonight. And these people are all insiders, and they are trying to escape into the subspace… But it can’t be done, Brother Odin said it, it must be Sanctioning these talents is enough, and the blood sacrifice also needs sufficient ‘fuel’, so, change part of the content of the blood sacrifice, and use the power of ‘Gaia’ obtained from the blood sacrifice to temporarily block the passage of the subspace in this city, so For one thing, even if these people commit suicide, they will not be able to escape into the subspace, so tomorrow there will be almost no need to distinguish what to filter, just go and find these souls…”

Pei Jiao was taken aback, he quickly looked at Xue Na, and Xue Na looked back at him with that cute smile, the little girl said with a smile: “Because of time, Even with the existence of the lie detector provided by me, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish all the people in the city in one day. Therefore, the remaining half or more people, among them, know that there is a lie detector. In the case of Lieyi, they are most likely to commit suicide when it is close to twelve o’clock. In this way, the soul can directly enter the subspace, although they don’t know what is in the subspace, or it is instantaneous. Annihilation may be a more terrifying torture, but life has an instinct to avoid danger. Since it is determined that it will be identified, the only possibility for them is to block luck, or enter the subspace. Live, or die?”

After Xue Na said these words with a smile, she lowered her head and began to carve something on the ground again. Looking at it, it seemed that she was designing some new instruments and props.

“In this way, there will definitely be a lot of people who commit suicide tonight. And these people are all insiders, and they are trying to escape into the subspace… But it can’t be done, Brother Odin said it, it must be Sanctioning these talents is enough, and the blood sacrifice also needs sufficient ‘fuel’, so, change part of the content of the blood sacrifice, and use the power of ‘Gaia’ obtained from the blood sacrifice to temporarily block the passage of the subspace in this city, so For one thing, even if these people commit suicide, they will not be able to escape into the subspace, so tomorrow there will be almost no need to distinguish what to filter, just go and find these souls…”

(Very good, even these things have been thought of, although Yang Xuguang and I have already thought of these things before, and we plan to ask her when the blood sacrifice begins, is there a way to block the soul-absorbing force of the subspace , I didn’t expect her to finish it without saying a word… It’s so good. Having her as a partner.)

After Xue Na said these words with a smile, she lowered her head and began to carve something on the ground again. Looking at it, it seemed that she was designing some new instruments and props.

Pei Jiao nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to continue assembling the instrument in front of him, he saw Yang Dingtian and Zhang Heng walking over from a distance. That’s all, but what surprised Pei Jiao and others was that Zhang Heng actually walked forward holding a girl’s hand, while Yang Dingtian walked behind three or four middle-aged and elderly people, and among the three or four Old people have a red light shining on them… that is the symbol of those who know.

“Oh? What’s the situation?” Gong Yeyu’s eyes are the sharpest, and he is a rough-handed person, so it is impossible to find him for assembling instruments, so he just stood aside and chatted boringly. After the weird actions of Zhang Heng and Yang Dingtian, he immediately roared excitedly.

(Very good, even these things have been thought of, although Yang Xuguang and I have already thought of these things before, and we plan to ask her when the blood sacrifice begins, is there a way to block the soul-absorbing force of the subspace , I didn’t expect her to finish it without saying a word… It’s so good. Having her as a partner.)

Zhang Heng ignored him, but took the girl’s hand and came to Pei Jiao. He pulled the girl. Although the movement seemed a little violent, anyone could see that his The movements are actually quite gentle, almost like walking over with a girl half-led.

Pei Jiao was stunned for a moment. He looked at Zhang Heng strangely. Although he didn’t know what Zhang Heng wanted to express, he could tell that there seemed to be something between this girl who didn’t know and those who knew. The problem was normal, but unfortunately, he couldn’t find any clues from this unknowing girl with a bruised nose and a swollen face, so he could only ask Zhang Heng: “What happened? Zhang Heng. If you have something to say, just say it. What are you and I being polite about?”

Pei Jiao nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to continue assembling the instrument in front of him, he saw Yang Dingtian and Zhang Heng walking over from a distance. That’s all, but what surprised Pei Jiao and others was that Zhang Heng actually walked forward holding a girl’s hand, while Yang Dingtian walked behind three or four middle-aged and elderly people, and among the three or four Old people have a red light shining on them… that is the symbol of those who know.

Zhang Heng nodded, his expression had never been so serious for a moment, he looked at Pei Jiao seriously and said: “Pei Jiao, you are the special ability holder of Goddess of War, when you found my soul, you also read I remember it?”

Pei Jiao said with certainty: “That’s right, I know everything about your past, what’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

“Oh? What’s the situation?” Gong Yeyu’s eyes are the sharpest, and he is a rough-handed person, so it is impossible to find him for assembling instruments, so he just stood aside and chatted boringly. After the weird actions of Zhang Heng and Yang Dingtian, he immediately roared excitedly.

Zhang Heng looked at the frightened girl beside him and said, “Then you should know who she is?”

Zhang Heng ignored him, but took the girl’s hand and came to Pei Jiao. He pulled the girl. Although the movement seemed a little violent, anyone could see that his The movements are actually quite gentle, almost like walking over with a girl half-led.

Pei Jiao turned his attention to the girl again. Because of the reminder, he followed Zhang Heng’s memory to find the existence of the girl. , making her seem to weigh about two hundred catties, but if you look closely, she is an Asian girl of yellow race, and she doesn’t seem to be very beautiful… Although she also has the credit for the bruised nose and swollen face, her appearance is indeed relatively average. It seems a bit rustic and has beautiful long hair like black silk satin… Long hair like black silk satin?

Pei Jiao was stunned for a moment. He looked at Zhang Heng strangely. Although he didn’t know what Zhang Heng wanted to express, he could tell that there seemed to be something between this girl who didn’t know and those who knew. The problem was normal, but unfortunately, he couldn’t find any clues from this unknowing girl with a bruised nose and a swollen face, so he could only ask Zhang Heng: “What happened? Zhang Heng. If you have something to say, just say it. What are you and I being polite about?”

“She…she is…the one who changed your life when you were in college?” Pei Jiao opened his mouth wide and murmured.

Zhang Heng nodded, his expression had never been so serious for a moment, he looked at Pei Jiao seriously and said: “Pei Jiao, you are the special ability holder of Goddess of War, when you found my soul, you also read I remember it?”

Zhang Heng nodded fiercely and said: “That’s right, it’s her! My lover…Wang Xuelian. Hehe, a very earthy name, right? It’s her! I will never admit this feeling!”

Pei Jiao said with certainty: “That’s right, I know everything about your past, what’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

Pei Jiao slowly closed his mouth, and he murmured, “Could it be that they are just similar in appearance…” But at this point, Pei Jiao closed his mouth, because for a soul person, the same Compared with what the eyes see, the feeling between the soul is actually more real and credible.

Zhang Heng looked at the frightened girl beside him and said, “Then you should know who she is?”

Pei Jiao turned his attention to the girl again. Because of the reminder, he followed Zhang Heng’s memory to find the existence of the girl. , making her seem to weigh about two hundred catties, but if you look closely, she is an Asian girl of yellow race, and she doesn’t seem to be very beautiful… Although she also has the credit for the bruised nose and swollen face, her appearance is indeed relatively average. It seems a bit rustic and has beautiful long hair like black silk satin… Long hair like black silk satin?

As it is said in the stories of many countries and nations, when a person dies, he will recall the whole life experience from childhood to adulthood in a very short time, even many things that he himself did not remember , even things that are not conscious at birth. They will all be recalled at the moment of death, which is actually the “memory” deeply hidden in the soul itself, or spiritual perception.

“She…she is…the one who changed your life when you were in college?” Pei Jiao opened his mouth wide and murmured.

The memory hidden in the soul is the deepest, many times deeper than the memory hidden in the brain. Even after the soul is completely cleaned and reincarnated, some memories will still exist, just like in reality Like some things in the world, two people who are completely unrelated and have never met may be attracted to each other when they meet. If they are of the same sex, they may be good brothers. If they are of the opposite sex, they may fall in love at first sight. Of course, there is also that side. People who are hostile to each other, or even feel that they are enemies of life and death, of course, there may be other reasons that cause these emotions to appear, but is it true that there is no influence of previous life memories?

Zhang Heng nodded fiercely and said: “That’s right, it’s her! My lover…Wang Xuelian. Hehe, a very earthy name, right? It’s her! I will never admit this feeling!”

Since even as a living person, the memory of the soul in the previous life can affect the body and emotions, as a pure soul person, the feeling and memory between the soul are much deeper, Pei Jiao is ” People who have read “Zhang Heng’s memory, and his soul purification is far more than a thousand times that of Zhang Heng, and he has already condensed his heart and possessed an aura field, so he knows why Zhang Heng is so It is certain that the girl in front of him is the girl he met when he was in college and changed his life.

Pei Jiao slowly closed his mouth, and he murmured, “Could it be that they are just similar in appearance…” But at this point, Pei Jiao closed his mouth, because for a soul person, the same Compared with what the eyes see, the feeling between the soul is actually more real and credible.

Because… the soul feeling between these two people is really exactly the same!

As it is said in the stories of many countries and nations, when a person dies, he will recall the whole life experience from childhood to adulthood in a very short time, even many things that he himself did not remember , even things that are not conscious at birth. They will all be recalled at the moment of death, which is actually the “memory” deeply hidden in the soul itself, or spiritual perception.

This is almost an axiom, that is, it is absolutely impossible for two identical existences to exist in this world. Objects, lives, genes, and even souls cannot be identical. It can only be 99.999% at most, and it is infinitely close like this. As the existence closest to the holy soul, Pei Jiao’s feeling is naturally very clear. The feeling and memory of the girl in front of him The feeling of Wang Xuelian in the picture is almost exactly the same, maybe there may be a difference, but he didn’t notice the slight difference, either because he is not strong enough to notice it, or…the two are the same person.

The memory hidden in the soul is the deepest, many times deeper than the memory hidden in the brain, even after the soul is completely cleaned and reincarnated, some memories will still exist, just like in reality Like some things in the world, two people who are completely unrelated and have never met may be attracted to each other when they meet. If they are of the same sex, they may be good brothers. If they are of the opposite sex, they may fall in love at first sight. Of course, there is also that side. People who are hostile to each other, or even feel like the enemy of life and death, of course, there may be other reasons that cause these emotions to appear, but is it true that there is no influence of the memory of the previous life?

It is absolutely impossible for two identical existences to exist in the world. This is an axiom and is irrefutable, but… what if another self appears? That is, the exact same self? Does this count as two identical existences?

Since the memory of the soul in the previous life can affect the body and emotions even when you are a living person, as a pure soul person, the feeling and memory between the soul are much deeper, Pei Jiao is ” People who have read Zhang Heng’s memory, and his soul purification is far more than a thousand times that of Zhang Heng, and he has already condensed his heart and possessed an aura field, so he knows why Zhang Heng is so It is certain that the girl in front of him is the girl he met when he was in college and changed his life.

“It’s her… It’s indeed her, or in our feeling, it’s her.” Pei Jiao said in a deep voice, and he also squinted his eyes to look at the girl in front of him.

Because… the soul feeling between these two people is really exactly the same!

What a coincidence…the timing is too coincidental, and the person who appeared is also too coincidental!

This is almost an axiom, that is, it is absolutely impossible for two identical existences to exist in this world. Objects, lives, genes, and even souls cannot be identical. It can only be 99.999% at most, and it is infinitely close like this. As the existence closest to the holy soul, Pei Jiao’s feeling is naturally very clear. The feeling and memory of the girl in front of him The feeling of Wang Xuelian in the picture is almost exactly the same, maybe there may be a difference, but he didn’t notice the slight difference, either because he is not strong enough to notice it, or…the two are the same person.

Let’s talk about the timing first, right now everyone is returning from the fantasy land, and when the final battle with the world government is about to start, together with this blood sacrifice, they are actually preparing for this earth-shattering final battle, after all, the sky dragon projection It is definitely a great help for everyone, and it is also the only way to bridge the gap between everyone and the world government.

It is absolutely impossible for two identical existences to exist in the world. This is an axiom and is irrefutable, but… what if another self appears? That is, the exact same self? Does this count as two identical existences?

It is such a critical juncture. First of all, Pei Jiao knows that the world government will create a creature called a traitor. The soul body, the world government can use a method unknown to everyone to transform it, but after the transformation, it can’t be seen at all on the outside, the living is still alive, the soul is still the soul, and the transformed person does not know it at all , Even Rocky suffered a big loss when he attacked Easter Island, otherwise there would likely be many twists and turns at that time.

“It’s her… It’s indeed her, or in our feeling, it’s her.” Pei Jiao said in a deep voice, and he also squinted his eyes to look at the girl in front of him.

This kind of betrayer can be said to be the most hidden card of the world government. Let’s not talk about its power, but at least it is enough to cause trouble. For example, no one knows whether the people around them are transformed. Betrayers, and I don’t know when these betrayers were controlled and rebelled. In this way, some forces that are hostile to the world government will naturally be discordant, and these forces are not as formal or orthodox as the world government. , so once people’s hearts are not aligned, this is the biggest uneasy factor within its forces, so the hole card of the betrayer is definitely the most hidden hole card of the world government.

What a coincidence…the timing is too coincidental, and the person who appeared is also too coincidental!

Yes, Pei Jiao just suspects that the woman in front of him is a genetic human or similar person created by the world government with the technology of the previous civilization, and then transformed into a traitor, and then put into the headquarters of the Western European Soul Army Here, just waiting for Pei Jiao Group and others to take the bait.

Let’s talk about the timing first, right now everyone is returning from the fantasy land, and when the final battle with the world government is about to start, together with this blood sacrifice, they are actually preparing for this earth-shattering final battle, after all, the sky dragon projection It is definitely a great help for everyone, and it is also the only way to bridge the gap between everyone and the world government.

You know, Pei Jiao, in Gong Yeyu’s group, the core figures are naturally Pei Jiao and Gong Yeyu. If you want to create a betrayer to shake this group, then naturally it is the best people that these two people are familiar with, for example Pei Jiao’s father, or his younger sister or mother, or the adoptive father who raised Gong Yeyu, can be said to be the best result.

It is such a critical juncture. First of all, Pei Jiao knows that the world government will create a creature called a traitor. The soul body, the world government can use a method unknown to everyone to transform it, but after the transformation, it can’t be seen at all on the outside, the living is still alive, the soul is still the soul, and the transformed person does not know it at all , Even Rocky suffered a big loss when he attacked Easter Island, otherwise there would likely be many twists and turns at that time.

But there is one thing that the world government must know. These two people are both powerful men above the true devil level with their own hearts. Self-destruction is unshakable at all, so even if the world government really creates people they are familiar with and then transforms them into traitors, the two of them will at most feel a little bit of heart, and more will be for the world. No matter how much the government is angry, both sides are sworn enemies anyway. Since it is ineffective, the world government will not do these useless efforts again.

This kind of betrayer can be said to be the most hidden card of the world government. Let’s not talk about its power, but at least it is enough to cause trouble. For example, no one knows whether the people around them are transformed. Betrayers, and I don’t know when these betrayers were controlled and rebelled. In this way, some forces that are hostile to the world government will naturally be discordant, and these forces are not as formal or orthodox as the world government. , so once people’s hearts are not aligned, this is the biggest uneasy factor within its forces, so the hole card of the betrayer is definitely the most hidden hole card of the world government.

Then the remaining way to disintegrate the power of this group is to start with the rest of the group. Although the effect is not as strong as directly disintegrating the core two, the number of people in this group is small, and only one or two people need to be disintegrated. It is also a huge blow to this group.

Yes, Pei Jiao just suspects that the woman in front of him is a genetic human or similar person created by the world government with the technology of the previous civilization, and then transformed into a traitor, and then put into the headquarters of the Western European Soul Army Here, just waiting for Pei Jiao Group and others to take the bait.

Among the remaining few people, except that Ren Zhen is an orphan, and does not know the so-called biological parents at all, and does not have any unforgettable relatives, the rest of them all have relatives alive, but because their relatives are alive, and It must be controlled by the Chinese government, so even if these people are really transformed into traitors, it is absolutely impossible to send them directly to everyone, and they even need to be guarded and imprisoned, so that once everyone rescues their relatives, Only then will he not be too suspicious that he has been transformed, and he may have the opportunity to assassinate everyone.

You know, Pei Jiao, in Gong Yeyu’s group, the core figures are naturally Pei Jiao and Gong Yeyu. If you want to create a betrayer to shake this group, then naturally it is the best people that these two people are familiar with, for example Pei Jiao’s father, or his younger sister or mother, or the adoptive father who raised Gong Yeyu, can be said to be the best result.

But if these people who are still alive are directly transformed and thrown to Western Europe, then even an idiot will feel that something is wrong. Even if he has reached the strength of a true demon, it is basically impossible to endanger his life.

But there is one thing that the world government must know. These two people are both powerful men above the true devil level with their own hearts. Self-destruction is unshakable at all, so even if the world government really creates people they are familiar with and then transforms them into traitors, the two of them will at most feel a little bit of heart, and more will be for the world. No matter how much the government is angry, both sides are sworn enemies anyway. Since it is ineffective, the world government will not do these useless efforts again.

Among these many people, only Zhang Heng is an exception… Yes, although his parents were there, the person who really made him unforgettable all his life was the woman who changed his life in college. However, Zhang Heng also changed his mind because of this, and then died in the mountainous area. Although this kind of cause and effect is very concealed, if the state forces are used to investigate, the matter between Zhang Heng and that woman will naturally not be concealed. Eight generations of the woman’s ancestors may be investigated, so the appearance is naturally not included in the painting.

Then the remaining way to disintegrate the power of this group is to start with the rest of the group. Although the effect is not as strong as directly disintegrating the core two, the number of people in this group is small, and only one or two people need to be disintegrated. It is also a huge blow to this group.

That’s why Pei Jiao felt that this matter happened too coincidentally, the timing was coincidental, the candidate was clever, and the most important thing was that Zhang Heng discovered it by coincidence!

Among the remaining few people, except that Ren Zhen is an orphan, and does not know the so-called biological parents at all, and does not have any unforgettable relatives, the rest of them all have relatives alive, but because their relatives are alive, and It must be controlled by the Chinese government, so even if these people are really transformed into traitors, it is absolutely impossible to send them directly to everyone, and they even need to be guarded and imprisoned, so that once everyone rescues their relatives, Only then will he not be too suspicious that he has been transformed, and he may have the opportunity to assassinate everyone.

You know, this woman was really arranged and created by the world government, and mixed into the headquarters of the Western European soul army, but the chance of being discovered by Zhang Heng is too small and too small, this time divided into four groups , This is only a quarter of the chance, not to mention, the key is the identification and screening of the soul. In most cases, Ren Ping is no longer able to sympathize with the insiders who are screened out. Even if they were truly sympathetic, it would be impossible to go and check in person. Those who knew about the red light would be dragged away by the soldiers. Otherwise, how could it be possible to screen out half of the city’s population in one day? If everyone checks it out carefully, what about a large-scale lie detector?

But if these people who are still alive are directly transformed and thrown to Western Europe, then even an idiot will feel that something is wrong. Even if he has reached the strength of a true demon, it is basically impossible to endanger his life.

But under such circumstances, this woman not only met Zhang Heng’s group, but also met Zhang Heng under such circumstances. If it is less than a million, tens of millions, or one-hundredth of a billion, it can be achieved. If it is really a conspiracy by the world government, Pei Jiao does not believe it. Wouldn’t it be better to kill them directly?

Among these many people, only Zhang Heng is an exception… Yes, although his parents were there, the person who really made him unforgettable all his life was the woman who changed his life in college. However, Zhang Heng also changed his mind because of this, and then died in the mountainous area. Although this kind of cause and effect is very concealed, if the state forces are used to investigate, the matter between Zhang Heng and that woman will naturally not be concealed. Eight generations of the woman’s ancestors may be investigated, so the appearance is naturally not included in the painting.

But… what a coincidence.

Zhang Heng watched Pei Jiao ponder for a while, but he was anxious, and said directly: “Brother Pei Jiao, since I joined this team, I have never asked you anything… …This time I sincerely beg you, please help me.”

That’s why Pei Jiao felt that this matter happened too coincidentally, the timing was coincidental, the candidate was clever, and the most important thing was that Zhang Heng discovered it by coincidence!

Pei Jiao came back to his senses in a daze. He looked at Zhang Heng, who was blushing beside him, and said quickly, “Don’t ask for anything. You are my partner. Don’t tell me you don’t want to treat your partner?” Do you want to ask or not? This is your own business. If you think it is appropriate to let these people go, then let them go. If you think it is appropriate to bring this woman by your side, then take it with you. I and the like only need to act according to our own heart and be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, so why should we have any worries about doing things? Just do what you think!”

You know, this woman was really arranged and created by the world government, and mixed into the headquarters of the Western European soul army, but the chance of being discovered by Zhang Heng is too small and too small, this time divided into four groups , This is only a quarter of the chance, not to mention, the key is the identification and screening of the soul. In most cases, Ren Ping is no longer able to sympathize with the insiders who are screened out. Even if they were truly sympathetic, it would be impossible to go and check in person. Those who knew about the red light would be dragged away by the soldiers. Otherwise, how could it be possible to screen out half of the city’s population in one day? If everyone checks it out carefully, what about a large-scale lie detector?

Change may be a disaster, or it may be an opportunity. Zhang Heng and others have reached a bottleneck at this moment. They just need to find their true heart, condense their true heart, and then step into the rank of true devil in one fell swoop. Maybe the woman in front of them is Zhang Let’s keep turning…

But under such circumstances, this woman not only met Zhang Heng’s group, but also met Zhang Heng under such circumstances. If it is less than a million, tens of millions, or one-hundredth of a billion, it can be achieved. If it is really a conspiracy by the world government, Pei Jiao does not believe it. Wouldn’t it be better to kill them directly?

Zhang Heng was overjoyed when he heard the words, he quickly turned his head to look at the girl with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said, “Look, I told you that brother Pei Jiao will definitely not make things difficult for you, hehe, it’s finally over now, I promise you I can definitely do it!”

But… what a coincidence.

On the other hand, Pei Jiao secretly smiled bitterly. Among all the people, he was the only one who knew everything about Zhang Heng’s past, so he also knew what Zhang Heng said… Will he be able to do what he promised her? ?

Zhang Heng watched Pei Jiao ponder for a while, but he was anxious, and said directly: “Brother Pei Jiao, since I joined this team, I have never asked you anything… …This time I sincerely beg you, please help me.”

The girl’s nose was bruised and her face was swollen at the moment, but it was obvious that she was frightened and frightened at the moment, with some indescribable shyness. She slightly moved Zhang Heng’s hand holding him, but Zhang Heng She held it with peace of mind and confidence, and there was no chance for her to break free, so she could only lower her head and say, “Thank you…”

Pei Jiao came back to his senses in a daze. He looked at Zhang Heng, who was blushing beside him, and said quickly, “Don’t ask for anything. You are my partner. Don’t tell me you don’t want to treat your partner?” Do you want to ask or not? This is your own business. If you think it is appropriate to let these people go, then let them go. If you think it is appropriate to bring this woman by your side, then take it with you. I and the like only need to act according to our own heart and be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, so why should we have any worries about doing things? Just do what you think!”

Change may be a disaster, or it may be an opportunity. Zhang Heng and others have reached a bottleneck at this moment. They just need to find their true heart, condense their true heart, and then step into the rank of true devil in one fell swoop. Maybe the woman in front of them is Zhang Let’s keep turning…

Zhang Heng hurriedly smiled and said: “You’re welcome, it’s okay… you can take your parents back to your own residence first, there will definitely be some chaos in the city these days, uh, I’ll ask these troops to send ten people here To protect you, no, send twenty people, so that you can feel at ease.”

Zhang Heng was overjoyed when he heard the words, he quickly turned his head to look at the girl with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said, “Look, I told you that brother Pei Jiao will definitely not make things difficult for you, hehe, it’s finally over now, I promise you I can definitely do it!”

The girl still lowered her head, but it could be seen that she was obviously relieved, at least her body was no longer tense, she was silent for a while, and whispered again: “Thank you… “

“You’re welcome, hahaha.” Zhang Heng giggled loudly like this.

On the other hand, Pei Jiao secretly smiled bitterly. Among all the people, he was the only one who knew everything about Zhang Heng’s past, so he also knew what Zhang Heng said… Will he be able to do what he promised her? ?

Pei Jiao sighed at the side, and ignored Zhang Heng’s private conversation with the woman, turned around and looked at Xue Na and said: “Xue Na, this thing has been built, the blood sacrifice formation over there How’s it going? How long will it take to finish?”

The girl’s nose was bruised and her face was swollen at the moment, but it was obvious that she was frightened and frightened at the moment, with some indescribable shyness. She slightly moved Zhang Heng’s hand holding him, but Zhang Heng She held it with peace of mind and confidence, and there was no chance for her to break free, so she could only lower her head and say, “Thank you…”

Zhang Heng hurriedly smiled and said: “You’re welcome, it’s okay… you can take your parents back to your own residence first, there will definitely be some chaos in the city these days, uh, I’ll ask these troops to send ten people here To protect you, no, send twenty people, so that you can feel at ease.”

Xue Na hasn’t answered yet, but Rocky, who is squatting on the ground, has already stood up. He sneered and said: “If you want to ask about the progress, just ask me directly. I am still an ally. Although I am bloodthirsty and brutal, I am a trustworthy person. Since I have agreed to watch together during this period, I will definitely not do any internal friction… The blood sacrifice formation has been outlined. I’m just checking carefully.”

The girl still lowered her head, but it could be seen that she was obviously relieved, at least her body was no longer tense, she was silent for a while, and whispered again: “Thank you… “

Pei Jiao took a deep look at Rocky, nodded and said: “Since the matter of the alliance has been settled, you can rest assured that I am definitely not a villain who stabs people in the back, so that’s it, when we inform everyone After the city, the blood sacrifice will begin immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams.”

“You’re welcome, hahaha.” Zhang Heng giggled loudly like this.

These two people answer each other, in fact, it is to eliminate some of the barriers between each other. Although the hatred cannot be put down, at least there will be no civil strife during the alliance. After all, for the world government, any single party is Weak people have to unite to have a chance of winning. Neither of them is stupid. These words are just vaguely expressing this meaning.

Pei Jiao sighed at the side, and ignored Zhang Heng’s private conversation with the woman, turned around and looked at Xue Na and said: “Xue Na, this thing has been built, the blood sacrifice formation over there How’s it going? How long will it take to finish?”

“Then…Xue Na, activate this device, let’s announce our decision to the whole city, so that those who don’t know can feel at ease.” Pei Jiao then turned his head and said to Xue Na.

Xue Na hasn’t answered yet, but Rocky, who is squatting on the ground, has already stood up. He sneered and said: “If you want to ask about the progress, just ask me directly. I am still an ally. Although I am bloodthirsty and brutal, I am a trustworthy person. Since I have agreed to watch together during this period, I will definitely not do any internal friction… The blood sacrifice formation has been outlined. I’m just checking carefully.”

Xue Na nodded with a smile, and then saw that she used that Luna script again. As soon as a few characters flashed out, the machinery assembled by everyone suddenly became bright, and countless small electricity flashed in it. After that, the entire instrument has been fully activated.

Pei Jiao took a deep look at Rocky, nodded and said: “Since the matter of the alliance has been settled, you can rest assured that I am definitely not a villain who stabs people in the back, so that’s it, when we inform everyone After the city, the blood sacrifice will begin immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams.”

Gong Yeyu next to him was overjoyed. He was bored by the side. When the instrument was turned on, he immediately stood in front of the instrument and laughed loudly at the place where the microphone was obviously. A burst of laughter seemed to come from nine heavens above, the sound could be heard anywhere in the whole city, and the sound was not loud or small when heard in the ears, it was not deafening like thunder.

These two people answer each other, in fact, it is to eliminate some of the barriers between each other. Although the hatred cannot be put down, at least there will be no civil strife during the alliance. After all, for the world government, any single party is Weak people have to unite to have a chance of winning. Neither of them is stupid. These words are just vaguely expressing this meaning.

“Well, very good, the sound audition is good… Then people in this city listen up, we are the souls who occupy this city, uh, we are going to kill a large number of people tonight, about About one hundred thousand, hahaha…” Gong Yeyu said loudly while laughing.

“Then…Xue Na, activate this device, let’s announce our decision to the whole city, so that those who don’t know can feel at ease.” Pei Jiao then turned his head and said to Xue Na.

Everyone behind him felt headaches, and Pei Jiao couldn’t help itching his fists. The purpose of assembling this instrument this time was to appease the uninformed people in the whole city, although it must be There are also some escapees, but generally these people are just rich or powerful, or scientists, so they entered the city and were sheltered. It can be said that these people are indeed the elite of mankind. Even if they abandon money and power, these people It is definitely the group of people who have the most knowledge and skills among human beings. In the current situation where there may not be even 100 million human beings in the world, since these people have not committed serious crimes, why not leave them as the inheritors and kindling of human knowledge? If by luck, human beings can survive this catastrophe, then these people may be the greatest source of knowledge for human beings in the future.

Xue Na nodded with a smile, and then saw that she used that Luna script again. As soon as a few characters flashed out, the machinery assembled by everyone suddenly became bright, and countless small electricity flashed in it. After that, the entire instrument has been fully activated.

Because of this, Pei Jiao and the others didn’t kill just for the sake of killing. Although the act of blood sacrifice was utilitarian, even if there was no such thing as blood sacrifice, these people would have to be killed directly. So killing these people has nothing to do with blood sacrifice or not. The real reason is that they have violated the bottom line of being a human being, whether it is turning human beings into ghosts, or using human souls as tonics for purifying souls, or making human beings into energy sources The battery, all of this is completely anti-human!

Gong Yeyu next to him was overjoyed. He was bored by the side. When the instrument was turned on, he immediately stood in front of the instrument and laughed loudly at the place where the microphone was obviously. A burst of laughter seemed to come from nine heavens above, the sound could be heard anywhere in the whole city, and the sound was not loud or small when heard in the ears, it was not deafening like thunder.

So don’t say killing hundreds of thousands of people, this batch is just the beginning. If it is really according to Gong Yeyu’s temperament, except for those humans who have escaped from ghosts and fled into the mountains, everyone in the city Anyone who seeks asylum should be killed. People like him who can’t rub the sand in their eyes, if they are really allowed to kill, humans don’t have to wait for 2012. The world government will first create a lot of ghosts, and Gong Yeyu will do another big kill , it will be extinct directly.

“Well, very good, the sound audition is good… Then people in this city listen up, we are the souls who occupy this city, uh, we are going to kill a large number of people tonight, about About one hundred thousand, hahaha…” Gong Yeyu said loudly while laughing.

Because of this, this time Pei Jiao insisted to keep these uninformed people. This is the first one. Now he wants to appease the uninformed people in the whole city. This is the second. God knows how many people who don’t know will be scared to commit suicide, Pei Jiao’s painstaking efforts will be in vain, so he really wants to kick Gong Yeyu to death.

Everyone behind him felt headaches, and Pei Jiao couldn’t help itching his fists. The purpose of assembling this instrument this time was to appease the uninformed people in the whole city, although it must be There are also some escapees, but generally these people are just rich or powerful, or scientists, so they entered the city and were sheltered. It can be said that these people are indeed the elite of mankind. Even if they abandon money and power, these people It is definitely the group of people who have the most knowledge and skills among human beings. In the current situation where there may not be even 100 million human beings in the world, since these people have not committed serious crimes, why not leave them as the inheritors and kindling of human knowledge? If by luck, human beings can survive this catastrophe, then these people may be the greatest source of knowledge for human beings in the future.

However, Gong Yeyu didn’t give others a chance to act at all. After he laughed loudly, he calmed down, and then said in a deep voice: “To be honest, I’m sad, not because of the people who were killed, but I feel sorry for us human beings. What kind of **** is it that treats human beings of the same race as us as weapons, energy, and food? What qualifications do such people have to live? Heaven and Earth Don’t let it be destroyed, I will let it be destroyed, heaven and earth will not punish it, I will punish it! If there are ten people in this world like this, if I kill ten people, there will be a hundred people like this, if I kill a hundred people, there will be ten thousand people like this, I will Killing ten thousand people, all people are like this… I will make human beings extinct!”

Because of this, Pei Jiao and the others didn’t kill just for the sake of killing. Although the act of blood sacrifice was utilitarian, even if there was no such thing as blood sacrifice, these people would have to be killed directly. So killing these people has nothing to do with blood sacrifice or not. The real reason is that they have violated the bottom line of being a human being, whether it is turning human beings into ghosts, or using human souls as tonics for purifying souls, or making human beings into energy sources The battery, all of this is completely anti-human!

These words are full of murderous intent, but they are also upright. There is a real sense of righteousness. soul!

So don’t say killing hundreds of thousands of people, this batch is just the beginning. If it is really according to Gong Yeyu’s temperament, except for those humans who have escaped from ghosts and fled into the mountains, everyone in the city Anyone who seeks asylum should be killed. People like him who can’t rub the sand in their eyes, if they are really allowed to kill, humans don’t have to wait for 2012. The world government will first create a lot of ghosts, and Gong Yeyu will do another big kill , it will be extinct directly.

Several people around were secretly ashamed. They had thought of dragging Gong Yeyu away just now. Of course, the only ones who dared to do that were Pei Jiao and Yu Nvchen. After speaking, he stood quietly at the same spot, listening to Gong Yeyu talking alone.

Because of this, this time Pei Jiao insisted to keep these uninformed people. This is the first one. Now he wants to appease the uninformed people in the whole city. This is the second. God knows how many people who don’t know will be scared to commit suicide, Pei Jiao’s painstaking efforts will be in vain, so he really wants to kick Gong Yeyu to death.

Gong Yeyu still said solemnly: “So, you survived not because of our kindness, but because of your actions. Maybe there are villains among you who escaped punishment, or there are some villains who are about to be killed in this group. There are innocent people among the people, but we are not gods, so I will not apologize, it is not my fault, the world government takes it for granted that they kidnapped all human beings, then we are criminals, but real criminals It’s not us! We’re just people caught in the cracks to survive, and the real criminal is the world government that planned all of this, accomplished all of this, and kidnapped the survival of all human beings on their chariots!”

However, Gong Yeyu didn’t give others a chance to act at all. After he laughed loudly, he calmed down, and then said in a deep voice: “To be honest, I’m sad, not because of the people who were killed, but I feel sorry for us human beings. What kind of **** is it that treats human beings of the same race as us as weapons, energy, and food? What qualifications do such people have to live? Heaven and Earth Don’t let it be destroyed, I will let it be destroyed, heaven and earth will not punish it, I will punish it! If there are ten people in this world like this, if I kill ten people, there will be a hundred people like this, if I kill a hundred people, there will be ten thousand people like this, I will Killing ten thousand people, all people are like this… I will make human beings extinct!”

“Okay, this is what I want to say…”

These words are full of murderous intent, but they are also upright. There is a real sense of righteousness. soul!

Gong Yeyu was silent for a while, and then he suddenly said: “Next, whether you will die or live is entirely up to you. Whether you will live as a human being or be killed by me as a non-human being, everything is up to you.” It’s up to you to decide.”

Several people around were secretly ashamed. They had thought of dragging Gong Yeyu away just now. Of course, the only ones who dared to do that were Pei Jiao and Yu Nvchen. After speaking, he stood quietly at the same spot, listening to Gong Yeyu talking alone.

Speaking of this, Gong Yeyu really fell silent, and Pei Jiao who was behind him sighed softly, then turned his head and said to Rocky: “Then let’s start the blood sacrifice.”

Gong Yeyu still said solemnly: “So, you survived not because of our kindness, but because of your actions. Maybe there are villains among you who escaped punishment, or there are some villains who are about to be killed in this group. There are innocent people among the people, but we are not gods, so I will not apologize, it is not my fault, the world government takes it for granted that they kidnapped all human beings, then we are criminals, but real criminals It’s not us! We’re just people caught in the cracks to survive, and the real criminal is the world government that planned all of this, accomplished all of this, and kidnapped the survival of all human beings on their chariots!”

Luo Qi was also listening carefully to Gong Yeyu’s words, but his eyes were full of complex expressions. After Pei Jiao spoke, he turned around and said loudly to the subordinates of the Fallen Group: “You go Let those armies drive these people in, one team at a time.”

“Okay, this is what I want to say…”

There are about ten thousand people in one team. It doesn’t sound like ten thousand people is a lot, but when the ten thousand people are driven in by the army from outside the square, it is also a mighty bunch of people, and because These people knew that they were about to face death, even a more terrifying punishment than death, so most of them collapsed on the ground, unable to walk no matter how the soldiers beat and drove them away, or those fallen people were even more vicious. Some of them stayed on the ground, or those who caused riots directly threw the flames of sin on them. Immediately, these people were burned into soul pillars by the flames of sin, and the sound of fear and pain was continuously transmitted in the burning, Under such deterrence, even though they knew that they were about to face death, these people had no choice but to move forward… Even if they survived for a second, it was better than burning their souls immediately.

Gong Yeyu was silent for a while, and then he suddenly said: “Next, whether you will die or live is entirely up to you. Whether you will live as a human being or be killed by me as a non-human being, everything is up to you.” It’s up to you to decide.”

That’s it, when these ten thousand people have completely stepped into the blood sacrifice formation in the center of the square, there are already at least hundreds of soul flame pillars along the way, and the terrifying wail seems to come from the deepest part of **** The groans and desperate roars made this square more **** than hell. Even Pei Jiao and the others frowned, except that Gong Yeyu stared at him with wide-eyed eyes and no expression at all. Except that Rocky couldn’t see the expression at all, everyone else, even some fallen ones, felt uncomfortable.

Speaking of this, Gong Yeyu really fell silent, and Pei Jiao who was behind him sighed softly, then turned his head and said to Rocky: “Then let’s start the blood sacrifice.”

Luo Qi waited for the 10,000 people to enter the blood sacrifice formation, but he did not immediately activate the blood sacrifice, but silently glanced at Gong Yeyu and Pei Jiao, and then looked at Xue Na as if nothing had happened , Finally, he finally turned his head to the tens of thousands of people who had collapsed in the blood sacrifice formation.

Luo Qi was also listening carefully to Gong Yeyu’s words, but his eyes were full of complex expressions. After Pei Jiao spoke, he turned around and said loudly to the subordinates of the Fallen Group: “You go Let those armies drive these people in, one team at a time.”


There are about ten thousand people in one team. It doesn’t sound like ten thousand people is a lot, but when the ten thousand people are driven in by the army from outside the square, it is also a mighty bunch of people, and because These people knew that they were about to face death, even a more terrifying punishment than death, so most of them collapsed on the ground, unable to walk no matter how the soldiers beat and drove them away, or those fallen people were even more vicious. Some of them stayed on the ground, or those who caused riots directly threw the flames of sin on them. Immediately, these people were burned into soul pillars by the flames of sin, and the sound of fear and pain was continuously transmitted in the burning, Under such deterrence, even though they knew that they were about to face death, these people had no choice but to move forward… Even if they survived for a second, it was better than burning their souls immediately.

Rocky muttered a strange language to the blood sacrifice formation, which even Xue Na had never heard of, and for some inexplicable reason, her translation system could not translate these languages. The rune translation system of the Eye Clan directly incorporates the meaning of these languages ​​into their minds, so it is not limited to spoken language, written language, and coded language at all, and even some lights and telepathy that contain language meanings are all included. can be translated.

However, such a miraculous translation system is actually unable to translate the language spoken by Rocky, either these languages ​​are meaningless, or these languages ​​are above the rune translation system.

That’s it, when these ten thousand people have completely stepped into the blood sacrifice formation in the center of the square, there are already at least hundreds of soul flame pillars along the way, and the terrifying wail seems to come from the deepest part of **** The groans and desperate roars made this square more **** than hell. Even Pei Jiao and the others frowned, except that Gong Yeyu stared at him with wide-eyed eyes and no expression at all. Except that Rocky couldn’t see the expression at all, everyone else, even some fallen ones, felt uncomfortable.

These words must have certain meanings, and it is impossible to be meaningless, because as Luo Qi read these words, the entire blood sacrifice formation gradually began to emit light, which is a thick as blood. The red light seemed to be filled with blood for a while, and the red light was still in a liquid state, rolling away from all directions towards the center. The red light immediately howled miserably, as if it had been splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Luo Qi waited for the 10,000 people to enter the blood sacrifice formation, but he did not immediately activate the blood sacrifice, but silently glanced at Gong Yeyu and Pei Jiao, and then looked at Xue Na as if nothing had happened , Finally, he finally turned his head to the tens of thousands of people who had collapsed in the blood sacrifice formation.


No… it was indeed splashed by concentrated sulfuric acid, even aqua regia, which is more terrifying than concentrated sulfuric acid, or a new type of chemical weapon, because once covered by these liquid red lights, the person’s whole body will dissolve immediately , Really dissolve, the flesh all over the body seems to flow down the river like muddy flesh and water. After seven or eight seconds at most, these people shrouded in red light will become skeletons covered in muddy flesh. The most terrifying Yes, these people haven’t died yet, they are still caressing their bodies frantically and yelling non-stop. This scene is hard to describe in any horror movie.

Rocky muttered a strange language to the blood sacrifice formation, which even Xue Na had never heard of, and for some inexplicable reason, her translation system could not translate these languages. The rune translation system of the Eye Clan directly incorporates the meaning of these languages ​​into their minds, so it is not limited to spoken language, written language, and coded language at all, and even some lights and telepathy that contain language meanings are all included. can be translated.

However, the yelling of these people did not last long. Under the envelope of red light, flesh and blood first appeared, and then the bones began to dissolve, and the appearance of a soul appeared in the bones, and then, Even the soul was dissolved, just like that, dissolved in the red light, and these liquid-like red lights became more and more vivid.

However, such a miraculous translation system is actually unable to translate the language spoken by Rocky, either these languages ​​are meaningless, or these languages ​​are above the rune translation system.

In this way, in this indescribably terrifying scene, the red light became larger and more colorful, and the speed of devouring and dissolving the human body became faster and faster. From front to back, in just ten minutes, the tens of thousands of The human team was completely dissolved, and the red light had turned into substance. It was really a flowing liquid that kept churning in the blood sacrifice formation.

These words must have certain meanings, and it is impossible to be meaningless, because as Luo Qi read these words, the entire blood sacrifice formation gradually began to emit light, which is a thick as blood. The red light seemed to be filled with blood for a while, and the red light was still in a liquid state, rolling away from all directions towards the center. The red light immediately howled miserably, as if it had been splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Loki’s calm expression gradually became excited. You know, this is also the first time he has launched a blood sacrifice on such a large scale, and it is also the first time that the blood sacrifice formation has more than 10,000 people. According to those knowledge, the more people involved in the one-time blood sacrifice, the greater the reward he can get, but because of the venue and the formation he knew, 10,000 blood sacrifices at one time is already the limit, so he also I really look forward to how much rewards this blood sacrifice can get.

No… it was indeed splashed by concentrated sulfuric acid, even aqua regia, which is more terrifying than concentrated sulfuric acid, or a new type of chemical weapon, because once covered by these liquid red lights, the person’s whole body will dissolve immediately , Really dissolve, the flesh all over the body seems to flow down the river like muddy flesh and water. After seven or eight seconds at most, these people shrouded in red light will become skeletons covered in muddy flesh. The most terrifying Yes, these people haven’t died yet, they are still caressing their bodies frantically and yelling non-stop. This scene is hard to describe in any horror movie.

With the formation of the blood light, Rocky also read the inexplicable tone again, and the blood light seemed to be commanded by these tones, and slowly gathered together, the bright red was even more gorgeous, until When the red light condensed to a rubber-like quality, the large ball of blood-red light rushed towards the blood sacrifice formation on the ground, as if a big hole had been opened in the ground, the ball was as thick as rubber The red light penetrated directly into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

However, the yelling of these people did not last long. Under the envelope of red light, flesh and blood first appeared, and then the bones began to dissolve, and the appearance of a soul appeared in the bones, and then, Even the soul was dissolved, just like that, dissolved in the red light, and these liquid-like red lights became more and more vivid.

The people around have been watching all this in silence. Of course, except for the souls, those soldiers have already been scared out of their wits. If they didn’t know that they had been spared, at least on the surface, their lives were basically safe. Otherwise, this scene alone would be enough to make them lose all courage.

In this way, in this indescribably terrifying scene, the red light became larger and more colorful, and the speed of devouring and dissolving the human body became faster and faster. From front to back, in just ten minutes, the tens of thousands of The human team was completely dissolved, and the red light had turned into substance. It was really a flowing liquid that kept churning in the blood sacrifice formation.

Except for these soldiers, the rest of the people watched silently until the **** red light broke into the ground of the formation map, suddenly, a vast, deep, and vast will, like an endless universe, What kind of feeling is it, as if a person is standing in the starry sky of the infinite universe, looking at the surrounding stars, the Milky Way, and even the entire universe, this feeling can only make oneself feel small, in this willpower Underneath, everyone has such a feeling.

Loki’s calm expression gradually became excited. You know, this is also the first time he has launched a blood sacrifice on such a large scale, and it is also the first time that the blood sacrifice formation has more than 10,000 people. According to those knowledge, the more people involved in the one-time blood sacrifice, the greater the reward he can get, but because of the venue and the formation he knew, 10,000 blood sacrifices at one time is already the limit, so he also I really look forward to how much rewards this blood sacrifice can get.

At the same time when this will came, everyone felt their insignificance, only Gong Yeyu gave a loud shout, and a domineering aura soared from him, facing the indescribably vast The will rushed away wildly, but it was just like a stone sinking in the river and the sea, without even the slightest ripple, and even this will did not look at Gong Yeyu, it still only enveloped the surroundings.

With the formation of the blood light, Rocky also read the inexplicable tone again, and the blood light seemed to be commanded by these tones, and slowly gathered together, the bright red was even more gorgeous, until When the red light condensed to a rubber-like quality, the large ball of blood-red light rushed towards the blood sacrifice formation on the ground, as if a big hole had been opened in the ground, the ball was as thick as rubber The red light penetrated directly into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

Gong Yeyu’s domineering aura was only a slight rush, and then it reversed back around his body, enveloping him and everyone around him, forming a circle like a bead or a golden elixir. , despite the cover of the vast will, this round pill purely composed of the aura field is still standing still.

The people around have been watching all this in silence. Of course, except for the souls, those soldiers have already been scared out of their wits. If they didn’t know that they had been spared, at least on the surface, their lives were basically safe. Otherwise, this scene alone would be enough to make them lose all courage.

Until then, Xue Na, who was shrouded in this danzhu, breathed out: “Is this ‘Gaia’? The serpent of the entire multiverse, the entire multiverse itself, although the It’s just trillions of trillions… I don’t know how many trillionths of a trillion will, but if there is no resistance from this blood sacrifice formation, the people present can only be assimilated by its will and completely become “Gaia” part of it, but having said that… the holy soul is indeed the holy soul, it will not be ground for a hundred eons, it is as thorough and pure as a diamond crystal, even the will of ‘Gaia’ can only break the holy soul, but cannot assimilate the holy soul Well.” Speaking of this, Xue Na glanced at Gong Yeyu next to her.

Except for these soldiers, the rest of the people watched silently until the **** red light broke into the ground of the formation map, suddenly, a vast, deep, and vast will, like an endless universe, What kind of feeling is it, as if a person is standing in the starry sky of the infinite universe, looking at the surrounding stars, the Milky Way, and even the entire universe, this feeling can only make oneself feel small, in this willpower Underneath, everyone has such a feeling.

Until Gong Yeyu released his aura and resisted the vast will of the universe, the rest of the people recovered from their stupefaction, and outside of this round aura, the rest of the people, including the soldiers, were still alone He looked in a daze, and under the shroud of this will, the whole blood sacrifice formation suddenly flashed with light, and the runes, images, and glyphs that constructed the formation burst out with intense light, and this The vast will that enveloped the scene was sucked into the formation as the light of the formation illuminated, and then…

At the same time when this will came, everyone felt their insignificance, only Gong Yeyu gave a loud shout, and a domineering aura soared from him, facing the indescribably vast The will rushed away wildly, but it was just like a stone sinking in the river and the sea, without even the slightest ripple, and even this will did not look at Gong Yeyu, it still only enveloped the surroundings.

The smoke disappeared, as if nothing had happened, but only the soul masters present could feel it. With the disappearance of this vast universe-like will, suddenly, another dark and deep wave came from the top of the head. From the aura field… Yes, it is not the will, but the aura field, the will is the will, and the aura field is the aura field, the two are completely different.

Gong Yeyu’s domineering aura was only a slight rush, and then it reversed back around his body, enveloping him and everyone around him, forming a circle like a bead or a golden elixir. , despite the cover of the vast will, this round pill purely composed of the aura field is still standing still.

In a simple way, the aura field is the condensate of will and some other spirits, so in terms of will alone, it is almost colorless and invisible, and it is almost impossible to feel it at all, but the will before made everyone feel like Seeing the universe as it is, one can imagine what a terrifying existence the owner of this will is. It is almost comparable to the universe itself, and even surpasses the universe That’s why everyone was so gaffe before, but The aura field that appeared above everyone’s heads was just an aura field. Although it was deep and dark, it was far from being able to match the previous will. Of course, the huge aura field was unparalleled, and it had already reached the level of a true demon. level.

Until then, Xue Na, who was shrouded in this danzhu, breathed out: “Is this ‘Gaia’? The serpent of the entire multiverse, the entire multiverse itself, although the It’s just trillions of trillions… I don’t know how many trillionths of a trillion will, but if there is no resistance from this blood sacrifice formation, the people present can only be assimilated by its will and completely become “Gaia” part of it, but having said that… the holy soul is indeed the holy soul, it will not be ground for a hundred eons, it is as thorough and pure as a diamond crystal, even the will of ‘Gaia’ can only break the holy soul, but cannot assimilate the holy soul Well.” Speaking of this, Xue Na glanced at Gong Yeyu next to her.

“… Sure enough, the blood sacrifice of 10,000 people at one time, the rewards are surprisingly large, the sky dragon projection has appeared, maybe after the blood sacrifice of the remaining people, they will be divided into two to exist at the same time , this sky dragon projection is enough to reach the intermediate level of the Demon King…”

Until Gong Yeyu released his aura and resisted the vast will of the universe, the rest of the people recovered from their stupefaction, and outside of this round aura, the rest of the people, including the soldiers, were still alone He looked in a daze, and under the shroud of this will, the whole blood sacrifice formation suddenly flashed with light, and the runes, images, and glyphs that constructed the formation burst out with intense light, and this The vast will that enveloped the scene was sucked into the formation as the light of the formation illuminated, and then…

Loki looked at the sky frantically. In the dark night sky, a group of even darker and huge figures hovered above the nine heavens. It was a huge creature that looked like a snake and a dragon. It was… …

The smoke disappeared, as if nothing had happened, but only the soul masters present could feel it. With the disappearance of this vast universe-like will, suddenly, another dark and deep wave came from the top of the head. From the aura field… Yes, it is not the will, but the aura field, the will is the will, and the aura field is the aura field, the two are completely different.

“Sky Dragon! Osiris!”

In a simple way, the aura field is the condensate of will and some other spirits, so in terms of will alone, it is almost colorless and invisible, and it is almost impossible to feel it at all, but the will before made everyone feel like Seeing the universe as it is, one can imagine what a terrifying existence the owner of this will is. It is almost comparable to the universe itself, and even surpasses the universe That’s why everyone was so gaffe before, but The aura field that appeared above everyone’s heads was just an aura field. Although it was deep and dark, it was far from being able to match the previous will. Of course, the huge aura field was unparalleled, and it had already reached the level of a true demon. level.

(Infinite Horror Rumor: The progress of the natural enemy made me almost desperate, and I found a big loophole in it. To be precise, it was a layout of Chu Xuan that made Adam fall into a dead end, which was almost irreparable, so it was overthrown again. Rewriting, this short story is not long, but it involves the battle of wits between Chu Xuan, Adam, and Neos, and it also needs to clearly describe Zhao GG’s past, so it is too complicated. So far, I have fallen into a mess again. In order to make this short story the most exciting story, I am almost desperate.) (!)

“… Sure enough, the blood sacrifice of 10,000 people at one time, the rewards are surprisingly large, the sky dragon projection has appeared, maybe after the blood sacrifice of the remaining people, they will be divided into two to exist at the same time , this sky dragon projection is enough to reach the intermediate level of the Demon King…”

Loki looked at the sky frantically. In the dark night sky, a group of even darker and huge figures hovered above the nine heavens. It was a huge creature that looked like a snake and a dragon. It was… …

“Sky Dragon! Osiris!”

(Infinite Horror Rumor: The progress of the natural enemy made me almost desperate, and I found a big loophole in it. To be precise, it was a layout of Chu Xuan that made Adam fall into a dead end, which was almost irreparable, so it was overthrown again. Rewriting, this short story is not long, but it involves the battle of wits between Chu Xuan, Adam, and Neos, and it also needs to clearly describe Zhao GG’s past, so it is too complicated. So far, I have fallen into a mess again. In order to make this short story the most exciting story, I am almost desperate.) (!)

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